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    Contraception in my story

    Alright, so it turns out that I have put way more thought into the world building of this Stud Farmer story than I intended. I don't regret that but it also means that I'm spending times fleshing out aspects of this world that a lot of porn writers don't really bother addressing. For instance, I actually spent time dwelling on the idea of how contraception works in this universe.

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Contraception in my story · 2:44pm Aug 8th, 2016

Alright, so it turns out that I have put way more thought into the world building of this Stud Farmer story than I intended. I don't regret that but it also means that I'm spending times fleshing out aspects of this world that a lot of porn writers don't really bother addressing. For instance, I actually spent time dwelling on the idea of how contraception works in this universe.

I realise in most stories the issues of contraception and protection is never addressed. Most times people can go at it ignoring all forms of precaution with pregnancy and possible infections only being a concern when it's relevant to the plot. I get that, most stories that delve into the steamy don't want to waste time on the mundane things that are essential for real life R-rated fun. Stuff like protection, safe words and open communication between both consenting parties are often not addressed because it breaks the 'fantasy' of the story or because it is assumed if the sex is happening, all that mundane stuff has been taken care of off screen.

But because I apparently like overthinking stuff like this, I came up with this universes versions of contraception. I'm not adding this into the story because I can't think of a way that will make it not feel like needless exposition. So instead I've decided to do a blog post outlining it so that the few who are curious has as an answer and the ones who don't care don't have to read about it.

Basically the three forms of contraception that will be used in this story are condoms, sigils and the stud ring themselves. Condoms work the same in Equestria as they do in real world. They are the go-to option for when surprise sexy time happens. Sigils are basically Equestria's version of the pill. Mares that are planning on being sexually active are able to do their local magic based medical provider and get a sigil placed on them that will prevent them from getting pregnant. They are magic symbol that is invisible to the naked eye, non-obtrusive and a straight forward provide procedure for those that are trained in it. It can be taken off at any point but it has to be refreshed every couple of months. Government issue Stud rings are similar in that they stop the stallion wearing it from impregnating a mare but is only in affect when the stallion is wearing the ring.

Because these are magic based instead of chemical based there are no side affects to these forms of contraception, mare will still ovulate normally and stallions will still be able to ejaculate. All that happens is that it prevents pregnancy from occurring. Basically, since catching something isn't a concern in Equestria, the only reason condoms are still a thing is because not all ponies have the foresight to get a sigil done and then they find themselves in a sexy situation or they may find doing it with a condom leaves less of a mess. Like how the Mayor didn't want to risk Big Mac leaving a jizz stain in her office.

So there you have it, the answer to the question I may be the only one asking. I may do further blog posts in the future to address other world building aspects that I don't feel fit into the main story but that people may find interesting.

Comments ( 6 )

Glad to know you got this angle covered, as I was thinking that there could soon be a lot of related ponies coming up. So I take it is part of the whole stud system concerning foals, but how are they handled legally and is this why the Apple clan is so large? I hope this gets addressed during your story.

Interesting. This makes me wonder something though, what if the client wants to get pregnant?

I assume that there's a type of ring that has the opposite enchantment to virtually guarantee pregnancy to fulfill the "stud's" original purpose?

World-building is good.

All very good questions.

Basically from a legal standard, custody and responsibility of any foal created from intercourse between a mare and a stud lies entirely on the mare in question. In this situation the stud is effectively just a sperm donor, the fact that it was deposited directly rather than at a sperm bank is irrelevant.

A stud could technically still be involved in the rearing of the foal if they wanted to but that is entirely at the discretion of the mother. Inversly mothers can face legal action if they are found to be a pressuring a stud into helping support the child.

In the case of an unintended pregnancies, not something that's going to happen in this story but for argument's sake, the official job discription of a stud is still "A stallion that has been hired to have intercourse with a mare with the intent of impregnating her". The fact nowadays studs are mostly hired recreationally and by mares who do wish to get pregnant is irrelevant. Getting pregnant is a foreseable outcome of hiring someone whose job it is to impregnate you. Studs are not legally required to use contraception but it has become standard practise to do so since preveting unwanted pregnancies is less of a hassle than dealing with them after.

Being a stud however does not absolve a stallion of responsibility in every situation that a foal was concieved. If the stud and that the mare are either married or in a serious relationship then normal custody laws overrules any stud laws. Also, if a stallion who happened to be a stud impregrenated a mare but did so outside of studing capacity then he could also be held responsible. In that last case the burden of proof lies in showing that the stallion in question was not working in a studing capacity. Whether or not a stallion was working in studding capacity is determined by answering the following questions.

1. Did the stallion make his status as a stud clear before intercourse took place?

2. Was there the exchange of payment or the promise of payment for services rendered before intercourse took place?

So let's say for instance a stallion who happens to be a stud is in a bar having a drink when he is approached by a mare. The mare invites him back to her place. He tells her that he is a stud and she promises to pay him in the morning. This would be considered working in a studding capacity.

Alternatively, if in the situation he did not inform the mare that he was stud or if there had been no promise of payment made and he still went ahead with having sex with her then he was not working in a studing capacity. He does can not demand payment after the fact and if a foal was concieved he would be held responsible.

There's a whole bunch of nitty gritty legal stuff that deals with specific situations and definitions such as what could be actually considered proper payment for services rendered but that's the broad brushstrokes of how it works.

As for whether this is why the apple family is so big, I will think on that and get back to you.

If a client wants to get pregnant, they simply need to make the intent clear so that the stud knows either to remove deactivate. While it is not as common as it used to be now that there are sperm banks and IVF available, there are still mares that prefere doing it the old fashioned way. Studs will often recommend them discussing the matter with a family planner first, some of the larger agencies may even keep one staff. Stud will make extra sure the mare is certain they want to do this. It's not a legal requirement but most studs recognise that this is big step and don't want the mare in question making this decision half heartedly.

There are charms that can increase virility in the stallion but most charms and sigils used for guaranteeing a pregnancy are placed the mare as they work by making the womb and egg as ideal for getting pregnant as possible.


Good to know! I wonder if Big Mac will technically father any kids then? Guess we will find out as the story goes on then!

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