• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2014
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A goofy little miss that's here to write and draw to her heart's content. Her imagination doesn't know when to shut off.

More Blog Posts452

  • 87 weeks
    Droppin' By

    Hello, I was in the neighborhood and had just realized that my last blog post was a bit of a downer, given that it was around the time of my Grandma's passing and funeral. I think I oughta leave you folks with something a bit more upbeat or at least something neutral.

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  • 114 weeks

    Thanks to those who gave condolences on my last blog post.

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  • 115 weeks

    Been dealing with a lot of stress and heartache the past couple of weeks.

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  • 118 weeks
    Who Wants to See Babies?

    I'm just poppin' in to talk about our livestock.

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  • 126 weeks
    And Now, A Newsletter

    Huh, back in July I said I oughta talk more around here. It's now the day after Christmas and I have not, in fact, talked more around here.

    So, I'll give you the rundown on what I've been up to since then. Warning, it gets a little long in talking about last summer's vacation and about a new fixation I have.

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Birthday Bios: Blazing Silver · 4:13pm Jul 15th, 2016

Confession time: Blaze here was the first pony OC design I've ever come up with (aside from my ponysona). A few years back I had tried to force myself to create my own pony OC; all I ended up was with a design and no personality beyond Rainbow Dash 2.0 (with Gary Stu backstory; don't ask). So, after a bit of nothing with him, I scrapped him until I needed to create parents for twins Cirrus and Nimbus and he looked like he could be their dad.

And the OC that came when I didn't force it? That would be Tomato Sandwich (the basics of his personality came before his design). And then a bunch of others followed. I have a habit of doing that.

But, nevertheless, we'll get to what I managed to come up with for this fiery pegasus.

Blazing Silver was born in Cloudsdale to Lightning Rod and Silverwind. Like most other pegasus foals, once he got his wings going, there was no stopping him. His father often joked that their house was one big pinball machine, and little Blaze was the pinball. He continued to be mischievous and energetic for quite a few years, and when he started school, he had trouble sitting still. While he wasn't very interested in academics, he excelled at the athletics, leaving a blazing streak in the sky like a comet.

When he was just starting school, his mother fell ill with a bad case of colic. Despite the doctors doing everything they could, Silverwind died and left behind her husband and son. Both boys were heartbroken with this turn of events, though Blaze kept thinking that his mama would come back. However, some foals making some silly "yo mama" jokes set him off, and he went ballistic on them. While he was initially scolded by his father for losing his temper and beating on his classmates, he was soon after comforted due to him breaking down and admitting that he wanted his mama.

It wasn't until he was about nine that his father was remarried to a nice mare named Rainbow Mist. While Blaze and Rainbow didn't exactly get along at first, he eventually grew to like her and her sweet nature. He still missed his own mom terribly, but his stepmother was a wonderful mother to him. He eventually discovered that she couldn't have foals of her own, so she was cherishing her stepson like he was hers. He rarely admits that he was disappointed that she was barren, as he had always wanted siblings.

His natural aptitude for flying eventually led to him earning his cutie mark when he was ten, and thus, he figured that he was Wonderbolt material. His teen years had him brushing up on the academic stuff, as that was a requirement for joining and staying in his school's sports teams. Being one of flight school's top fliers had him attracting a lot of attention from fillies, which he relished.

Finally, when he was a young adult, he applied for and was accepted into the Wonderbolt Academy. He didn't quite expect it to be so militaristic, and any time he tried to show off and impress the drill sergeant, he was swiftly punished for his arrogance. Often, he'd be the poor schmuck who'd be cleaning up after everypony else's messes.

During his time at the academy, his wingpony was a mare named Raincloud, who he took pleasure in hitting on, much to her annoyance. Often, she ended up being dragged into whatever trouble he was up to, and punished alongside with him. Soon enough, she was flirting with other guys in order to ruffle his feathers. Much to his chagrin, it worked.

The drill instructor managed to beat the childishness out of them, at least until graduation. Blaze found it odd that he and Raincloud apparently couldn't escape each other. They were in the Reserves together, and were soon in the actual team together. They flew in sync with the team most of the time, but when they had solo flights, they were always trying to outdo each other. Blaze wowed crowds with how he could make himself seem like a firework, and Raincloud had a knack for impressive weather displays in her flights. They often argued about who was better, which had their captain stepping in and telling them to cut it out.

