• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2012
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More Blog Posts10


Schooling and Other News · 4:15am Sep 10th, 2012

Man, I make so few of these blog posts. This is my...what, fifth one? Ever? And I've been a member since around January. I made my account, then the next day I uploaded chapter one of Darkness' Embrace.

Anywho, thought I should make an announcement for all of you watching me (for some reason) about what's going to happen now.

Starting tomorrow, I begin that ever-lovely task of higher learning. Yes, I am talking about university. As such, my productivity regarding fic writing is likely to plummet. I do love writing and reading other people's works, but in all honesty if there's going to be a conflict between writing the next chapter of Animorphs or getting my 4000 page essay done, the homework is going to win. Every time. I'm still going to be writing, but my focus will mainly be on school. Maybe during the first few weeks as I settle into the routine I may get some more done, but come mid-October I suspect the homework situation to really pick up. I guess we'll burn that bridge when we get to it.

Secondly, the other part of news I wish to impart:

I've been looking at my schedule for the upcoming year, and homaigoodness do I ever have a lot of spare time between classes. I mean, a lot of spare time. On Wednesdays, I have class from 9 AM - noon, then I have nothing until 6 PM. That's a full 6 hours of boredom.

But Tri, why not do homework or work on your fic in that time?

Simple. I don't own a laptop. I simply haven't the funds. I could do my homework, yes, by writing on loose-leaf paper, (and I fully intend to) but I'm reminded of that old saying: All work and no play makes Tri a dull boy.

So, in the interim of me staving off boredom, whenever I am not doing homework I shall read fics, thanks to my handy-dandy smartphone.

What does this have to do with you, you may ask?

Well, I'm starting up a little idea. Every two weeks (or thereabouts, depending on the homework situation) I shall make a new blog post. It will be one of three possibilties:

Tri's Reviews

Fairly straightforward. I just take a fic, read it, then tell you my thoughts, good or bad. I'll try not to be nit-picky about the whole deal and do a more in-depth review; I won't get hung up on grammar or spelling (unless it's really bad) but instead focus on story idea, writing style, character interactions, and the like. Expect to see some big fics up here, like Past Sins (as soon as I finish reading it, I swear) and Smoke and Mirrors, alongside smaller ones such as Triple X or Crossing Over. I have a large number of fics on my Read Later list, but all the same feel free to make recommendations if there's something you want to know my opinion on. Please, though, no trollfics.

If you really demand it, I'll add video games and movies to the list, too, though my focus will be on Pony Fanfiction.

Tri's Spotlight

Not-so-straightforward. It stands to reason that, for whatever reason, some fics just aren't getting the recognition they deserve. An unknown author, a poor beginning that gets better in later chapters, or maybe they just slipped under the radar thanks to some site crash or something. These posts will be my attempt to help those fics get a little more traffic. I probably won't have too many of these type of blog posts, but keep an eye out for them nonetheless.

Tri Rants

Hey, I'm only human, so it stands to reason I'll need to blow off some steam every now and again. I'll try not to be too angst-y in these, but sometimes talking about a problem can help you figure out a solution. And though you may not know me offline, an outsider's opinion could still be helpful. You can expect anger about my day-to-day life, an issue with school, or maybe just me venting about a particularly annoying user.

Well, that's about all I can think of at the moment. Wish me luck at school, gang.


Report Tricondon · 648 views ·
Comments ( 17 )

Good luck at university!:twilightsmile: The blog posts every two weeks sounds very interesting. Looking forward to that.


That is assuming, of course, that school doesn't bog me down. I'll try to keep them coming at a steady rate, but like I said, if school and pony fight, school wins.

...Twilight would be so proud of me.


...why are you ALL such responsible college students?! What the hay is this crap?

...Good luck with your start, work hard, it's important. It'll be sad you bein' around less, as I already don't see ya that much. Oh well, look forward to your posts, mate.

>I make so few of these blog posts
I've been stealing them from you :twilightsmile:

Too true. Now, go steal another. I find it funny when people get mad over that. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/lolface_Celestia.png

Good luck in college! It's truly one crazy roller-coaster...and I'm only starting my second year. :pinkiecrazy:

Good luck in your classes - I hope you stay (relatively) sane! :pinkiecrazy:

Good luck then.:pinkiesmile:

Sorry, I was half insane last night when I posted that. I get a wee bit crazy of the night. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Twilight_crazy.png

(Try to) Have fun, and watch out for wolverines. :twilightsmile:

*Throws money at screen.

You say you're going to do a spotlight on less-known authors?
Can you do me a favor? :3


Not so much less-known authors as it is fics that I find that I like that haven't been noticed for whatever reason. If I like your under-appreciated fic, then yes, I'll make a blog about it.


I need to get more appropriate fics then :L

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