• Member Since 30th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 17th, 2021

Vanilla Mocha

I enjoy ponies. I enjoy coffee. I enjoy writing. So therefore, this pegasister enjoys FimFiction.

More Blog Posts546

  • 246 weeks
    Lol what’s up

    Hey lol it me ok bye

    9 comments · 484 views
  • 345 weeks

    Lol I don’t log on here much but if you want cover art check me out on DeviantArt. I’m currently closed right now but I’ll be open again soon.

    Want a picture that looks like this? :

    Or this? :

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    8 comments · 618 views
  • 381 weeks
    I just typed up a few paragraph long blog post but I was stupid and deleted the wrong tab so I'll summarize here

    1) I didn't know that the passwords are screwed up now, I wasn't here for that, and I don't plan on coming back

    2) I do commissions on DA, see here for more, here's some examples of my original art without bases:

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    6 comments · 691 views
  • 382 weeks
    Please Read

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    17 comments · 560 views
  • 383 weeks
    Stuff & Hiatus

    I'm going on hiatus. In the mean time check this out. If you care about what I post and want to stay in touch while I'm offline follow me for updates please. If you're subbed to my YouTube click that notification bell.

    3 comments · 576 views

I Might Not Reply To All Of My PMs For A While · 1:16am Jun 23rd, 2016

I'm feeling really down again... :fluttercry: I'm not looking for attention... I just need some time alone. A few people I'll reply to (don't feel upset if I don't reply...I will eventually) but I really feel like crying super hard right now... :raritycry:

Comments ( 8 )

I'm so sorry, Mocha... *Hugs tightly* :fluttershysad:

Im sorry

Completely understood. Hope you feel better soon. *Hugs*

Hey, hey hey hey what's wrong? *hugs you*

Now, tell me what's wrong. I'm listening.

Sorry Vanilla, if you wish, you can talk about it with me. But, not being as close to you as others, I understand if you don't want to.

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