• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

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"Legends of Equestria" Quest Writer Application Result · 1:53pm Jul 10th, 2016

As you maybe remember, I have applied as a quest writer for "Legends of Equestria" in May.
Or maybe you don't remember, in this case, here are the two blog entries I wrote about my application:



And now I'm able to tell you the result of the application!
Truth is, I wasn't really sure if something would come out of it. I was hoping for it, of course, as I love "Legends of Equestria" more than most things and it was a big dream to become a member of the development team and do something for the game to help it grow and succeed, but I was uncertain if I would make it.
Sure, I'm a pretty good writer, hence why I came into the second round of the application process, but I've never written a quest for an MMORPG before and I knew doing that would prove itself to be completely different than fic writing, so I was really preparing myself for a rejection despite my hopes.
Then, a little more than a month ago, on June 1st, I received the final answer from the lead of the Writing Department and.....

I made it into the team!

I almost couldn't believe my eyes when I opened my e-mail program and looked through my mails on June 2nd and when I found the positive answer on my application!
It actually, really became a reality and I'm still overwhelmed by it that I can lend the game my helping hoof as a quest writer now! :scootangel:
Or, more precisely, since almost five and a half weeks already.
There is a reason why I waited so long with announcing my acceptance into the LoE development team. As I said in my blog entry about the second round of the application process, I want to publish the quest that I wrote for my application and this is something I needed to get permission for first, as I wasn't sure if the team wants to keep certain details about the way quests are written confidential.
And before I started asking about it, I wanted to show significant progress with my first quest I wrote for the game, so it took some time to get the answer.
Which I finally received yesterday, so I can spread the happy news at last!
And what makes it even more happy, I got permission to publish the quest! There's only one little detail about it I was asked to remove, but other than that, I can show the quest in all its glory! And don't worry too much about this detail, it's nothing that affects the story of the quest!
The quest that I have written won't be in the game, which is the main reason why I'm able to present it to you, but if you are interested to get an insight into how a quest for "Legends of Equestria" is written, you can read my application quest here:


As freshly-baked quest writer for "Legends of Equestria" now, this means it's of course taking up more of my time to write quests for the game, but there's no reason to worry about my fics because of that.
I'm able to clear time every day to write quests in addition to write my fics, so the weekly chapters of "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" and "Aunt Millie" will still happen as usual!
One thing is important, though:

Even though you now know that I'm a quest writer for "Legends of Equestria", please don't ask me questions about the development of the game.
There are a lot of things I know now, some of them very exciting, but I'm under a very strict NDA, so I'm not allowed to tell you anything that wasn't publicly announced. Doing so would mean to get expelled from the team and I also don't want to spoil future content of the game, so my lips are sealed.
I'm also not allowed to talk about future OSWs and their dates, so please don't ask me when the next OSW happens either, I won't be able to answer.
I won't answer any questions about future game content or anything else about the game that hasn't been announced in public and comments/messages containing such questions will be ignored by me.
Please keep that in mind. I have no permission to tell you anything that I know and I also don't want to tell you such confidential things.
If something for the game was announced, though, I will sure write one or two blog entries about it, now that I'm part of the team.

That's it, I guess. I don't really know how to finish this blog entry, because the summer heat is taking its toll on me right now by melting my brain, but a huge dream of mine has become true now, I'm a quest writer of the best game in existence! YAY! :scootangel:

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