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Amalgam'verse Tid-Bit: Xilians and the ramifications of Ghidorah (both of them) · 1:09am Sep 5th, 2016

The attack on the Xilian empire by Grand King Ghidorah was the single most important and drastic shift in the species' history, directly leading to the transformation of Praetorian 094 into Monster X and then Kaizer Ghidorah and by proxy; how the species has changed into the current age.

Before the Ghidorah incursion, the Xilian Empire was a peaceful expansion, controlling multiple planets, moons, and asteroid bases. While they had some previous conflict with the invasive Kilaak and warmongering Simians, these conflicts largely had been quelled and none of the other races wanted to mess with them. The only other sapient race they had regular contact with where the Nebulans, whom they had a lot of friendly trade network that grew out of an old military alliance. Grand King Ghidorah saw their prosperity and got attracted to it like a moth to flame.

Millions, probably billions of Xilians died during King Ghidorah's assault on first their outer colonies as he carved a path right to their homeworld. Grand King Ghidorah was only finally repulsed by a last chance military project creating Monster X, who flew out of control and into insane wrath after the loss and psychic whiplash of losing his wife, Controller 011; becoming Kaizer Ghidorah. However victory came at a horrible price. Blaming the military's accidental firing at 011 for her death, Kaizer went on a rampage and levels the capital city and almost all souls in it. This was a huge crush to the empire. The capital city had been the center of their culture since before they were even expanded into outer space, as now completely gone. And for someone who'd heroically resigned himself in a sacrifice to save him planet to turn into such a destructive monster, there had to be a reason.

So as the unconscious Monster X was locked inside a mined, hollowed out asteroid called Gorath, the investigation began to see what reason was behind things ending so badly. The reason, possibly a scapegoat, was determined to be Controller 011. Kaizer Ghidorah went berserk because his emotions flew out of control at the loss of his wife and he was drowned in blind fury. Since all Xilians are empathic, the Controller even more so, the bond between married couples was practically a psychic link. Controller 011's entire persona became a taboo. There never would be a female Controller again and heavy emotional expression was outright banned because it was associated with the tragedy. Emotional suppression became part of the biological augmentation for all castes, resulting in a race that previously just kept their expressiveness hidden except in private becoming a much more stoic race in a few generations almost devoid of emotion in all but extreme circumstances. This is also why even after using him for decades later, none of the Xilians had moral issues with using Monster X as a weapon or locking him away when needed; because they had about as much empathy for him as one would have for a tool or bomb.

When the decision to use the now amnesiac Monster X as a weapon of war, as expansion became the name of the game to reclaim the damage King Ghidorah caused and push back the races' enemies trying to capitalize off what they saw as an opportunity, this distancing of what they once were became even more widespread in the Xilians. They feared (correctly) he could still turn into Kaizer Ghidorah and thus wiped clean almost anything that could risk restoring his memory. Controller 011 and Praetorian 094 were completely wiped from record.

In this way, because they were once very different and had encounters with Grand King and Kaizer Ghidorah; the Xilian Empire became what it is today. King Ghidorah turned them into expansionist conquerors and Kaizer Ghidorah turned them stoic and inhuman.

Ironically enough, this means the Mysterian Xilians are actually more like the original Xilians than the modern ones are. The Mysterians were Xilian scientists, engineers, and miners who fled the planet on a large mining platform during Grand King Ghidorah's attack. Stranded out in space, they've been isolated from the empire for over three centuries. This means they never went under the drastic artificial changes the Imperial Xilians did, not becoming as militaristic due to lacking many soldier castes and a big population; and kept their emotional expression, reserved as they were, because they had no idea Kaizer Ghidorah even existed. This divide became apparent during the prelude and actions of the Final War, when the Xilian lead Coalition invaded Terra. The Mysterians had what the Imperials considered an antiquated, backwards culture (a big No-No) and intermarried with humans to produce hybrids (an even BIGGER No-No). Needless to say, the Xilians all but disowned their colonist cousins and the Mysterians were more than happy to throw their lot in with the humans who'd taken them in.

Comments ( 36 )

hooray Mysterians!

Is it wrong I imagine that if Kaizer Ghidorah hadn't nearly killed him, Grand King Ghidorah wouldn't have even REMEMBERED destroying the Xilians specifically?

First an update on the Sirens and now this. Just what are planning next?

