• Member Since 25th Feb, 2013
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Titanium Dragon

TD writes and reviews pony fanfiction, and has a serious RariJack addiction. Send help and/or ponies.

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FlutterDash Contest Announcement · 3:28am Sep 10th, 2016

As I mentioned a few months back, I got promoted to being admin of the FlutterDash group. And that came with the task of trying to revitalize the group a bit.

And as noted over on the FlutterDash forum, the FlutterDash group is running a group contest this month - complete with a cash prize!

Subject Matter: Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. It can be either about them as a romantic couple, or concern their platonic friendship.

Prompt: Change

Rating: Everyone or Teen (no gore tag)

Minimum Story Length: 1,750 words

Maximum Story Length: No maximum

Starting: Friday, September 9th.

Writing Period Ends: Monday, October 3rd

Judging Period: Winners will be announced Monday, October 24th.

Judges: Titanium Dragon, Sage_Element, DalekSaxon.

Judging Process: Rank ordering by judges, discussion to resolve any ties.


$60 from Sage_Element

I will review all contest entries in my blog. (Contestants may opt out of a review if they don't want one)

Feature on front page of group and forum post in group.

So if you've got a FlutterDash idea you've been procrastinating on (or want a shot at winning $60 - or get me to read and review a story of yours), now is the time to write!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled RariJack.

Comments ( 11 )

I do have a FlutterDash idea sitting in my idea folder...

It's porn though.

Hmm... I do have a couple friendshipping stories in mind, but I never write romance, so...

Author Interviewer

Haaaah, another contest I can review, oh boy c.c

Oh, I might do this:pinkiehappy:

I've had an idea for a Fluttershy/Rainbow Dash story floating around in my head for a while. Does it count for the contest if it's not romance?

Hm. A Flutterdash shipping content. And Titanium Dragon is one of the judges.

Now how do I write a romance with a happy Flutterdash ending, and yet still make Fluttershy cry ... :trixieshiftright:

Oh come on, it isn't like you have to make Fluttershy cry in a story for me to like it!

I mean, sure, my entry for the first FlutterDash contest, The Stolen Date, featured Fluttershy crying.

But that first contest included community judging, we all got to vote on which stories (other than our own) we thought were best. My first pick was Bats' entry for the first contest, Hummingbird Heartbeat, which... uh, featured Fluttershy crying.

But my second pick was Flying In Place by Atosen, which... okay, also involves Fluttershy crying.

But there's my third pick! It was Three Little Words by Drizzle Quill, which... uh, might also involve Fluttershy crying.


Look. I'm not saying you have to make Fluttershy cry. It definitely isn't a requirement.

I'm just saying that Trick Question said that I like stories where Fluttershy cries, and she might be right guys.

And for the record, Hummingbird Heartbeat won the judge's choice award in the first contest, Three Little Words won the people's choice award, and the runners up were The Stolen Date and Flying In Place.

Awesome! I hope you enter! :twilightsmile:

Yup! It is perfectly acceptable to write a story that does not actually ship the characters, but it must heavily feature them.

Feel free to enter your story. :yay:


The story:

I just started working on fits these parameters to a "T"--whatever that expression means. From my outline, I'm guessing somewhere around 20,000 words, so I reckon I'd better get busy!


Excellent! I'd love to see that.

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