Their bickering and competition ended up becoming a form of affection over the years, ending up with them in love with each other. They were constantly in a form of playfully trying to outdo the other in their down time. From mundane activities like board games, to the energetic like a race, down to games on who was the better lover. The games ranged from the innocent to the downright steamy.

However, one of those steamy games had Blaze getting Raincloud pregnant, which the stallion found out after being chased by his companion with a thundercloud. After he calmed her down, they started brainstorming on what they should do about this, since they could get in trouble for it. Blaze wanted to be the sole one to accept responsibility, since he's the one who planted the competitive seed in her that led to this mess, and he was willing to resign in order to raise the foal. Raincloud objected to it, suggesting that she had as much to do with it that he did, and that she wasn't shirking it--plus, they were a team, and they were sticking together. So, in the end, they both resigned.

After their shotgun wedding, Blaze took a job as a foal's flight instructor, while Raincloud worked at the weather factory. As the months passed, Blaze grew more and more excited for the baby's birth. As he really liked kids and always wanted some of his own, he was often the one going out to get stuff for the new baby. Sometimes he even bought both boy things and girl things, as he didn't want to be caught off guard with getting things for the wrong gender. Raincloud was irked at him for this, explaining that he could've just gotten gender-neutral items.

However, when the day arrived, Raincloud bore twins--a son they they named Nimbus, followed by his sister that they named Cirrus. Blaze found it hilarious that he was right in buying double the stuff with both genders in mind all along, and he adored the twins.

Seeing as the twins were the offspring of a pair of retired Wonderbolts, Blaze and Rain decided that their kids were sure to be Wonderbolt material, and started trying to groom them for it when they started flying. However, while the twins liked the idea of performing, they weren't so keen on the flying lessons. They thought that they only needed to know the basics of flying, and tried to get out of the more complicated tricks and stunts that their parents wanted to teach them. Between feigning sickness (really well, they were natural actors), to pulling pranks, to even trying to manipulate the weather to ruin conditions (forgetting that all pegasi could control the weather). Their mischief annoyed and frustrated Blaze.

When the twins auditioned for the school play, Blaze was willing to see them try to act, and thought that it was just another check in the box for parenting--a lot of foals got to be in plays, after all. However, he was surprised when the twins got their cutie marks from that play.

He wanted to be proud, but he was disappointed that neither of his kids were to be Wonderbolts. While he tried to remain upbeat and calm, his temper still shone through when he was a bit harsher on his pupils than was necessary, and snapped at any coworker that pointed it out. His and his wife's disappointment, as much as they tried to hide it, was transparent enough for Cirrus and Nimbus to pick up on and decide not to refine their talents, since it only made Mom and Dad upset.

A few years passed before Blaze and Rain realized that they were stupid. Cirrus had been hanging out with shifty friends, who abandoned her when she got awfully sick on addictive substances; meanwhile, a lonely Nimbus had been sneaking off to the ground for hours at a time, culminating in being in the wrong place at the wrong time when a forest fire started and had a bit of trouble escaping it in time. After their kids' trip to the hospital, the couple decided that it was time to put aside their wounded pride and support them in their acting talents.

They pushed the twins to get back into acting, and while the young teens were rusty, they soon got back into form. Blaze and Rain were always happy to attend their plays, whether it was Cirrus performing an emotionally heavy death scene, or Nimbus making the audience roar with laughter. Seeing as they had great talent, when the twins got a scholarship to attend college in Manehattan to refine their talents, Blaze and Rain encouraged them to go. They currently enjoy hearing about the twins' new friends and whatever funny events happened.

Blaze himself is especially proud that some of his Wonderbolt lessons actually stuck to them, and that the twins were creative enough to implement them in their performances. At least those efforts didn't go to waste.

Report Sketcha-Holic · 540 views · #birthday bio
Comments ( 2 )

He took responsibility and learned from his mistakes; that's more than can be said about some parents, in your universe and out of it. In the end, it worked out nicely.

I like this. I imagine in the end, Blaze and Rain are competing with each other to see who can be the most supportive parent.

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