4192528 Nope. Remembering them implies King Ghidorah even gave enough of a damn to make anything worthy of note.

4192540 Might be planning, might just be rambling after work stress

Okay, great way of explaining why the Cilians become such hardasses towards Monster X during his time in exile. It's surprising how GKG's devastation reduced the Xillian's Empire size to the point they had to become conquerors to survive against their rivals and Kaizer Guidorah's rampage due to the loss of his wife made them into stoic aliens. I also liked how the absence of the Mysterian Xillian during both incidents allow them to be more pacifistic than the modern Xillians, as the Guidorah attacks seem to have caused a mild case of speciation. Thanks for the amazing blog.

4192572 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I'm gonna hope it's the former but expect it to be the later.

4192528 "For you, the day that Grand King Ghidorah graced your planet was the most important day of your species. But for me... it was Tuesday".

Obviously, the Xilians screwed up when they appointed Controller 76 aka Controller X from Godzilla: Final Wars as their leader. That guy was nuts and completely immature.

4192798 Remember how in the older Xilian post it was said someone needed the exact right genetic and psychological profile to safely become Controller? There was a very good reason for that restriction and 76 is proof of it gone wrong. The change to Controller basically takes what is already there and makes even more of it. The smart and reasonably become wise and very rational. The unhinged would become outright psychotic.

gonna throw a quick re-post of something I left somewhere else, Tarb will recognize it.

"Your world means nothing to me.
Your lives are dust under my heel.
I will purge this planet of life,
just as I have done to innumerable others
since the beginning of time.
Flee in horror, pray for deliverance, cry for mercy.
There is no refuge from my wrath, no one can save you, you will be destroyed without hesitation.
My name is terror, borne on tongues from one wall of this universe to the other.
My legend is annihilation, inscribed in the lifeblood of the cosmos.
My victory is absolute, inexorable as death itself.
I am Grand King Ghidorah.
I am coming."

But to get on with my bad self, I have been slacking! Looking at the posts on the right side of the screen, I can see I missed a bunch of Tarb's latest posts.

This little exposition was cool though, I think it's very well crafted. King Ghidorah plays a pivotal part in my own Godzilla-verse headcanon, so I'm always interested to see different takes on it. We had parts of this laid out in the course of the story, and several blog posts from a few years ago, but it was never condensed into an explicit narrative for our convenience. So this was a nice, concise exposition.

So, barring a psychotic controller, is the Showa era depiction of Xilian "culture" from Invasion of Astro-Monster basically accurate (save for the weakness to sonic attack, naturally)? Has cloning been used as a way to bring their numbers up after GKG's attack? Finally, are their "augments" primarily chemical/biological or mechanical/cybernetic? That is to say, do they use a medical regime of chemical enhancement (similar to steroid use on earth,) implanted devices to enhance their physical and psionic abilities, or is it typically a combination of the two?

On the subject of augmentations, the Mysterians were isolated for three centuries with very limited access to replacement consumables. I presume hydroponics and recycling technology allowed them to survive, but did they have access to even older style augments, or were they, by the time they arrived, basically Xilians in their most natural, unaugmented form?

An odd question on the subject of Mysterian Hybrids... When two different species mate, the results are generally nonviable offspring, sterile offspring, or most rarely of all, fertile offspring. Since the Hybrids exist, they were obviously viable. However, the question remains... are they fertile? Are there any quarter Mysterians out there? By the time you get to 1/8 Mysterian, are there any notable differences with humans? (I expect the last one to be speculation due to how recently the Mysterians arrived on earth.)

Yes the modern day Xilians I emulated more from the Showa age version that the Millennium one, so the comparison to the Astro-Monsters version is right on the money. The only thing I really took from the FW version was the presence of a psychic Controller, grayscale coloration; and soldier caste. As for the augmentation, they are almost entirely chemical or biological with a few implanted devices.

The Mysterians still had the capability to produce augments and did so, however in a lesser capacity. Some systems couldn't be repeated constantly so one alternative was to mix multiple augmentation methods together. In this manner, yes the Mysterians are more like an unaltered Xilian because many of them received halves or fourths of multiple augment types, thus making them generalists.

