• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 18th, 2022

Xujints the Water Horse

It's a long story, i'd rather not bother you with it. Oh, who am I kidding, I love telling stories XD

More Blog Posts3

  • 384 weeks
    A little something for those that fight for the future...

    Shimmer, shimmer, tiny lights,
    Precious flames that gives sights.
    Burning brightly in our hearts,
    Where dawn begins and hope starts.

    Little bird on tired wings fly,
    A noble giving ally.
    Proud warrior fighting hard fights,
    Hardy and true through the nights.

    A timid clair spirits calm,
    A true altruist not aplomb.
    A jester brings joy to all,
    More for her friends overall.

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  • 394 weeks
    Dusk Shine's Nightmare chapter 2

    Alright guys, time to pose a serious question. In th esecond chapter, I have just reached the part after Applejack's trial of honesty and I was wondering. Do you guys want me to post what I have now and work on the next trials and the battle against Nightmare Moon for the next chapter? Or do you want me to wait until it is all finished before posting it? Let me know soon! Thanks.

    0 comments · 297 views
  • 405 weeks
    Like a bad dream

    My first encounter with the Nightmare left me unconscious and near death, where I had another dream, much like those that came before it, and like those dreams, I had learned much. I still had much to learn however.

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    0 comments · 363 views

Like a bad dream · 4:56pm Aug 30th, 2016

My first encounter with the Nightmare left me unconscious and near death, where I had another dream, much like those that came before it, and like those dreams, I had learned much. I still had much to learn however.

The sun glared brightly overhead. Long may it shine this glorious morning, or what one would assume was a good morning. It was the day of the Summer Sun Celebration and the event was in full swing. Nothing got the blood pumping faster than an intense show of skill between two fencers dressed in a traditional white garb, head and faces obscured by wire mesh helms. The two battled in the center of town, drawing a large crowd.

They stood at an almost even height, one male and one female. Their stances seemed normal, that much the confused Dusk could tell at first glance, but as he inspected closer, both at them and the crowd, something seemed off. He wasn’t sure if it was the nervous shifting of the crowd or the small shower of sparks the Fencer’s sabers made when they clashed.

For a time, he simply stood there and watched them. Hoping to find meaning in this dream, as it certainly wasn’t like his usual dreams of study and reflection. No, this was another vision, he was sure of it! But… Where was Twilight in all of this? She was in almost every one that he has had ever since they started about a year ago, so where could she be now? He didn’t have to wait for much longer as he noted the subtle glow of raspberry and rose shone through the mesh of the Fencer’s helms.

Dusk raised a brow in curiosity, Twilight was competing? The thought that she’d partake in such activities when she was royalty was a little baffling. That is, unless it was a demonstration, a way of building morale. It would be rational for a show to be put on when spirits are down. It was a guess, but it was all he could really think of. Though… Who would be crazy enough to step into the ring with an Ali-


And that was it. His new thoughts made him miss the end of the match. Twilight has apparently knocked away his opponent’s sword and held hers to his throat for a brief moment before lowering it. The surprises didn’t end however, as a few cheers rang out from the crowd, Twilight’s opponent removed his helmet, revealing a familiar face. It was that of his brother, Shining Armor, the blue hair and the dopey grin on his face only confirmed Dusk’s suspicions. He extended a hand towards Twilight, stating, “Thanks for the good fight Twily. A little exhibition was a great idea to kick of the festivities.”

And the surprises kept coming when Twilight remained silent, waving a hand dismissively before walking away, possibly heading for a changing tent.
‘What happened to her?’ He pondered.

Curious, he followed her to the tent, but didn’t step inside. He wasn’t THAT curious… Or maybe he was, as he soon found himself peeking inside the tent as she sat in an unoccupied chair, resting her saber beside her. Sighing, she removed her helmet, revealing her long blue hair, the pink and violet strands getting lost as it hung low over her features. She looked, forlorn, pale even. The sight gave Dusk enough worry to rush to her side and as once again, ‘What happened?’

His words fell on deaf ears however, as she didn’t even notice him. He facepalmed, of course she wouldn’t… How silly of him to even consider the idea she would. He was about to comment further, when a solemn voice called out, “Twilight?”

