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I'm many former things.

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Small update thing · 9:20pm Sep 9th, 2016

hey all, details below for my sudden vanishing act and general reassurances below. I'm not going into a lot of detail as I'm a fairly private person, but the gist of things is stuff went bad and is now going better. Grieving sucks though

So, chemically, my brain doesn't work the same as most other people, so I take meds (prescribed by my doctor thankyouverymuch so don't fuss) that help me function.

Unfortunately, when real life rogers me without lube, they can stop working, or not be up to the task. This is basically what happened a couple months ago.

Chems not working equals very very unhappy ferret. Thus I saw my doc and we had a long chat about things, how they stand right now, where they're likely to be in future and decided our best bet was to flush my system of the chems and then go back on them slowly and see if we could get them working again.

What this means is I become a human trainwreck. I lose all ability to function normally and go into a hibernation state.

That's pretty much what I've been doing, just lotsa sleeping and taking care of myself. Focusing on what I can do, no matter how small, an celebrating when thnigs get better.

They're slowly improving as I begin the chem reuptake, but it's far from perfect and may not be for some time. I'm starting to be social again, hence this blogpost, but give me time okay? Thank you a thousand times over for those of you who sent or left messages, and to those who thought of me. It really does mean a lot. I'm sorry to have worried you, but hopefully this is sufficient to let you know I'm gonna be okay.

I mean heck, I'm going to freaking Australia in less than three weeks. I'm so stressed and nervous and excited beyond belief. I've dreamed of going there since I was a little kid and now it's really happening. I alternate between celebrating and panicking. What if I forget something, what if they don't let me in the country, what if I get mauled by wildlife?

Anyways, i'm off for now, time for more youtube and books.

Comments ( 28 )

We'll be around.

Take your time.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Good to know things are improving.

If you need some Aussie guidance let me know. Will be happy to assist.

I'm sorry to have worried you, but hopefully this is sufficient to let you know I'm gonna be okay.

Nothing to be sorry for, hun

You're alive!

I'm going to celebrate.

Entirely understandable. I know all too well the "fun" of recalibrating brain chemistry with the brain being recalibrated. And that is no where near enough quotation marks to properly display the depth of sarcasm at work.

In any case, thank you for keeping us posted. Here's hoping everything keeps going well with the reboot. :twilightsmile:

Australia: Awesome!

The rest: Holy crap I feel you. People treat depression -- and poking around with brain chemicals -- like it's some sort of minor, optional thing; like "oh whatever you had the sads". No. Out-of-control brain chemistry crushes you. It's like having two broken legs and trying to walk around except the broken part is your brain.

I am extremely glad and relieved to hear that you're back on the upswing. I will keep appendages crossed that the recovery continues smoothly.

All the best. May your Australian adventure be full of fun and cute furry marsupials.

Keep working on those little victories, Ferret! It's good to hear that your recalibration process is moving forward, even if it's not yet complete.

Even if my own misadventures in off-kilter brain chemistry are comparatively mild, I totally feel you on the alternating episodes of panic and excitement anticipating a big and awesome event. I've always managed to muddle through somehow, though.

Hope things continue to get better!

That's pretty much what I've been doing, just lotsa sleeping and taking care of myself.

Totally been there,

Catch you on the peak.

Been there. Done that. Survived.

And so shall you, which is nice. :)

Author Interviewer

Taking care of yourself is a good thing to do. :) Have fun in Australia!

Glad you're okay! :3

what if I get mauled by wildlife?

As someone who've been to Aussieland, dropbears are overrated.

*flees from the angry aussies*

I hope you will soon be swimming with the endolphins. :twilightsheepish:


I'm sorry for what you're going through, but I'm glad things are getting better. This stuff is hard. You are mighty. Hope you have a marvelous time in Australia! :heart:

Glad to hear you're pulling yourself back together.

Just watch out for the dropbears in Australia and you'll be fine. :ajsmug:

While it's bad to be in that kind of headspace, I'm glad to hear that you're on the mend. :twilightsmile:

What if I forget something, what if they don't let me in the country, what if I get mauled by wildlife?

We do have shops here; make sure that your passport and visa (if required) is taken care of, and don't bring any flora or fauna into the country; despite rumours to the contrary, and apart from a few notable exceptions, most of our wildlife is relatively maul-free.

It's good to know you're doing all right. Take care, let us know if we can help, etc. No rush, no pressure.

Continue to take what time you need and we'll be waiting when you are ready to come back and visit again :rainbowkiss:

S'alright. Just keep going, one day at a time. Try to make the best calls you can, and if you messed up, say your sorry and try not to do it again.

Take care, Ferret, and have fun in Australia.

We're here if you need us.

You're coming to Australia???????

You know what you must do. I'll get on the bell to Numbers RIGHT NOW about it.

Depression really sucks and I hope you get your brain chemistry working soon. It is really good that you are going to Australia, because I have a special type of therapy that Dr. Shenanigans is going to prescribe you. While in Australia, I want you to find the biggest, fuzziest kangaroo, and I want you to get inside of its pouch. You are to hop around in the marsupial's pouch for the duration of your visit. It doesn't matter if there is already a joey inside of the pouch, they will be your roommate and new best friend. Kangaroos are excellent guides and will fight for honor, and you can nap to your heart's content. Hopping around while surrounded by marsupial warmth will be a fast track to a happy ferret.

I am glad you are getting better! I have missed our random conversations! I hope you enjoy Australia! If you are in any part that is near where Steve Erwin is buried, get me a pic!

Much love, my favourite ferret! I hope you're resting up and getting better! MUMMY LOVES YOU!


... whew, I need to sit down now.


Glad to hear you're going to be ok. Have fun in Australia!

Delighted to hear you're okay and getting better. Cool people like you deserve to do better. :twilightsmile:

Have fun in Australia as well. I don't think some of the sheep there are poisonous at least, so if you stick by them you'll probably retain all your limbs by the trip's end.

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