As for hybrids, I'd imagine since the advanced medical technology the Mysterians had made such offspring possible to begin with; they'd also be viable and fertile with either of their parents' species. Given time I'm now sure if any quarter Mysterians exist yet, but such attempts may not be far away. As for look, the Mysterian genes had an odd relation to human ones in regards to phenotype. A first generation hybrid can look almost indistinguishable from a human or Mysterian in equal capacity. In the case of the Mysterian looking ones, human side may show in their hair color or eye color. In human looking ones like Miki, the alien heritage shows when she uses her psychic abilities (facial and neck veins become visible and black). I'd expect this to carry on to 1/4th and maybe even 1/8th Mysterians to a degree, with stuff like the grayscale coloration, facial veins, and larger eyes being most common traits.

When I was wondering about "traits", I was referring to the greater-then-either-parent physical or psionic abilities rather then the visible phenotype; using Miki as an example, I was assuming that in many cases either the more obviously Mysterian features were recessive or that the child's appearance is affected by per-natal development and as such takes after the mother. As for 1/4 or 3/4 Mysterian Hybrids, if first contact was in the '60s (Yes, the exact year is in the timeline, but to the decade is close enough for now) and the first mixed families came out a decade later, then the oldest Hybrids should be in their 40s, and their oldest children in their 20s, assuming approximately 2 decades between generations. So, I'd expect a number of young second generation hybrids to be around and some knowledge of their abilities, with the possibility of the first third generation preschoolers being identified, even if they don't yet show any extra human abilities.


Ah, couldn't tell. In which case theoretically yes the hybrid vigor has a chance of expressing itself. Wouldn't be a 100% guarantee, but it could happen.

Also I was accounting for there being about a 5-10 year gap between the first couples emerging and the birth of most of the hybrids; both due to culture (after all, some couples can be married and "trying" for a decade or more before their first pregnancy) and medical technology to bridge any gaps. So most of the Hybrids at this point would be in their early-mid 30s. If not 2nd generations were born yet (which would be very recent), they'd be within the next few years.

So, Miki, who is presumably among the oldest hybrids, and was in her teens in 1989... Ok. I guess she was younger then I thought; I placed her around 15 or so at the youngest in her first appearance, but if she's just into her thirties in 2013, then she must have only been... 10 or so? in Godzilla vs Biolante.

Maybe we should say mid or upper thirties instead....

Slight age shift but not that much as it was for a reason. I was trying to be general termed when talking about the hybrids, didn't know you meant Miki in specific. Miki actually has the honor of being the first hybrid born so she's the oldest by a year or two. I tried to keep things pretty close to the actress, Megumi Odaka, while using an age we got mentioned in a manga. As such Miki is about 37 in the current year (2013), 3-4 years younger than Odaka depending on birthdate. Odaka was 17 when GvB came out, so this means Miki was about 13 or 14 in events of the film, which is a year older than in manga since the films didn't display her age that I know of.

Keep in mind Miki's role in GvB wasn't as a researcher at the psychic institute, but a student there that happened to be a bit older than the other kids and helped supervise them. Thus since psychics in this timeline are hybrids, Miki being a couple of years older than the majority makes sense, as well as the first batch of hybrids born being 31-35ish range currently.

While I was using Miki as an example to try to gauge the ages of the hybrids, I didn't mean to use her as the specific example per say, merely as one of a sort of known age range at a known period of time. That she was explicitly younger in the manga was something I did not know, as I only have ready access to the movies.

So, in the end analysis, all active psychics and physically enhanced hybrids are first generation hybrids at this time, and the effects of interbreeding between the two species on the combined population going forward is pure speculation at this point. In another generation or two, the first supportable speculations on the shape of humanity in, say, a millennium or so may come about (measurable psychic talent and/or enhanced physical abilities becoming commonplace, or the abilities being diluted from generation to generation until no detectable difference with pre-contact humanity remains? Only the (distant) future can tell.)

Movies never displayed her name so I was forced to go with what I could

More or less. This could be changed later if the HS crew needs to use it as a plot point, but I couldn't see any 2nd generation hybrids being older than a few years. As for if the special powers crop up, I'd imagine it be less a case they'd get diluted and more that their frequency would decrease. However with mana levels on Terra sloooowly returning, who knows what effect alien genes and returning fae and enchanted human biology might have. I could say that at the least, having Mysterian ancestry would make the hybrid compatible with augmentation.

... And now I'm wondering if the presence or absence of Fae ancestry is the deciding factor as to the type of abilities a hybrid ends up with. For example, if Miki is descended from a variety of Fae that typically was highly capable of using magic as opposed to Ozaki who's Fae ancestor had greater then normal physical abilities.

