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Duke Moon II

More Blog Posts76

  • 158 weeks
    Blog Post #76-16062021: Toys and Stuff Blog

    Since I don't post much on this blog and I usually only use it to show off some videos I found on Youtube or just announce my latest story updates, I decided put to a better use and show off my toys, books and other stuff I lying around. I'll show off some of the pony stuff I collected over the years.

    Stay tuned for more updates and see what I have for my first stuff post.

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  • 159 weeks
    Blog Post #75-10062021: Rated A for Awesome Looking

    Oh, and some some guy named Mark is Skeletor. Hopefully, everyone will like this series.

    3 comments · 202 views
  • 162 weeks
    Blog Post #74-18052021: The Big Man Chapter 10 is on the way + Something Extra

    Just letting you guys now that the tenth chapter of The Big Man is finished. It just needs to be ironed out and checked for errors, so stay tuned for the next update.

    Also, I decided to make a one-shot Spin Off of When I Say Goodbye called Letting Love Go, with Applebloom being the central character. Stay tuned for that, too.

    Peace out!!

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  • 172 weeks
    Blog Post #73-11032021: The Nostalgia is Strong With This One

    Can't wait to play this one. Day one get...whenever that date comes.

    Turtle Power!

    3 comments · 200 views
  • 178 weeks
    Blog Post #72-28012021: Final Chapter of When I Say Goodbye Incoming

    Just finished the epilogue of When I Say Goodbye and it will be up after my editors get a look at it. I'm just glad that I was able to see this story through and hopefully, you'll like what I turned out.

    After this, I'm going to see what I can do with The Big Man.

    Peace out and goodnight everybody.

    1 comments · 181 views

Blog Post #029-27092016: The Legend of Nightmare Moon + Future Previews · 8:17pm Sep 27th, 2016

Just to let you know that I will posting future fanfiction previews here on my blog.

Anyway, here's an idea that I will do in article format here. It's called The Legend of Nightmare Moon, part of the AFAM line of stories.


Article by Golden Scrivener

It was Halloween Night and Police Chief Garrison Mane had gotten word from dispatch that Nightmare Moon was spotted heading into the Everfree Forest, riding on her all terrain black motorcycle. He knew that she was heading to Sombra Estate, home of Julio Niebla de la Sombra, a rich real estate tycoon who was a suspect in many shady dealings around the Ponyville area. Chief Mane didn't know why Nightmare Moon was targeting the Sombra Estate and at the point, he didn't care. Nightmare Moon was already in trouble for many acts of vandalism, disturbing the peace, being a nuisance and causing trouble for many of the more powerful citizens in town. He called every available officer to chase down Nightmare Moon and have her arrested. By the time Chief Mane had arrived at the Sombra Estate, Nightmare Moon had already invaded the property and the grounds were already surrounded by police, some of who were attending to frightened costumed party goers.

"I remembered hearing gunshots from within the estate," said Chief Mane, recalling the surreal scene. "Nightmare Moon was never known for carrying a firearm, so I could tell the gunshots were coming from Sombra's personal security detail. Considering that some of those guards were cops I trained myself at the academy, it was a wonder Nightmare Moon survived."

Diamond Shores, a guest at the estate, was one of the many witnesses to Nightmare Moon's invasion. According to a police statement, she remembered how Nightmare Moon just rode in on her motorcycle, attacked the guards and made her way to the ballroom where Julio Sombra was located.

"She was taking no prisoners," Diamond Shores remembered of the fateful night. "Whatever Nightmare Moon wanted from Sombra, you could bet she wasn't going to stop until she got it."

Detective Fiona Starr, who was put in charge of the Nightmare Moon case, led a squadron inside the Sombra Estate as soon as all guests and guards were led outside. Not too long after, explosions rocked the Sombra Estate and Detective Starr and her squad immediately escaped. More explosions followed and the Sombra Estate became a smoldering ruin, leaving those in attendance in shock.

Firefighters were quickly dispatched to scene, containing the fire so that none of it spread to the rest of forest.

By morning, Ponyville Police began to search the remains of the estate. What they found was the corpse of Julio Sombra, a gunshot to the side of his head and a dead man's switch. Investigators also found the remains of Nightmare Moon's motorcycle and her blue helmet.

Whatever happened between Julio Sombra and Nightmare Moon remains a mystery.

The Ponyville Police have urged the people of the city to be on the look out for Nightmare Moon who is still at large.

Report Duke Moon II · 79 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

interesting preview

Guess there's no Radiant Hope to bring him on the path to redemption, is there?

4229849 Maybe there was...

4230026 I dunno, if there's a bullet in his skull, he's described in the preview as a corpse, and the dead man's switch activated, then I doubt Radiant Hope could bring him back from the brink, seeing as how there's no magic in this world to resuscitate him with.

4230053 What I'm saying is that maybe there was...but something happened to her beforehand...

4230060 Well that would just be pointless, because Hope isn't even supposed to make an appearance until long after Sombra "dies". Killing her off beforehand would be like setting a burning tree on fire. I was only saying that there's no chance Sombra would make a recovery, regardless if she's alive or not (considering the limitations imposed on reality).

4230167 The story is in the idea stage for now. I may change a few aspects of it, so stay tuned. I'll send you a message about it later on.

4230305 Ah, okay then.

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