• Member Since 4th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 18th, 2022

The Wandering Bard

"I am a singer, a poet, a musician, a storyteller. I am a bard at heart. That is who I am. That is what I shall always be." (Icon by atokota on FurAffinity)

More Blog Posts143

  • 175 weeks
    I'm aliiiiiiiiiiive!!!

    Heyo, everyone!

    It certainly has been an age since I've been on here, hasn't it?

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  • 262 weeks
    Some OC Questions

    Hey, all! This is a meme by gilgamemesh I've seen around Tumblr, and since I haven't gotten any asks about it there, I thought I'd post it here! Here's how it works: pick a number or multiple numbers from the list, post it/them in the comments, and in about a week or so (depending on how many asks I get), I'll post a follow-up blog about it! And if two people ask about the same number, that's

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  • 262 weeks
    An Update!

    Hello, all!

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  • 269 weeks
    About That Commission

    Hey, all!

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  • 270 weeks
    A Commission I Never Received

    Hey, all.

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    7 comments · 349 views

Why I've Been Gone · 2:03am Jun 21st, 2016

Some of you may be getting tired of my sudden and long disappearances. Believe it or not, I am, too. However, a bunch of things coalesced at around the same time that caused this long absence, and I needed time to breathe and set things straight again.

First off, I majorly screwed some things up in my real life. And it took a long while to even begin to set things right again. It did not feel right to run off and become involved in the site and its going-ons when I had very real situations that needed mending. Fortunately, though, things are now on the right path.

And then came the Orlando shooting, and the attacks in France and England. It did not seem right to those who were affected, no matter if you're in the LGBTQ community or in those countries or not, to come back with this blog that focuses on myself and why I've been gone so long. And if this still strikes a chord or is seen as rude or insensitive, then I apologize. It is not my intention at all. And to those who were affected, know that I stand with you.

Lastly, my time away has helped me realize that I also need to focus on myself more. How? Well, before I left, there were people coming to me, wanting me to fix their problems on an insurmountable scale. But the reality is, I can't. I can collaborate on stories (though please ask beforehand, and please do not be offended if I say no), I can help edit stories, and am more than happy to do so! I can be friends with people, as I still love to meet new people and make friends! But keep this in mind: I am not a medical professional, I am not a therapist. I can't change lives and make everything better. And I hate to say this, because I hate letting people down, and I feel like that is what I will be doing by saying this. But I cannot and will not sacrifice my well-being for others, and I now see that it was getting to that point. If things are seriously wrong in your life and you need help, then PLEASE turn to a professional. They will be able to help you.

But, on a positive note, I have been very active in my time away. I have started to do voice acting for story readings and other kinds of readings with my wonderful friends MelancholyIguana and Will-Owl-the-Wisp. (Thank you, Cynic, for telling Mel about me!) Mel, Wisp, my non-brony friend Leo and I have also started up a podcast! We've talked about many things: our writings, voice acting, why and how we created our OCs, Leo's webcomic The Continuum, my obsession with BioShock Infinite, (:derpytongue2:) and so, so much more. I've done a new story reading of my own and am in the middle of the editing process on that, finished one story for Wisp as well as helped to edit one of hers, and started another Lyric story and a pseudo-sequel to another story of mine (which should be done shortly). And I've been developing a character and story set in the world of The Continuum with Leo's blessing and encouragement. I've been making plans for BronyCon still, and things are still on track for me to cosplay as Lyric. And I've also started learning how to create sock bunnies, thanks to a very helpful tutorial I found online. Add all of this on top of my day to day life, and it's been pretty busy.

Now, with all of that said, I can't promise that I will be as active on here as I was before. I have recently become more active on DeviantArt, but I have found that it does not take as much time or energy to be as active there, and so I have not been getting burnt out as I sometimes have here. And if people want to stop following me because of this absence and because of all my previous absences, then I understand. I thank you for being a follower for as long as you were. And for those who are sticking around, I thank you for your patience. It's been a bumpy road lately, but it's looking as if it will be smoother sailing from here on out. I look forward to sharing my latest Lyric tale with you, and all of these other projects I and my friends have been working on.

Comments ( 70 )

We totally understand bestie, glad things are on the right path in real life at the very least. And glad to hear all that positive stuff!

Good to see you again, Lyric.:twilightsmile:

Thank you, bestie, and sorry for being gone for so long. Thank you for understanding.

Again, no problem, just glad to see you back Lyric.:twilightsmile:

Thank you. :twilightsmile: It's good to be back.

:pinkiegasp:!! It's you!! I thought you were gone for good. :fluttercry:*snugs*

Yes indeed, and that things are on the right path. *hug* :twilightsmile:

*hug* Nah, I'd never leave for good. I just had a lot that needed dealing with is all. I'm sorry for worrying you, and for dropping out when you were looking for help on your story.

