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Wind Typhoon

Yo, the name's Wind. I'm just someone looking for a place in the world. I also write stories about adventures I've heard or been on from time to time.

More Blog Posts45

  • 343 weeks
    Explanation... & something else

    So, it's been a while hasn't it. Look, I know I should have said something sooner, but college has been a thing. That, and another reason entirely. I was honestly burned out of writing MLP stories. It was the only thing that I actually had to write and what I enjoyed the most. However, writing MLP stories nonstop really gets to you even if they are crossovers. So, let me say this up front, I am

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  • 364 weeks
    A quick Update

    Just wanted to give a quick update about a few things in story related. Firstly, I have just updated The Sacred Elements with it's next chapter.
    I also wanted to mention that I'll be taking about a week break from writing.

    That's why. (Seriously, I love this game)

    That's all I wanted to say, catch you guys later.

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  • 371 weeks
    I'm back

    Sorry about the unexpected Hiatus, but real life comes first. Just thought I should let you know that I'll be more active because college classes are ending for me soon. That being said, I do have finals to study for, so expect the hiatus to last a little longer. That being said, I was able to finish Chapter 9 of Sunset Huntress, so go read that if you haven't.

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  • 380 weeks
    An Update about my life

    So, it's been a while. Sorry about the long silence guys, life has kind of been kicking my ass lately. That being said, I do have a new chapter of The Sacred Elements out now. Tell me what you think about it. Sorry if the chapter seems rushed, I kind of was doing it between homework sessions. Anyway, just thought I should tell you that I'm still alive and I'm still writing, but college comes

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  • 388 weeks
    Chapter is out + Update

    So, the next chapter for Sunset Huntress is out, so go read it if you want. There is a bit of an updat at the end, but if you don't wat to read the chapter, then I'll post it here.

    1. I'll be taking a break from writing my main 4 stories until January 15, so don't expect a chapter for any of my stories for a while.

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Song of the Deep Review · 5:42pm Aug 21st, 2016

Hello everyone and welcome to Atop The Fourth Wall, where entertainment rules. So, here is that review that I promised in my last blog. Well, why don’t we get started with this thing? The game I’m reviewing today is Song of the Deep.

Now, some insight on the game itself before we start talking about the actual game. Song of the Deep is a Metroidvania style game developed by Insomniac Games and published by Gametrust Games (Gamestop’s gaming company). For those that are unaware a Metroidvania is a genre of games that are similar to the Metroid games. This was also Gametrust’s first game that they helped publish and Insomniac’s first attempt at a Metroidvania. So did it turn out to be a game that floats, or will it be a shipwreck?

Oh before I forget:


So if you know most games now in today’s age, you should know that they have complex stories. Song of the Deep, however, has a really simple story that anyone can understand. A 12-year young girl by the name of Merryn and her father, a fisherman, live alone in a house by the sea. They are poor and don’t have much to eat, even with what Merryn’s father brings in. One day, Merryn’s father doesn't come back from his fishing trip (Merryn stays up all night for him), Merryn builds a submarine of materials she found and went underwater to go save him.

As you can see, a very simple story, but I think it works well for the game. Along the way through your journey under the sea, you will encounter a few characters that will help you, but are not that built on. You have the last of the merrows Cara, a baby leviathan named Swish, and a robotic seahorse. They are there just to be helpful to Merrin and are not really that focused on, but I think it’s nice to know that you have some friends under the waves.

Towards the end of the game, you find out that there is this thing known as the Rimorosa that is basically trying to destroy all life in the sea (at least I think so, I don’t remember it very well). You learn about this after finding your father’s journal in the wreck of his ship. After traveling to the Rimorosa’s Lair and fining your father alive but trapped, you take care of the Rimorosa and return home with your father. Again simple story, but it get’s the job done.


The game has a beautiful artstyle with a smooth visuals. In fact, despite looking cartoony, it actually looks like an adventure you would find in a kid’s storybook. The story is also told from a narrator that basically explains what Merryn sees and experiences. While that might be a turnoff to some people, I think it works very well in establishing a feeling of loneliness in the ocean. Remember, while you do meet a few characters that do help you, Merryn is alone the entire way..

The soundtrack for this game also captures the ambiance of the ocean very well. If you want to know what I’m talking about, just listen to the main menu theme.

As you can see, it gives a calming tone that fits with introducing you to the game. In fact pretty much all of the tracks in the game fit with the area or situation they are played in.


This game actually plays very well and like Metroidvania style of game should. (Note: the controls I’m using are for the PS4) You control the submarine using the control stick and it can move very fluidly in the water. Since this is a Metroidvania type of game, there are upgrades that you get to your ship and collectibles to find.

Let’s start with collectibles, there are two main types of collectibles in the game: Treasure and Ship Upgrades. Treasure is a collectible that is found all over the sea in various forms of pearls and ancient valuable artifacts. These all give you money on a varying scale that used in a the game’s shop, which you can use to upgrade parts of your ship. Honestly there is more than enough treasure in the game for you to ignore any other money you come across and just use the treasures to buy out the shop with money to spear. Next is the upgrades, which are scattered across the ocean. There are health upgrades in the form of Hull Fragments, energy upgrades in the form of Tyne Collectors, and various upgrades to your abilities.

Speaking of which let’s talk about the ship upgrades that you collect. The first upgrade you get is a claw, which is used with the square button, that is your main form of attack and can grab a lot of things. There is a booster that gives you a short burst of speed as long as you hold down the x button, but it does have a cooldown. You also get searchlights which you activate with the triangle button, these are useful in certain areas but it’s kind of useless without the upgrade. You also get three different types of torpedoes that use an essence called tyne, an energy of the ocean. There are three different types that you can switch between and they all have various different attributes. The standard one you first get is the basic, fast firing of the three. The Magma torpedoes deal damage over time by creating a patch of solid hot rock (underwater by the way) that can also be grappled onto. The Ice torpedoes, the least useful in my opinion, can cause object to float while they are frozen. You also got a sonar that can be used to see where walls are and find hidden passages. As a side note, you also do get an item that allows Merryn to go out of the sub and explore the depths of the sea herself.

This game controls very beautifully and has several good moments, but I will say there are negatives. For one, there are only three bosses in the game and they aren’t even that hard. The game itself is relatively easy on the normal and easy difficulties(hard is another story, especially after doing a 100% run). I will also admit that it is not the best for everyone.

Song of the Deep is Insomiac’s first attempt at a Metroidvania style of game and it was a very good attempt. Sure it had some flaws that may be turnoffs to some people, but I personally like it. The gameplay is nice and fluid, the is a lot to collect for completion, and it’s relatively short to complete about 5-7 hours.

FINAL VERDICT: 8.5 out of 10

Song of the Deep is available on the PS4, Xbox One, and Steam for $15.

Well, this has been my first review and I hope to make more in the future. This has been Wind Typhoon, later.

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