He recognized the voice, kneeling towards the door to the tent instinctively as a tall woman stepped inside. Her gold trimmed linen clothes shimmered brightly, even in the lower lighting, her prismatic hair flowing gently behind her, albeit a bit lazier then he remembered. That was when he looked up to see the tired face of his ruler Princess Celestia. Just what had she been up to? She looked just as bad, if not worse than Twilight.

She walked up to Twilight and placed a hand on her shoulder, he smile slowly fading as she spoke, “Twilight. I heard the news.. I am dreadfully sorry about what happened. I only heard about it just after I finished raising the sun for the day.”

Twilight barely seemed to acknowledge her, so she continued, “I’ve set aside some time to help out so you can visit them if you’d like.”

Twilight shook her head, continuing to look down at the floor, not even willing to look at her former mentor, “ The Nightmare, he got away?”

There was that name again. The Nightmare. When did this story take place? Dusk had to know.

Celestia sighed softly, opting to sit on the floor beside Twilight, prompting her to gasp, “Princess! You’ll ruin your dress.”

The Solar Princess grinned softly, finally getting a proper response out of her, “Compared to the wellbeing of my former pupil and of Ponyville, a few stains is nothing. I understand that you wish to seek him out and avenge your comrades, but I can do nothing to help you if you don’t tell me what happened.”

Twilight sighed, looking back at the ground, “I had a moment of weakness… The Elements… They were all charged up and ready to use, and I hesitated. Just one look at him and… I couldn’t do it, I didn’t know what they’d do to him, and now everyone I care about is hurt because I couldn’t fight him.”

The Princess pulled Twilight into a hug, surprising the smaller Alicorn, “It’s okay Twilight, they are being helped and should make a full recovery soon. As for your hesitation, it is perfectly understandable.”


Celestia continued, “After all, using the Elements do bring unforeseen consequences. One must have an unwavering resolve when using them, lest tragedy str-”

Dusk blinked as Celestia’s voice seemed to grow more distant, he had to will himself closer just to hear her Twilight’s response, “That was what happened with- _ - wasn’t it?”

Celestia nodded, “Indeed… And you using them on Nightmare Moon was an entirely different sit- _ - You didn’t know her like I did, so you had no reason to hold an- _ -”

Getting further. It was getting too difficult to make out words now, the world around him began to fade to white...

Dusk Shine’s eyes creaked open, the familiar bright lighting of his new Home flooded his eyes. His head hurt, terribly, his vision blurred. What happened to him? As he turned his head, a pale blue blob filled his vision, but for a brief moment, it appeared to have a patch of cream color here and there.. As he blinked to try to filter his perception, a magenta flash blinded him momentarily. One he regained his sight, he reached out towards the figure, his hand brushed against something purple and vibrant that seems to have replaced the figure, but as fast as the figure had appeared, it vanished leaving Dusk alone with his thoughts.

“Hey, guys! He’s awake!”

A voice… It was Spike’s, that much he could be sure. The pitter-patter of scaled feet filled his ears as he tried his best to sit up, “Sp-spike? We need… A book…”

“A book? You wake up after having your life nearly stolen from you and you want a book!?”

His alarm and disbelief was understandable, but the serious expression on his face clued Spike in that he was more than serious, “I had another vision, at least, I think it was another one… Twilight. She mentioned something known as the Elements of Harmony.”

Spike rubbed his chin with a scaly claw a moment, trying to remember where he heard the name before, “Elements… Didn’t you mention that in one of your readings the other day?”

Dusk nodded slowly, his senses finally returning to him, “I did… I think. She said they were used to defeat Nightmare Mo-”

His sentence was cut off when he felt a sudden pressure on his gut. It was the fuming pegasus, Rainbow Dash, nearly threatening to plow him into the ground with the force of her crashing into him. Her scowl told Spike she meant business, so she backed away slowly, “I’m just going to… Leave you two alone!”
He took off running as two’s eyes met. Paleing, Dusk asked, “Can you get off me, please?”

Rainbow Dash huffed, crossing her arms over her nearly flat chest, “Nope…”

Pointing a finger at him sharply, she shouted, “Alright egghead! I have a few questions, and you better have the answers I’m looking for… What are the Elements of Harmony, and what do they have to do with Nightmare Moon? How do you know so much about her anyway.”

Huffing, she stated bluntly, “It can’t be a coincidence that you show up the same day she does. What are you, some kind of Spy?”

Dusk couldn’t help but gulp. This was going to be a long night, wasn’t it?

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