• Member Since 1st Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 9th, 2017

The Minister of Scones

"You can use that cupboard over there labelled 'Good French Things'. It's empty."

More Blog Posts41

  • 378 weeks
    All About Threats

    I read that scientists, by using magnets, had 'turned off' the threat centres in people's brains, and that this made them 'change their attitudes towards immigrants.' Obviously, the stunning revelation that people don't like immigrants because they feel threatened by them is one that will echo down the ages as a revelation made possible only by scientific brilliance, but given that such

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  • 380 weeks
    A Blog Post But as Soon as I Start Getting Grumpy I Stop Typing

    One thing I've noticed a lot of around YouTube recently is videos with 'X but Y' titles. You know, things like 'Dragon Ball Z but every time we see people screaming at each other in a desert the video speeds up', or 'Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart but it's a Pokemon boss-battle theme'. With this in mind, is there any chance of seeing 'Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones but every time Hayden

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  • 381 weeks
    An American Fail?

    Apparently the British satirical magazine Private Eye is now listed on numerous 'fake news' sites for having covers like this:

    This, coupled with the existence of the show Friends, leads me to the conclusion that comedy is a largely unpractised art in the USA.

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  • 384 weeks

    I've seen the phrase "Don't read it if you don't like it!" written on quite a lot of fanfictions lately. Granted, I've been seeking out the truly awful ones (sorting the chaff from the wheat, as it were) for my personal collection, so that might explain why I've seen so much of it. Read on for my thoughts.

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    6 comments · 606 views
  • 385 weeks
    50(ish) Followers!

    As I've reached 50 followers, here's a thank you video. Well, slideshow with me talking over the top. Don't quibble, Horatio. A lot of this seems to be because Somepony Tries to Sell Twilight Insurance has just been posted on FIMFiction as part of the Royal Canterlot Library collection. I am, understandably, chuffed to bits.

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The Times, They Are A-Changeling · 8:52pm Aug 30th, 2016

Good, this one, if a tad predictable. A blend of fine characterisation and solid plotting made the episode more than tolerable. On the other hand, it was a little generic, which rather limits what I can say about it.

First of all, the music was good: not too intrusive during the dialogue, and very pleasant during the montage of Spike introducing 'Crystal Hoof' to the Crystal Ponies (though it seems to have been inserted so that ponies could be seen laughing at Thorax's wit without the writer going to the trouble of finding him anything funny to say). As soon as it became apparent that a song was approaching, I started to feel dubious, but a catchy tune, a lovely bit of singing and (Shock!) half-decent lyrics convinced me that this time it was worth it.

Thorax himself was an appealing fellow. The story, though, was, as I say, predictable. I could pretty much tell how it would play out from Thorax's first scene. This is a shame, as I often have my expectations subverted by My Little Pony - largely because I seem to have a much lower opinion of it than it deserves. At least the moral wasn't violently shoved down our throats: a definite improvement on last week's abomination, then. The only other thing I noticed was that the guards had different-coloured helmet plumes, but that didn't seem to have any impact on rank. Very confusing.

So, an enjoyable story, but not interesting enough for me to find much to say about it, to everyone's relief.

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