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What is a pony? But a miserable pile of secrets.

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  • 174 weeks

    Hey I know I don't post as many blogs as other folks around this time but I need those who are available to do something huge.

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  • 292 weeks

    This is not a joke or anything. I need you all to do something for someone else here. Do whatever you can. Signal boost or donate, or signal boost AND donate which would be more preferrable.

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  • 354 weeks

    Thank you everyone. My mother's surgery was a success and she's healthy as can be. We just got to heal the stitches and such before she's back to her former self but everything's looking good.

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  • 354 weeks

    Hey guys. Um you may remember quite a while back I asked for prayers regarding my mother and some cancer surgery... well I thank every one who did so but I now ask again that you pray. Because tomorrow at 7:15 a.m. EST my mom's going through reconstructive surgery for her breasts, which had to be removed due to the cancer. Now this isn't AS bad as last time but.... this is still a rather worrying

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  • 377 weeks
    Pray for my family

    Today my mom gets surgery to deal with a cancer we thought was gone. It's not aggressive thank God and the surgery shouldn't be bad but..... I'm still scared as all hell. Prayers and Good vibes would be welcome. I know some of you may have seen I've been on edge or more nervous this is why...... and for whatever it's worth I'm really sorry.

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What is Salt? · 12:27am Jul 14th, 2016

Okay... so there's a... movie that I've wanted to see.... I will not say what it is. I will not disclose it's title because that's not what this is about. What is it about? It's about when fans act like whiny bitches instead of ACTUAL critics. Now the film's already out and reviewers say it's a good movie.... but then a fellow brony on this site posted a blog about how good it was here and suddenly EVERY negative person from here to timbucktu show up and start saying no that the movie is shit and it wasn't good. I decided to confront one of the detractors who said that the movie was only getting good reviews via being paid. I commented on the salt and he said that the movie was gonna be bad and you didn't need salt to know that. I then confronted him about the review pot shot he took... and this is what he said. From his keyboard to the computer.

Well....it's not entirely wrong when ya think about it. Most top critics like the Rolling Stones for example, happen to either say it's good to get money, or say it's good to get money. So really...they could say one of the main characters ate dog shit and still find it appealing(which if that actually happened in the movie than it would be just hilarious:rainbowlaugh:)

....... that disgusts me. That honestly disgusts me. Have film fans REALLY gotten THIS pathetic about what movies need to be good and what need to be bad.... to the point that when a reviewer says it's good then they're either doing it for views or being paid off... it.... it honestly breaks my heart. To the fans who said this movie still sucks... and are willing to hide behind statements like that? YOU all need to get over the fact it did good and actually see the film for not JUST the bad but the good.

Report VampDash · 527 views ·
Comments ( 25 )
Comment posted by Darth Gonzo deleted Jul 14th, 2016
Comment posted by VampDash deleted Jul 14th, 2016
Comment posted by Darth Gonzo deleted Jul 14th, 2016

To be honest, critics and reviews mean nothing

4089711 Tell that to BvS.

4089711 And yet I trust them more then fans who are this salty about shit.

4089722 what I mean is a critics review is based off off personal bias and opinion, you can't know what you think of a movie, game or show without seeing it for yourself

4089739 And yet we should blindly trust fans when they say something looks like shit when really we agree otherwise?

I feel an MGS reference would be appropriate here, but eh I digress.

It's sad that things have gotten to this point I admit, can't we all just get along?...:ajsleepy:

4089751 It seemed that you were wording it that way.

4089753 I said critics reviews mean nothing, I didn't say anything about fans or whatever

If you like a movie, that's great. You can watch it and enjoy it and review about it all you want, but don't get angry when others don't like it. Just shrug it off. No one else's opinion of movies should affect how you see and enjoy the movie if you don't agree with them. People have all sorts of different opinions and we should we learn to get along despite them. Not justifying anyone being ugly about not liking the movie, but their disdain is not your problem. Don't deal with it. It's not an important issue.

4090492 Yet they were acting like two year olds about the whole thing and even if it doesn't involve me that still irks me. Be pissed all you want but be mad and actually give a reason outside of 'IT JUST SUCKS BECAUSE I SAID SO!'

People were expecting it to suck because of its shit marketing and Sony going whole hog on the Misogyny Narrative. I frankly wanted it to suck because of that. So did many others. So people are shocked and unable to believe it's doing well, and since in this day and age everyone thinks their opinion is fact they try to "rationalize" it. Simple as that.

4090616 I take it you're that way to or no?

4090625 Frankly, I don't really care about the movie. The only reason I wanted it to fail is because if it does well, Sony will likely try this shit again because it worked the first time, and that is a dangerous road to head down.

4090937 And yet sometimes a reboot could be necessary. Maybe to you this one isn't necessary but others are in need of one. So this anger isn't from the Misogyny but rather from nostalgia of the old one which while cool it wasn't that epic or serious either.

4090961 When I said "try this shit again," I didn't mean reboots. I don't care whether a franchise gets a reboot or not. I meant trying to obfuscate the real issues by trying to play up a fake controversy and making themselves out to be the victim of racists/sexist/whatever-ist bigots. The first trailer was panned because it sucked, not because it was an all female main cast. We have proof of Sony deleting well thought out and reasonable comments but leaving hateful and bigoted ones to try to paint every detractor as a misogynist. This is a play straight out of the book of Sarkeesian, Quinn, and several other militant feminists. That is my problem. And if it works the first time, Sony will continue to do it until it stops working. That is not a good thing.

4091183 Yeah... thoughtful.... sure..... we can go with that. Totally not blinded by nostalgia related comments.

Edit: And also this is the last time we're bringing this up because it's just gonna go both ways until either I back down and look like a moron or you back down and look like an asshole. So let's both stop while we're ahead.

4090497 Doesn't matter. They are allowed to not like it and you are allowed to like it. Doesn't matter what either party says. Anyone who gets involved in it is just as immature as the people who started it. When it comes to entertainment, none of it is worth getting angry about. All you need to do when someone attacks what you enjoy is ignore it. You want an example. I got called a pussy for playing pokemon go today. They were directly insulting me. Know what I did? Shrugged it off, cause I like the game and that's what matters. If you liked whatever the movie was, ignore the haters. Their opinions matter to them. They don't mean anything to anyone else.

4091737 You clearly have yet to deal with stubborn salty as hell trolls who would cause you nothing but grief because that's what these guys were. If they were more mature about it and it was the guy SAYING the movie was good that was being an asshole/troll? I would not worry about it. As it stands no I would not take this lying down.

What is this movie? I kinda want to see it.

4091744 Of course I've dealt with these kinds of people. Everyone on the internet has. It's not that rare a thing. Full honesty, I've been the ass hole too. Thing is I got nothing but stress and a headache from either side of it. So I made the decision to no longer try and force my opinions on other people, no matter what side of the argument I'm on. I've trolled and it didn't make me feel better. I've gone after trolls and it didn't make me feel better. Ya know what made me feel better? Putting it behind me and not going back. You gain nothing from arguing with internet trolls. You save yourself the stress by ignoring them. I know it isn't easy and some of them pursue you, I've been there. We've all been there. Talk to any of your friends on the internet. I know they'll have a story or two. The opinions of strangers don't matter when it comes to small things like if a movie was good or not.

Well you see Salt is a mineral that we use to season things

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