• Member Since 13th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 13th, 2013

The Music Man

More Blog Posts84

  • 564 weeks
    I Need a Break!

    I have a tenancy to over stress about things, especially my stories. It's funny, when I stress about my stories, it completely kills my creativity. I think I'm going to take a break from them for now. Besides... a lot has been going on in my life.

    I just need a break. Hopefully, I'll be back in a couple of weeks.

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  • 564 weeks
    MASSIVE Writer's Block. Need Help.

    So I'm having a MASSIVE bout of writer's block (hence the title) and I don't know how to get over it. The scourge might be caused be me staying home and being lazy (relative to my college life). Nevertheless I'M SICK OF IT!

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    4 comments · 380 views
  • 565 weeks
    Ignoring People From Now On

    All this commenting and responding I've been doing has really been draining on my time. I'm going to try and curve all this "social interaction" so I can get back to work.

    1 comments · 398 views
  • 566 weeks
    Why I Love My Religion

    I have a sense that most people don't like religion because they feel it restrictive, as if it were a club that if one were to break the rules, they would find themselves not only at the establishment's footsteps but at the end of mocking hypocrites' fingers. "He who is without sin, cast the first stone." I don't remember the book, chapter, or verse, but words like these are not easily

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    15 comments · 683 views
  • 566 weeks
    More Deadpool

    Since I hate Deadpool as a character, and since everyone is building him up as a hero on Deviant Art, I figure I'll write a little more with him. Somewhat because he's popular, but mostly because I can literally put him through the shredder.

    2 comments · 363 views

Notes to Myself (Toning it Down) · 2:32am Sep 13th, 2012

Looking at the past couple of blog posts, I found that I can get pretty melodramatic; Not to say that melodrama is bad, it just needs to be used carefully.

When I say 'melodrama', I mean any passage in a story that is full of rich details, that flow with emotions, and, of course, that are jam packed with words.

Personally, I see melodrama as a tool an author has to give attention to the more important parts of the story. These important parts are the basically the purpose of the story, or the information the author want the reader to focus on.

Overuse of melodrama can make writing cumbersome and unclear. Melodrama is much like chocolate, a little bit after a good meal taste good, but too much will give your reader a head ach.

Now, I will recognize that there are many authors who fill their stories with this 'melodrama', and some ponies like that, but I think that in today's fast moving world, most ponies want us to get to the point already!

So what should you do? I think you should be very careful in using melodrama, or whatever you want to call it.

I will also remind you that these are my views, and if you can prove me wrong, comment! These blogs need attention, or they will die.

Always Sincerely,

The Music Man

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