• Member Since 13th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 8th, 2023


We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?

More Blog Posts22

  • 323 weeks

    0 comments · 299 views
  • 405 weeks
    Hopefully gonna get some help..

    I'm not well. My mind is so unraveled that I feel like I'm going to collapse into a panic attack any day now In the middle of work. My brain is screaming and weeping noise at me nonstop, incoherent ramblings and insults and mutterings, and I feel like I'm going to pass out just from mental fatigue.

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    1 comments · 475 views
  • 407 weeks
    I'm back! (Kind of)

    I'm finally back in the states! After 7 months in sh*tty Afghanistan, I've finally made it back. And everything is an episode of nightmare before Christmas.
    What's this? What's this?
    It's humid in the air.
    What's this?
    There's Privates everywhere?

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    1 comments · 293 views
  • 411 weeks

    Welp. It's my birthday today.

    I'm 23 now.

    Fuck, I am OLD.

    Also got the shit smacked [repetitively] out of me by my company mates.

    So that happened.

    Also midnight shifts are now a thing and our new first seargant forbade sleeping before 1600 so yay...

    More exhaustion and back problems...

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    5 comments · 394 views
  • 414 weeks
    Haven't said anything for a while..... Yyyup.

    Anyone else get weirdly pissed off by stories/chapters that are X999 words long?

    yes I'm writing, I'm sorry it's slow, it's hot as hell out where I am and I'm busy with work. One day off a week and that day being filled with training does that to a guy.

    0 comments · 308 views

Hopefully gonna get some help.. · 4:59am Sep 22nd, 2016

I'm not well. My mind is so unraveled that I feel like I'm going to collapse into a panic attack any day now In the middle of work. My brain is screaming and weeping noise at me nonstop, incoherent ramblings and insults and mutterings, and I feel like I'm going to pass out just from mental fatigue.
I'm gonna try to schedule a visit to behavioral health, see if someone with a degree can tell me I'm not as crazy as it feels like I am...
My laptop is still broken as hell... Gonna call them again and see if there's any update on that motherboard part...

Report Shadowsciver · 475 views ·
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