4037607 I'm just glad to see chu again! And you don't have to worry about that. I havnt even done any writing in weeks.

Comment posted by Protopony350 deleted Jun 21st, 2016

And I'm glad to see you, too! You and everyone. :twilightsmile:

Ayyyyyyyy! Long time no see! *hugs!*

Hey! *hugs* Yeah, been a while. ^_^ How have you been?

4037638 :heart:. I'll see if I can dig up our old pm. :heart:

Alrighty! Don't worry if I don't answer for a while, though. I'm going to be going through all the PMs I received and cleaning things out.

4037652 kinda alright! Glad things are kinda going better for you old friend!

Thank you! And glad to hear that things have been pretty alright with you. :twilightsmile:

4037690 Heehee. I'll wait a day or two.

(Thank you, Cynic, for telling Mel about me!)

Absolutely, my friend. :twilightsmile:

Hey, Cynic! Yeah, you really started something awesome, and I cannot thank you enough. :twilightsmile:

How have you been?

4037985 Things have been pretty decent on my end. Somewhat exhausting though.

Oh? A lot of stuff going on? (And don't feel like you have to share if you don't want to.)

It's good to see you back here, my friend. I am glad to hear that you will still be popping in every once in a while to check on things.

I wish you success in everything you are working on.

Thank you, Lyra-chan. Thank you so much.

4037700 well just know whenever you're here you're welcomed :rainbowkiss:

Thank you very much, my friend. :twilightsmile:

4037994 Mostly final exams and such.

Good lord!

It's been to long bard. I was actually worried, not really but not seeing someone for a long time has that effect on me. I hope things are at least stable in your life now. You deserve to be happy.

Aaah, yep, that'll do it.

How have you been, by the way?

Thank you, my friend, and I am sorry to have caused such upset. But yes, things are on the right track now, and are very much looking up. :twilightsmile:

Oh, no, I wasn't hinting at you, Cookie. The thing is that you needed help, but you weren't expecting someone else to solve your problems. Nor did you push me away. And I hope that all is going well with you, or at least on the right track now, though I'm truly sorry to hear about your family member. :fluttercry:

I definitely say so. It wasn't you. I promise you that.


That's good to hear. May good fortune always find you :twilightsmile:

And you as well, my friend. :twilightsmile: Thank you.


I saw you added a new story. I'll be sure to read that

PS. How much feed did you have :trollestia:

Thank you. I'd be honored if you did.

And I had over 8,000 notifications in my feed. XD

:rainbowlaugh: Honestly, I just clicked on my feed to make the number disappear. I'll sift back a little ways, but going through them all would be madness!

Miss Lyric, it saddens me a bit to read that you take/took so much upon yourself.:fluttershysad:

You have every right to put yourself first. Helping others is a good thing. You've helped me from my 1st story that I had written. You learned me the basics of writting and English grammar! I asked you now over a year ago if you wanted to help me edit the chapters to which you accepted!:yay:

Needless to say that I was indescribably greatful that you would help me out from the get-go. And I still am. And always will be.:twilightsmile:

Lyric... If I knew you were as busy as you describe... I would not have put my writing on your shoulders...

But even so, you helpd me a long way. To this day, I still have your notes for my editing that you gave me with the first 2 chapters of SFFG!

If there is SOMEONE who deserves to make it easy on himself/herself, it would be you.

You helped more users than just me. All the wile making your own stories, collabariting with others, voice acting, editing...

There is no speech big enough to say how much you've done for me. As well as for others.:pinkiesad2:

Were it not for you helping me in the beginning, I might never have gone passed chapter 3.

From me, and I bet for a lot of others, thank you... sincerly.:twilightsmile:

Now, put your feet up Miss Lyric. And relax for the rest of your time on here.:yay:

And if I find you working to much again... I'll bring you a cup of thea, place you on a chair, wrap a blanket around you, put a movie on, and turn everything else off.:raritywink:

Forever your student;

Oh, no, no, no, Lazydrill! All of this came MUCH later. It did not happen while I was helping you. But I do thank you for your care, concern, understanding, and your warm welcome back. :twilightsmile: You really have come a long way from when you first started learning how to write in English, and your story is certainly a delight! I am glad and honored to have helped you with it, and to know that you are able to continue with it.

But I do promise that I'll take it easier from now on. I've been working to get away from negativity in my life, and I have been a lot happier lately. And yes, things are very much on the right track for me now.

But enough on me! How have you been?


At that point it wouldn't matter. Except the latest stuff.

Except for the stories, pretty much. But I have so many backlogged into my library. :twilightsheepish:

Except for the stories, pretty much. But I have so many backlogged into my library. :twilightsheepish:


I can imagine. Also you said this twice. :derpytongue2:

4039407 Good to hear that you'lll take it easier from here!:moustache:

I'm doing average myself. Nothing to bad happening. Just work that feels like it is the only thing I do.:rainbowlaugh:

But beside that, all is well. I hope the same will be wih you.:twilightsmile:

XD Yeah, sorry. I was on my phone and it was flaking out. Kept getting an error message, so I hit "Post Comment" more than once.

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