• Member Since 28th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 4th, 2023

Big Brother is Watching

Big Brother is Watching You

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  • 68 weeks
    Get it while it’s Hot!

    I’m slowly but surely taking down the videos on my YouTube channel. Watch them while they last!

    Here is the channel!

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  • 93 weeks
    New YouTube Channel

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YouTube Comments on The Killing Joke (Spoilers!) · 7:08am Jul 23rd, 2016

YouTube users in response to the news that Batman and Batgirl boinked in The Killing Joke:
"Fuck it! They're ten years apart! He's like, 35, and she's like, 25! It's like pedophilia! And he knows her father and she knows Robin! So it's like incest!! I'm not going to watch it at all! Boycott this movie - no, ban it!!"


Putting aside snide comments about how twenty-somethings humping thirty-somethings isn't pedophilia and intercourse in vague ersatz family units don't count as incest (if either of those things were true, ten bucks says that most people commenting wouldn't have been conceived in the first place), I honestly suspect that was put in the movie to illustrate the growing sense of guilt Batman is going to feel as the movie goes by. He might feel as though this rather intimate connection with Babs might have been why the Joker picked her out, and thus Batman feels as though what happens is his fault (plus it would parallel Batman with the Joker - the Joker became what he is today because basically, he lost the woman he loved). That would be a sensible way to use it (besides, at least Babs is more interesting than Talia, and from what we know, the humping was her idea, not Bruce's). So I'm going to give The Killing Joke a chance, and see if this is used well in the movie or not.

And if not? Well, couldn't be sure until I tried. It's got Mark Hamill in it, I think it is worth giving a try.

And that's my two cents. What about yours?

Comments ( 14 )

And that's my two cents. What about yours?

I generally try to avoid reading YouTube comments at all. :coolphoto:

Where on YouTube was this?

Also, I really don't care about the age difference.

Ok, look, I am all for reinventing characters, and I don't think that Continuity is sacred, but this is a direction that I don't like. It seems totally put of character for either of them, and comprises their working relationship and the romantic relationships that they've had with other characters.

4108000 regardless, she's 20-something and he's 30-something. that's not pedophilia. that's when one of them is 18 or younger. besides, this happens in real life all the time. hell, 70 year olds hit on 20 year olds all the time.


It's not about the age. My wife is seven years older than me, I get it.

And ive already checked out a pirated version of the movie, I've seen the scene in context.

The mischaracterization is real. The fact is, Hatfield has always been Professional and Rational. This is the foundation of her character, and it's why she's so popular.

She is neither of those things in this movie.

Unprofessional: Has sex with Batman while on patrol on a roof. Discussed having sex with Batman in the open with a friend where anyone could hear.

Irrational: Throws a man into a bush for getting into a minor verbal argument with his girlfriend. And I do mean minor.

And the fact that Batman and Hatfield have sexual feelings for each other is completely absurd. They've always had a Father/Daughter relationship. This has always been the case, and introducing this is unnecessary and ruins the rest of the story!

I know this was meant to be a plot point to make what happened to Batgirl more important to Batman, but COME ON!! She is his partner, they've been working together by this point for 15 odd years, there shouldn't BE more reason.

There's a part where Batman has to rescue Jim Gordon, amd you realize, "Oh shit! Batman just had sex with this guys daughter, knows about his daughter being a superhero, AND is the reason why Hatfield is now paralysed!!"

Like it or not, these characters have pre-existing personalities, and EVERYTHING shown in this movie, even the stuff I HAVEN'T mentioned, shows the OPPOSITE of everything we know about Batgirl!!

Just to put this in context, this is the equivalent of Fluttershy killing a kitten.

So yeah, I really DONT care about the age difference.

I don't even care that Batgirl comes off as a horny teenager

But I do care that this movie took everything good about this character, through it all away, and made someone else that I didn't like. So as far as i'm concerned, this movie has just raped Batgirl.

4108000 I take it you didn't watch Batman Beyond.


A little, and yes, I've looked up to what your referring too.

Ok I made a mistake. My bad.

Still mischaracterization on the part of the Killing Joke.

4108052 It's just Bruce Timm's thing. He really, really likes the BatmanxBatgirl ship.
and i kinda do too... >.>


I really don't.

I guess it's a bias of mine. As a kid, when I was still pretending to be male, I would project on characters like Harley and Batgirl.

Still, biased or no, this was objectively a bad representation of Batgirl.

Still, I give the movie ONE thing. It made Batman... it showed him in the LEAST creepiest way possible.

4108061 A bad representation? Please. I can show you a bad representation.

Batman: The Animated Series? The DC Animated Movie Universe version of Batman? (The one from The Son of Batman, Batman: Bad Blood, etc) (LEGO Batman though nobody cares about that)


Are you talking about Batman or Batgirl?

4108073 The first sentence is Batgirl, the second is Batman.



Batgirl was AWESOME in the Animated Series!! She was smart, funny, GOT SHIT DONE!!

4108091 You seem to have forgotten her OTHER representation outside of comic books.

Besides, didn't they bang in the DCAU? Why did they wait until now to get mad about it?

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