• Member Since 14th Feb, 2012
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Author, former Royal Canterlot Library curator, and the (retired) reviewer at One Man's Pony Ramblings.

  • ERelinquishing
    On one day each year, Celestia and Luna turn control of the sun and moon over to a group of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria. Twilight is finally old enough to take part. But she can't.
    Chris · 1.1k words  ·  186  3 · 2.7k views

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An Important Addition to the Relinquishing Reading Experience · 9:14pm Sep 15th, 2016

If you've looked in the comments on my story--either here or on the writeoff site that birthed it--you might have already seen this. But if you haven't, you haven't, and you should!

Georg, who is definitely up there on the list of Ponyfic Authors You Should Have Heard Of By Now, was rather fond of my new story, Relinquishing. So fond, in fact, that he decided that the world needed more of it! Specifically, the world needed a comedic coda. Now, I may not have known that that's what the world needed, but after seeing what he wrote, I can't disagree with his assessment.

If you read Relinquishing and thought it could've used a silly follow-up, go read The Substitute! It's part of horizon's collection of story add-ons, Never The Final Word so make sure you poke around and see if any other items tickle your fancy while you're there. And if you enjoy it, make sure and let Georg know!

Me? I'm tickled pink, and think the whole thing is pretty great...

Report Chris · 502 views · Story: Relinquishing · #georg #Never The Final Word
Comments ( 2 )

Show of hands, who else made the "ba-dum bum!" sound after they saw LeVar Burton?

Now you just need to write an epilogue for one of Georg's stories, and the circle will be complete. :raritywink:

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