• Member Since 4th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 18th, 2022

The Wandering Bard

"I am a singer, a poet, a musician, a storyteller. I am a bard at heart. That is who I am. That is what I shall always be." (Icon by atokota on FurAffinity)

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    It certainly has been an age since I've been on here, hasn't it?

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    Some OC Questions

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Let's Play Question · 2:04am Aug 11th, 2016

Hey, everyone!

I've had my heart set on doing an LP of BioShock Infinite and its DLC Burial at Sea for a while now. I have played BioShock Infinite many times and am pretty knowledgeable about it, and I am not all that familiar with Burial at Sea since I have only fully played it through once before, so my reactions to things should be interesting.

However... I feel that Burial at Sea requires knowledge of the original BioShock game to fully enjoy and appreciate it. I have been interested in replaying the first BioShock, though it is not a game that wowed me nearly as much as Infinite did. Nor am I as knowledgeable about it.

So, I thought I should get some opinions here. Would it be better for me to play the first BioShock, and then move on to Infinite and Burial at Sea? Or would it be better to send potential viewers to another LP of the first game? I'm open to suggestions! :pinkiehappy:


Comments ( 20 )

I'd love to see you do a lets play of all 3, but do whatever feels natural to you bestie!:twilightsmile:

Haha, well, my main concern is how much free time I have and burnout. So I don't want to lose momentum or seem like a dummy because I don't know what I'm talking about in the first game.

XD But which ones should I play?

And I get you. I plan on doing a live stream, but then also putting them on YouTube for people to watch later.

In that case, I'd say stick with Infinite and Burial at Sea bestie, they mean more to you, so ultimately you should do what will leave you happy and not burned out.:twilightsmile:

Yeah, probably a good idea. :twilightsmile: Thanks, bestie.

I did think about that. He just needs to finish his LP. :twilightsmile:

I'd say start at the beginning. Most people don't know the story either, so it would be good for everyone around.

Yeah. I mean, I'd skip the second game to get to the meat of Infinite, but also because the second game isn't necessary to get the story.

What sort of prior knowledge is needed? If it's not too complicated or involved, maybe you could just explain things as they come up in your Burial At Sea playthrough?

Well, Burial at Sea takes place in the first game's setting, and there are a lot of parallels between it and Infinite. And with my limited knowledge of the first game, I'm not sure I could adequately explain things.

Hey, Cookie! Yeah, just been kind of busy lately. And bouncing around between projects again. :rainbowlaugh:

4143347 In that case, I'd say do what you enjoy. You mention burnout -- is that something you expect to happen if you play through the original, or just a possible outcome? If it's the latter, maybe you could start a let's play of the original and see how it goes, stopping if it becomes a chore.

The original seems to be a much shorter game than Infinite too, so one possibility might be doing the original as a concurrent side/bonus/background series to your Infinite let's play, leading up to Burial At Sea. This way, you can always take "breaks" from the original to play more Infinite. Although, that's assuming interleaving sessions of the two games isn't too disruptive to your gaming experience.

And of course, if any of it ever becomes a burden, just stop. We'll all understand. :twilightsmile:

WHatever would make you feel easier. I for one would love to see you play all three. You know what!

Would you Kindly play them all bard:pinkiecrazy:

Hey, that's a great idea! And as for the burnout, it's more the latter of what you said. As much as I love Infinite, I didn't want playing through the first game to feel like a slog before I get to what I really wanted to get to. But the side/bonus series is a fantastic idea! Thanks, Hay! :pinkiehappy:

XD Well, maybe not them all. I'd probably skip 2 for now.


SUCHONG You Slant!! I'm gonna lock you in the freezer for this! No one sells me a defective mind control phrase!!

I know two is unimportant for the infinite series, so that's understandable. Darn, next I was going to command you to go to Knightly's office and...

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