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There Is Only One Team For Me · 1:14am Jul 12th, 2016

So I'm guessing people have Pokemon Go these days, huh? I don't, I stopped showing interest in Pokemon years ago. However, all I've been hearing these past few days Team Valor, Mystic, and Instinct? Whatever. I may not be a Pokemon fan anymore, but there is only one team that will always be in my heart. The Team that started it all.

Comments ( 15 )

I do hope this isn't from a musical they released that got lost to time.

No, this is from a soundtrack they did for American audiences.

4085385 Looks like Indigo (first season) so I should be arriving on it shortly...and all I can see while typing this is boobs bouncing up and down.

…I love you right now.

Team Rocket's blasting off again!

I've always had a question about this being the real Team Rocket Motto since Jessie and James met Butch and Cassidy with a different version. Knowing how clueless J & J are, I wouldn't be surprised they changed the motto (along with their uniforms) to meet their idea of style.
Ever wonder why do most of these Team Rocket teams have Western Bad Guy Names? :coolphoto:

Not even a fan and I love this song!

Oh yes. You win.

And now a montage of all the mottos over the years. Join in and speak along as you pledge your allegiance to Team Rocket:

My wife, who is the anti video game and anti anime, plays it. Not gonna lie, it's kinda hot.

Team Rocket seems to be what all the troll Go players are unofficially calling themselves.

So you teaming up with the robbers, eh? Well O'yll be happi to fouight you then!

You horrible un-teamed heathen. How dare you and yada yada.

Honestly, I just want to catch all the Mons. I only joined a team so people would stop bugging me about being teamless.

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