• Member Since 15th Aug, 2016
  • offline last seen Apr 2nd, 2017


i am a very intuitive writer that thrives on clopfics.

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  • 410 weeks
    MyLittleClopFics Starting point

    I think I am going to start on here with a little RainbowJack ( AppleDash sounds way better, on second thought, screw being special. lol) I will be writing all of my stories in First person. who's POV will always be specified in the description of the story. I am currently in the brainstorming phase for my first clop-fic (AppleDash) to bring you guys something even better than I intended. I

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MyLittleClopFics Starting point · 12:48pm Aug 18th, 2016

I think I am going to start on here with a little RainbowJack ( AppleDash sounds way better, on second thought, screw being special. lol) I will be writing all of my stories in First person. who's POV will always be specified in the description of the story. I am currently in the brainstorming phase for my first clop-fic (AppleDash) to bring you guys something even better than I intended. I know with my brand new appearance and how new my account is, this causes skepticism. As far as my quality of writing I will allow that to speak for itself. My ultimate goal with my fics, is to get you clopping, if you weren't already, or get you red hot. Hahahaha I know I am such an evil pony. Although, I know i can come up with many different fics, I will be sticking to the first one until its either done, or near completion. I will say this much, I do have a storyline to my fics. I refuse to take away a good storyline from anything I write. So, follow me everypony and let the clop-fics rage on! (Bad Frozen reference I know.)

Signing off for now,


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