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Average brony obsessing over the main cast with an unhealthy desire to see them in a dark fantasy setting.

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The Sun · 1:40pm Sep 4th, 2016

:ajsmug: Morning everyone.

:applejackunsure: Well, it took a year and then some, but as of yesterday TLOF is done. While I'm happy that I don't have to touch it anymore, I'm also kinda sad that I ended it the way I did. It's over now, but really, at what cost? It's a little bit like playing with my Pink/Yellow pony deck. sure, you can beat me. But good chances are that all your friends died in the process. You won, but your army was decimated. how can it be anything but a hollow victory at that point? That's what it feels like. A pyrrhic win for the sole purpose that you won.
I can't say that I wasn't at least a little depressed on the day that I wrote that last chapter either. I was pissed off for some reason or other and since I'm in creative writing and I owe my professor a poem tomorrow, I wrote one... well, let me just put that here to give an idea.

Envious soul, what is it you desire?
Fueled by rage, burning with anger.
The envious soul knows not which it smoulders with.

Envious soul, what is it you desire?
Pity yourself, drown in sorrow.
The envious soul breaks the mirror in fear of the truth.

Envious soul, what is it you desire?
Fragile ball of hate, you will never obtain that which you wish for.
Sink into despair, envious soul.
Dreams are never within your grasp.
Despair, you envious soul.
Clearly, I wasn't in the best mood if that just kind of exploded into existence. But, Mondays, am I rite? (ba-dum-crash)

:applecry: I wrote the last chapter in the origin story. T-that was fun. *sniff* It was depressing as all hell to finally reach the epic conclusion to this arc I imagined way back when I first started this project back in... (Switches tab to check page) May, and to have grown attached was probably the saddest mistake I made (Having this in the back ground didn't help either). It was always going to happen like this, but knowing that doesn't make it hurt any less. Oh well. Rarity's story is next, and that should be far less painful to write than any of the other stories I have planned for my team Harmony. I still have doubts as to how well I'm going to be able to do Fluttershy's story in a timely manner without something happy playing most of the time. It gives me conniptions.

:applejackconfused: School is a thing. I've written four chapters and counting of programming homework, so that's driving me insane. I drew an excellent picture of my Bloodborne Rainbow Dash character, and that was well and good, but then I went and opened my mouth to my art professor and now I'm working on a big ink project (FEATURING THE SAME LEVEL OF DETAIL) and that same Rainbow. Shit. I still have two programming assignments to do and whatever else for my other classes that I basically ignore. A full Monday that I have 'off of school' will be spent doing schoolwork. IT'S FINE! They told me it would be a lot of work... BUT I DIDN'T LISTEN!!!
There was a new episode yesterday, and I can honestly say that this has been the first time in a long time that I felt like I was actually watching a cartoon. The flutterfaces of varying shades, snails being remotely interesting. It was a little more than I expected, but I really liked the moral. When I know I'm good at something, my 'self-absorbed-ness' turns up to Dash levels and I do preform better under pressure as far as I can tell, so I knew how that felt, but screwing over your friends by treating them like you was also something I knew all too well. The show has hit home every time these past few weeks. What even is this.
Anyways, that's all from me today. until next time.

Comments ( 2 )

Programming homework? I am sorry. Truly I am.

4191447 *Shrug* I enjoy it. Sometimes. It's a skill I will have to have if I go into literally anything in my field (IST/DMA) anyways. Besides, this particular class I'm taking is mobile app development. I can use everything I learn here immediately.

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