• Member Since 11th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen Saturday


Very divisible.

More Blog Posts440

  • 23 weeks
    an update

    Hi all. I hope everyone is doing well. I've been taking an extended break from FimFiction lately. Had some undesirable interactions with some users. That coupled with some of my creative frustrations just makes logging on... kind of unpleasant? If I do log on, it's usually to try and catch up with the fics I'm reading and then I quickly log off. I'm just feeling drained with the MLP fanfic

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  • 27 weeks
    holidays '23

    Writing updates. Chattin' up about life. Not a dense post, but get it after the jump.

    Art by Nookprint

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  • 29 weeks

    It was my birthday yesterday! I'd meant to post the day of, but honestly, I was so tired and busy I just didn't have much time or energy to sit at my computer. Wanna hear a funny story or two, plus see the new playlist I made for Sassaflash? Get it after the jump!

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  • 31 weeks
    ponies fix everything

    New chapter for What They Hope to Find is out! I talk about what's next after the jump, but before that, a quick anecdote:

    Last night, my family was having trouble finding something to watch together. My nine-year-old son didn't have any ideas, but he pretty much shot down every suggestion we had. Eventually, out of frustration and half-serious, I say, "Let's just watch ponies."

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  • 31 weeks
    Jinglemas! And Rarijack!

    I'm participating in this year's Jinglemas! It's a cute fic exchange that happens every year. I requested a rare pair ship, three guesses which. :twilightsheepish: Today is the last day to join, so if you want in on it, be sure to read over the rules and PM Shakespearicles!

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Small WTEtG Update · 1:54am Jun 19th, 2016

So Editor Man first ran into technical problems even looking at the document I sent him (for some reason he couldn't leave comments) then he had a bunch of important life stuff keep him busy. I told him not to fret because honestly... The chapter is done. At least the damn thing is done! Before we couldn't even say that much.

It's kind of a long shot getting an update tomorrow. Whenever the chapter is done, it shall go up, regardless of what day it is!

In the beginning, I had more than one editor, but then it dropped down to just the one. I tried getting new ones after that, but no one was interested. I'm looking for people who have better than average skills. In other words: they need to be able to catch more stuff than I do.

If you feel you can do it (or know someone who might be interested to) let me know! I'd love to take some of the pressure off of Editor Man. He does so much.

Comments ( 5 )

I have certain


Heh. I could help, though, dumb jokes aside.


Can you stop an entire army too?

I live for bad jokes, Cyn. I LIVE FOR THEM.



I haven't watched Xena sadly.



...Honestly, it's typical 90s television adventure that I love to silly bits. It's over-the-top (but low budget) action with slap stick and extreme soap operatic melodrama rubbing elbows with each other. Eikasia was greatly inspired by it. Saturated with lesbian subtext. It'd be a shame if Netflix took it off instant streaming.

4032564 like I think I watched a little as a kid? I remember it but don't remember it, you know?

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