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Three tidbits · 1:19am Sep 28th, 2016

As pointed out by Loganberry, FIMFiction hit an interesting landmark on the week of August 29: for the first (and so far, only) time, the number of Mature-tagged stories released that week was higher than the number of Everyone-tagged stories.

Not all Mature stories are clop, of course, and even if they were, they'd still be a significant minority against the combined weight of E+T. But as the size of the fandom slowly dwindles from its S3/S4 peak, it's interesting seeing which authors stay and which authors leave.

I just belatedly added my minific Only, Only, Only Me to my Never The Final Word anthology. It's a look at how the Nightmare deceived Luna into unleashing Nightmare Moon. (Rated T for brief sexual content.)

It's poetry. I know, I know, with those two words I just lost half my audience … but I think I can say that this one is objectively worth reading. It scored a bronze in the latest Writeoff Association minific competition, and over the entire four-year history of the Writeoffs, this is only the second time a poem has ever won a medal. (Arguably the third time — but that one was mine, too.) It's also a sequel of sorts to another well-credentialed poem — Corejo's Only, Only, Only You, which placed 7th in its own Writeoff round against strong competition, and earned Corejo a Royal Canterlot Library feature.

If you like my stuff (and you're following me, you should!) … give it a read.

I may have gotten a bit silly with Google Translate in the "Miss Harshwhinny Is Best Pony" forum's latest thread.

Feels like the good old days, man. Or maybe that's just the feeling of making Majin Syeekoh say "what". Any day you can do that is a good one.

Comments ( 18 )

I shall have to up my game. I have several stories nearing completion of the non-mature variety, including How Many Princesses Does It Take, which is nearly done with final editing. That that, you dirty-minded multitudes! Um... But only in the most favorable Rated-Y meaning of the word 'take'

As pointed out by Loganberry, FIMFiction hit an interesting landmark on the week of August 29: for the first (and so far, only) time, the number of Mature-tagged stories released that week was higher than the number of Everyone-tagged stories.

More fun facts: There haven't been any clopfics at all in the featurebox since at least Monday the 19th.

Most of that is probably my fault, but still.

I have an E-rated idea in the pipeline. There is a broken limb in there, but it's Daring Do's wing; that shouldn't impact the rating much.

Also, I highly recommend "Only, Only, Only Me" to all and sundry. It is indeed objectively good poetry, at least from my subjective experience.

#why can't you make sweet vodka from sweet potatoes

We in the business call that "rum"

Or maybe that's just the feeling of making Majin Syeekoh say "what". Any day you can do that is a good one.

What does this say of me if I made him feel this way the entirety of our interactions at bronycon?

I haven't released an E-rated story since Apple Boom back in April? For shame :ajsleepy:
I have two in the works, both in need of edits. I could blame Present Perfect for the delay, but it's all my doing. At the moment pony writing is a weekends-only endeavor while I attack OF revisions. Only 369 pages and 900 editor comments left to go!

I did not realize there were other worshippers of the Harsh. So nice to be amongst friends finally


All's I'm saying is, I am going to be VERY disappointed if this new EQG film does not fulfill all my stupid and unrealistic whims.

Don't be disappointed, I'm sure the next one will be a Princess Cadance and Miss Harshwhinny roadtrip comedy.

This is exactly the sort of broad-spectrum not-at-all-specific-to-me topic this show should be covering.


Under a rock. On the farm. Working the Pie Way.

Popular with the target demo, too. What little girl doesn't want a Miss Harshwhinny's Office Play Set to put next to the Crystal Palace? It comes complete with a tiny jar to put by the xerox machine, so ponies can leave money when they make personal copies!

Yeah, I've been getting pulled a lot of different directions and keep putting off story editing just one more day. :raritydespair: I owe you, and everyone, an update … well, I owe folks a published story really.

Let me see what editing I can get done this evening.


Yeah, I've been getting pulled a lot of different directions and keep putting off story editing just one more day. :raritydespair: I owe you, and everyone, an update … well, I owe folks a published story really.

I don't remember you owing me an update or a published story. Is there anything else you owe me I'm forgetting about? Preferably involving chocolate? :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

Iiiii dunno. :unsuresweetie: I feel like there's just so many little things one might want to include that might nudge stories into the Teen category, such different sensitivities to getting it wrong, and so little incentive to push things down to Everyone (so you'd include the Teen elements if they do any good at all, even if an Everyone-rated story without them works almost as well), that that might bump a lot of stories that could perfectly well have been Everyone into Teen, skewing the Everyone vs Mature numbers indirectly. But I've never been in the moderator queue myself.

(Added: That said, the relative difference is still a thing, sure. But I think it's pretty darn ambiguous and not worth focusing on.)

She also factors "time spent making this copy when you should be working" into the cost so it is significantly more expensive than going down the street to Kinkos. Or Fedex Office, which I will never remember to start calling it.

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