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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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Chapter 31 Pictures · 4:08am Sep 14th, 2016

Faithy doesn't fail to impress, hope you all enjoy and thanks for being patient!
Seriously, how did I ever charm such a talented (and pretty) young woman? BEHOLD MY GIRLFRIEND'S WORKS

Comments ( 23 )

Their is literally no word that can be used to describe these pictures. just look at them, the shading, detail, my God, these are the best pictures she's done yet!

I wouldn't have thought that... the Legion Queen would be... GORGEOUS!

Awesomeness is both of the top two i see. But for the last one, there is only one thing that comes to mind when i see it - an especially fitting quote from an equally destructive, and powerful badass of a villain named Apocalypse:

Each generation has cried out for a new world. But has built the same: olden, corrupt, and weak! But the new world SHALL come to pass. For i will purge the world of these benighted mortals! Bring forth the plague, take the food from their mouths, turn their weapons AGAINST them! Exterminate them.

Man, Faith's skill only continues to grow. She never ceases to impress. ^_^

These pics were well worth the wait. I liked how Faith used inky black and white to portray Lea's despair when watching the near extinction of the Mothra and Battra lines. Junior is awe-inspiring yet terrifying in Meltdown mode, especially with how beaten out Xenilla looks (the dude has blood coming out of his horn). Finally, Legion's Changeling design is absolutely gorgeous. The pics were worth the wait.

Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarb!! /)///w///(\ :heart:

Gorgeous... yet terrifying. I would fear being within ten miles of anything with evil eyes like that...

That use of the blur tool...
Come on. Use some layer overlying to have some resemblance of background, instead of blurry mess (put blurry layer over original one).

Otherwise great job.

4209135 Faithy is best artist, this is now canon.

she and Tarb are tied as best pony, this is also canon.

So it has been said, so it shall be made...Canon.

Amazing as usual!

Amazing, simply amazing. Tarbtano don't ever let Faith go.

just to let you know, i use GIMP only. so i'm not able to do a blur layer in itself >x<;
but i'll admit, i might rely on a blurred BG too much lately. so i'll try and deviate from it a bit

but thank you~

4209542 Are these commissions or fan art?

neither really? like, it COULD be considered fan-art? but making chapter art is my job for this story ^o^
this is how i contribute to my beloved's story :heart:

4209667 Oooooooo. We can consider that as fan art then. He gets SO MUCH. It makes me jelly.

Faith never ceases to amaze me how awesome her art can be. Some of these scenes are downright CHILLING.

4209542 Yes you can? Duplicate layer and use the Opacity slider thingy (Layers tab, above icons for the layers) to overlay, and you only blur the selected layer? It should work? Not 100% on the results, but it should work.

i realized that this is what you meant after posting my comment~
i'll give it a try ^w^

Awesome work, though would of liked to of seen Godzilla and Blade Dancer stare down

For some reason, seeing Legion's changeling form made me think of Maleficent. Perhaps due to her smirk.

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