Thanks Grand King Ghidorah and Kaizer Ghidorah for fu--ing it up.

one thing that's been bugging me[now that I'm not high as a kite], during the early days of adding HS cahracters to the TV tropes pages, a fair few folks thought that Salindra was a hybrid, not because of her strength, but because she was described as having vibrant red eyes...

which, from the looks of things, is very contrary to how a hybrid would look...

Why is that?

4193968 Mas the guy who wound up making 'Fae still exist' a thing, let me toss my penni and a half in.

Generally, in the modern age fae ancestry is limited, meaning one would need to breed with another fae capable of interbreeding with humans[EX: a 'god'fae, glaistic, dragon, werewolf, etc, etc, pretty much anything 'hypervirile' or sufficiently humanoid] for any traits to show strongly, or be of a family line closely tied with the rare remaining fae bloodlines, then one would have traits and abilities mainly related to such fae[enhanced strength, for example]

Regarding the Hybrids, though, they may wind up developing 'superpowers' if their Fae ancestry is similar to thy hybrid powers they've gained. I.e. someone with dragon ancestry whom is also a super strong Hybrid might be far stronger or more durable than normal. Or someone with, say, Glaistig ancestry developed psychic powers, they may gain some spell-like abilities like pyrokinesis.

Care to deny or verify for me, tarb?

Actually, I had been thinking that between the population bottleneck caused by the Toba Catastrophe, the large number of Fae integrating into the population at that time, and the thousands of generations since to mix things up, that by this point everyone would have at least a touch of Fae in their family tree, with the abilities of those Fae ancestors deciding what sort of abilities a hybrid would have. For instance, having an Oni ancestor would pre-dispose a hybrid to develop enhanced strength.

It may be the Mysterian genes provide the capacity to generate energy (by way of their natural empathic ability) which the Fae genes then channel rather efficiently into their metahuman abilities. Or it could be simple hybrid vigor allowing Fae traits to express despite the low magic environment.

4194954 both are equally viable possibilities. and that also means the potential, should a hybrid enter a high-magic environment[one of those rare 'hotspots' in the world] that said abiliies may amplify....

And now I wanna see one of the shepard twins pull out some cool powers inspired by fae ancestry...

...provided, of course, their mostly human bodies can handle that much raw power. Remember, when Tarb first described the hybrids way back when, he mentioned the fact that they were more vulnerable to the effects of radiation then either parent race. Most likely, their bodies are set to more readily absorb the energy, but lack the ability to safely use it.


When it comes to fae ancestry, it's less a matter of getting it in increments and more "You're a fae or you're not". Think Marvel's Mutants, you don't have a half mutant or quarter mutant with diluted powers, you got human, human carrying mutant genes, and full on mutant. You need your whole body and biology set up to support fae abilities. To have a modern or post-Toba fae be born, you need two parents with a high amount of dormant fae genes producing a child in a mana heavy area. The resulting child looks completely like a fae. A human born, Post-Toba Oni looks identical to a pre-Toba, natural born Oni.

In theory, yes many hybrids carry fae genes by merit of having a human parent who themselves can have fae genes. However keep in mind half a hybrid's DNA comes from the fae-less Planet Xilian. So a hybrid has an even lower chance of expressing fae traits, being born a fae, or having a fae child because they got fae genes in only half of their gene pool. And even then, the types of fae possible to be born from a human or hybrid is limited. You won't get a dragon or manticore out of a human, only the fairly human-like yokai who either where altered derivatives of humans themselves (like Oni or Rakshasa) or crossed with humans Post-Toba (Garuda or Troll). If a wyrm or Imuugi for instance were to be born, it be from the species they derived from (snakes), not a human.

tl;dr - Hybrids can have fae genes, but they'd actually have fewer than a human's. The hybrid's special abilities come from how the Mysterian/Xilian genes and augmentations interact with human genes. Fae ancestry on the human side may or may not have had any effect.

So, does that make the types of augments the Mysterian parent possessed the deciding factor for weather the hybrid has physical instead of psychic powers, or is there some other, as yet unknown factor that determines what sort of abilities each hybrid ends up with?

