• Member Since 25th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Valiant Charge

Why do we fight? To protect home and family, to preserve balance and bring harmony. The true question is not why we fight but rather "What is worth fighting for?"

More Blog Posts885

  • 3 weeks
    I need to grieve...

    As of June 7th today, my grandfather passed in his sleep. Until I feel like I can continue, there will be no updates on any of my projects.

    5 comments · 71 views
  • 8 weeks
    OH MY PONY!!

    3 comments · 69 views
  • 9 weeks

    Aside from the renovations, my grandpa had to be hospitalized yesterday so I can't really focus on my writing. Apologies to all my readers but I need to get things in order first before I start writing again.

    5 comments · 81 views
  • 12 weeks
    Slight Delay

    Due to some much needed house rennovations, updates will be rather slow. Thank you for your patience.

    8 comments · 85 views
  • 16 weeks
    Easter Special

    Villain or not, Twitch looks FABULOUS!!

    3 comments · 68 views

Viva Las Pegasus · 1:23am Sep 21st, 2016

High sky citie's gonna set my soul gonna set my soul on fire!
Gotta whole lotta money that's ready to burn,
So get those stakes up higher!

I'm gonna give it everything I got!
Celestia please let the dice stay hot!
Let me roll a seven with every shot!

HEY! Viva las Pegasus!
Viva las Pegasus!

(I actually thought of this song while watching the episode)

Report Valiant Charge · 156 views · #Blog #Music
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