• Member Since 27th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen May 15th, 2019

Coconut of Doom

Every story has an ending, but in life every ending sparks a new beginning...

More Blog Posts131

  • 268 weeks
    A Final Blogpost, Please Read if You Actually Liked My Works

    I'm just gonna make it simple - the less time I spend here the better.

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    2 comments · 488 views
  • 400 weeks
    Hey guys.

    Sooo, this is just a random blog post (just like 95% of all my blog posts) but I felt like I had to say it. This is serious.

    Skyrim Special Edition? Got it in my library for free on Friday. I do not want to play it. I implore you guys to not play it either.

    I'm dead fucking serious.

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    0 comments · 557 views
  • 401 weeks
    *Grinning to avoid laughing intensifies*

    0 comments · 474 views
  • 401 weeks

    Time to face facts.

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    0 comments · 506 views
  • 401 weeks
    Gotta stop stressing

    Just found out I might have psoriasis. I also might not have it, but either way, I gotta stop stressing out or I will get it.

    0 comments · 279 views

Not doing set dates anymore · 6:02pm Sep 18th, 2016

I wont be uploading on set dates anymore. Mainly because when the deadline draws near I tend to panic. I will only upload on set dates if I know I can get it done by then.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

I think i'm going through Writers Block.

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