Mostly random and those two power sets just tend to happen the most. There may be some chromosome work at play, like what happens with real life animal hybrids. Children the result of a male human and female mysterian or a male mysterian and female human may have a higher instance of psychics vs. super soldiers or vice versa. What sort of augments the mysterian parent had may also have an effect. It's probably not just one factor, but a group of them affects the odds that results in the hybrid being one of the two superhumans they are. Genetics is a very tricky business, and there is almost never just one cause behind a trait; but multiple.

4195179 this puts a damper in me and shane's running 'psychic abilities is related to magic' idea/theory but it's good that's been cleared up.

Also this means if we want more dragons then either we need cloning[again] or to convince Lady Platina to do the nasty with a monitor lizard....ech.

Not everything is magic related. Remember we got a fictional world with everything including a kitchen sink, so fantasy and sci-fi are both present on their own in addition to mixed. The hybrids and their abilities are no more magic in nature than the radiation mutated dinosaur that is Godzilla; in that the two may have some distant association or relation; but the meat and guts of it is based in mana-less science and nature. Magic is a rarity on Terra now and I intend to keep it that way, both to avoid overuse and makes it more distinct.

So yah, sorry to torpedo you and HS team's idea.

As for dragons, keep this in mind. Dragons are animal fae who did pop up a few times in historic times, just like humanoid fae could. The Wyvern of Mordiford and Lambton Wyrm for instance were born from a lizard and an eel respectively. It can still happen in the modern day, just at complete random in the right spot... Heh, imagine the chaos that ensue if an alligator at some wildlife park laid an eye that hatched into a river drake and no one noticed until the thing started growing?

4195364 eh, it was a minor idea so not a big issue.

Also, while Lady Platina is a platinum dragon[D&D FTW], she's believed/assumed to be the last 'true' dragon but...that'd actually be funny/scary as hell.

....oh god...

Dragon battle in the middle of Manhattan....

Platina: ....This is why I shouldn't have left my cave. I should have just stayed home in Britain, but no, you guys HAD to convince me to go globetrotting with you and then THIS happens!

Weird question; In Humanity's Stand, it's established that all Jeager pilots are "partial telepaths", and full telepaths can "drift" with any pilot team. In the movie Pacific Rim, there are older pilots, including the Marshal, who cannot be Hybrids due to their age. Is it reasonable to conclude from this that non-hybrid humans can have some minor, normally undetectable level of telepathic ability and this potential is enhanced via hybrid vigor to the level of being useful without technical assistance? Or instead, are the older pilots from the movie non pilots in this setting with some degree of Mysterian empathy needed to use a Jeager?

... I remember when there was only one Platinum Dragon, and he was considered a lesser power/god. Since when are there more then one?

4195672 there's never more than one. Platina is his granddaughter.

4195668 Most of the older pilots ahve been at this from a fairly young age, comparatively, and the Jaegers are, contrary to shane using 'Jaeger' as a catch-all for EVERY mech used by the GDF, the 'youngest' of the mechs in active use, there are numerous older mecha such as Moguera and SMG, not to mention there's been mechs, both known and not-named-in-film that ahve fallen in the past.

On a unrelated topic or related depends on how you take it. Did you know King Ghidorah gets his power from the sun, He have to be directly at the sun to absorb the energy.

Which lead to a good theorize question did you with a few exceptions he mostly attack during the day time instead of at night.

If you remember Zone fighter the alien Garorgas are the real owner and creators of King Ghidorah.

Since Grand King Ghidorah attacked earth 65 million years ago, for the Garorgas to have claimed to create him in this timeline, one of four things must be true:
1) The Garorgas must be among the most ancient races in the universe, and should by all rights be the most advanced race as well; why don't they rule the entire universe?
2) Grand King Ghidorah must have slipped his leash and escaped by way of extreme time travel; possible, but unlikely.
3) The Garorgas had the means to control Grand King Ghidorah for a time, and falsely claimed to be his creator to make themselves seem more impressive.
4) The King Ghidorah the Garorgas created was as much a copy as the one Godzilla Senior killed back in the '90s. A fairly impressive beast in it's own right, but not the true Grand King Ghidorah.

Personally, I suspect number 4 is the most likely to be true. It best fits what is known of their abilities, and allows them to remain the minor players that they seem to be relative to this story.

4199456 From the time era it took place, I wouldn't be too surprise. However I stand on what I say about king ghidorah getting energy from the sun like how godzilla absorb nuclear radiation.

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