• Member Since 24th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Aug 7th, 2019


May the Sun illuminate your path and the Moon guard your dreams. Let the Love grow strong and the Magic roam free.

More Blog Posts38

  • 375 weeks
    I am Alive.

    Hey, all! I'm back... sorta:applejackunsure:

    I know the last time I made any sort of major appearance was near the end of October with the publication of Seeker. After that, well, this can explain what happened:

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    2 comments · 422 views
  • 395 weeks
    Love Your Family

    Go hug your parents, brothers, or sisters and tell them that you love them no matter what. It might be the last time you see them. :pinkiesad2:

    0 comments · 404 views
  • 401 weeks
    Grave News

    I regret to inform all of you that my computers are currently inoperable. I will have access to school computers tomorrow with which I shall write like no one has written before. The good thing is that I have written notes so I should be able to whiz through my stories and publish them throughout the day. Otherwise I hope all of you have a glorious time.

    0 comments · 454 views
  • 401 weeks
    51 Followers and the Bearer of Bad News

    So, at 9:28 p.m. EST ArcherSmash0582 broke the 50 follower mark. I Thank you, or rather, I thank all of you for choosing to follow me. Now, I would've done a Q&A special; however, I broke my laptops... that is right, I broke my laptops as in multiple, in this case two of them. I have my suspicions for one of them (Broken on/off button or broken Hard Drive because I dropped it:facehoof:)

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    1 comments · 361 views
  • 404 weeks
    So, I thought of something...

    I just though of a phrase.

    More precious was his life than all the joy in the world.

    Also, the next one-shot should be out soon. It concerns the affairs of dragons. But beware for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

    0 comments · 328 views

Story Hiatus' and Stuff. · 10:58pm Aug 22nd, 2016

I have put the stories, Back to the Stars, As Time Flew by, and Culmination of Actions Past on hiatus because of the impact that school will have on my free time. I'd rather work on one story at a time. Letters From a Princess to a Dragon Lord will be continuing and might suffer a title change in the future. Just thought that I'd let everyone know about that. Good night.

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