• Member Since 13th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 13th, 2013

The Music Man

More Blog Posts84

  • 563 weeks
    I Need a Break!

    I have a tenancy to over stress about things, especially my stories. It's funny, when I stress about my stories, it completely kills my creativity. I think I'm going to take a break from them for now. Besides... a lot has been going on in my life.

    I just need a break. Hopefully, I'll be back in a couple of weeks.

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  • 564 weeks
    MASSIVE Writer's Block. Need Help.

    So I'm having a MASSIVE bout of writer's block (hence the title) and I don't know how to get over it. The scourge might be caused be me staying home and being lazy (relative to my college life). Nevertheless I'M SICK OF IT!

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    4 comments · 380 views
  • 565 weeks
    Ignoring People From Now On

    All this commenting and responding I've been doing has really been draining on my time. I'm going to try and curve all this "social interaction" so I can get back to work.

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  • 565 weeks
    Why I Love My Religion

    I have a sense that most people don't like religion because they feel it restrictive, as if it were a club that if one were to break the rules, they would find themselves not only at the establishment's footsteps but at the end of mocking hypocrites' fingers. "He who is without sin, cast the first stone." I don't remember the book, chapter, or verse, but words like these are not easily

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  • 566 weeks
    More Deadpool

    Since I hate Deadpool as a character, and since everyone is building him up as a hero on Deviant Art, I figure I'll write a little more with him. Somewhat because he's popular, but mostly because I can literally put him through the shredder.

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Evolution is in the Title to Get Your Attention · 2:50am Sep 8th, 2012

Looking at my last blog post was pretty disheartening. But that's what I get for not posting a story. Anyway, I will still be writing every chance I get, but I want to expound on more than just writing itself. Writing is about engaging the read's mind by introducing new topics and ideas, so that is what I will do on my blog, and I will start with the topic of evolution.

In my Biology class, we talked about how evolution and religion mixed. For creationist, it didn't set well, and was banned from public schools for decades.

What is the Music Man's stance? I say you can slice it anyway you like it, I will still believe in God.

What is your stance on it? Well, from the last post, no pony reads these, so I think we all know what your stance is on it. Or you could prove me wrong.

Always Sincerely,

The Music Man

Report The Music Man · 146 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

How do evolution and religion mix? Well, they don't.

Also, creationism's status in public schools depends entirely upon where you live. Many schools (especially in the *ahem* Southern United States) actually still tell kids that evolution is just a theory.

If you mean a theory as in just an idea, one that has yet to be proven wrong or right, then that's completely incorrect. Evolution is to biology what gravity is to physics. It's absolutely been proven, we have so much evidence in its favour that it would be complete foolery to doubt it. We have SEEN bacteria mutate and respond to their environment, alter their DNA to improve their species. We know for a fact that evolution is real.

Now, the part where Creationists always fuck up and make themselves look even sillier is by raising the point of the origin of life. Evolution doesn't TRY to explain the origin of life. It only explains how humans (and all other life forms) became what they are today.

Just a question, are you a young Earth or old Earth creationist?


Anyway, in science, things can be proven wrong. Giving evolution the first name "theory" reminds us of this fact. But you are right, this would be as hard as proving gravity wrong.

Even thought Darwin's original theory did not explain the origin of life, there are other theories that do. I would give an example, but I'm to lazy to google it right now.

I love how you assume I'm a creationist, and it's true, but I use it as a very broad term. It is true that I believe in the Bible, but not that every word literally means what it means. The Bible has been translated numerous times, so to take it as a legal document would be foalish. However, it does contain spiritual truths which are more focused on converting and bettering a pony, rather than to informing them of events like these that, in this light, are not that important.

Now, the reason I think this is a big issue is that most people think you can explain away deity. That if you find everything there is to find, that He disappears. This is an absurd thought. I think that evolution can be true in its entirety, but that doesn't mean a thing faith wise.

Thanks for answering.

Always Sincerely,

The Music Man

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