• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen June 21st


Hello there everyone. My name's Nick. I'm a writer, college graduate, and oddball. Thanks for coming to my page, I hope you enjoy it here!

More Blog Posts32

  • 384 weeks
    Woot! I'm back baby!

    (I'll get to updating Flash's Demon eventually. I need my editor, or anyone else who wants to stare into the pit of madness)

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  • 384 weeks
    Mai Kampf’t believe it (With added Pew)

    You thought this was about Pewdiepie, didn’t you? No! It’s about me! Di-Nick! Clickbaity, bad pun, and bad news.

    My harddrive died. Total loss.

    Press F

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    0 comments · 347 views
  • 391 weeks
    Happy New Year 2017! Enjoy some videos!

    Happy New Year everyone!
    It's 2017 now, meaning awesome stuff is on the horizon for us all!

    I don't have much to blog about today, working so there's not too much to blog about...so here's some videos!

    Round 2 between Absol and me finally happened!

    Tis was a great match too!

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  • 392 weeks
    Belated Merry Christmas, Pokemon Prism, Nick vs Nate, and Flash's Demon

    Hey everyone! Happy early new year!

    I decided to play a match with Saint Absol in pokemon. I was in postgame and he wasn't, and he put up a pretty good fight (and yes, I did a stupid thing at the end). Still good fight and now that you're in postgame Nate, I want a round 2.

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    0 comments · 411 views
  • 395 weeks
    Well, hiatus (and writer's block)

    Well, it's been a while. I've been playing pokemon Sun as of late, pretty much absorbed into it, and well, I've been having trouble writing for the past few months long before it. I'm not sure what to write. I've had an idea, for... two years now, but I feel I can't do it well, and when I sit down I'm going blank. Maybe I just need someone to sit down with me and slap some sense into me and help

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Nicktendonick Plays update - Double Feature · 11:06pm Aug 31st, 2016

I haven't been doing too much writing these past few days. Instead, I've been messing with my youtube stuff.

And here's some of it. A Super Smash Brothers 3DS video and a Under Night In-Birth:Exe late (Steam).
I hope you click and enjoy!

Super Smash Brothers 3DS - Nick vs .-.

Under Night In-Birth (By the way, I just bought this game a few days ago. As a lover of Melty Blood, I really like UNIB!)

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