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It's fanfiction all the way down.

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Panstormer! No, Barn Flash? · 9:38pm Jun 26th, 2016

One of my editors has started shipping Actingverse characters. Starcover is OTP, of course, but he had a bit of a soft spot for Panstormer. Which really, means the next chapter I have to write is less a touching and introspective slice of life story, and more...

Yeah, that. Oh well.

Have a pony!

Comments ( 8 )

Trivia: Dressing Room is (so far) the only one in the series not named for its subject.

Starcover is OTP, of course,

Of course, we all know that the only viable and perfectly logical and adorable and TOTALLY NOT SQUICKY * ship is Starazon.

* Star is seventeen, so it's not even illegal in a most first-world countries!


That's what Pav suggested. :|

I hate you both.

Also, it's "Amazon Power." Get it right!

It's a viloation of the usual portmanteau rules, but I'd say the only proper names is: FlashStorm.

Text of image might be better worded:

"Rainbow Dash looked longingly into Fluttershy's eyes... and then they"


Panstormer? Not Butterstormer? I'm shocked. Especially given the picture.

Sigh. More ships than the New York City harbor. I love you guys.

Of course within the Acting-universe there will be fan fiction as well which does read very much like that. I wonder what the girls think of their fan fiction community?

"Argh, I hate all this Real Pony Fiction."

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