• Member Since 28th May, 2013
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Duke Moon II

More Blog Posts76

  • 158 weeks
    Blog Post #76-16062021: Toys and Stuff Blog

    Since I don't post much on this blog and I usually only use it to show off some videos I found on Youtube or just announce my latest story updates, I decided put to a better use and show off my toys, books and other stuff I lying around. I'll show off some of the pony stuff I collected over the years.

    Stay tuned for more updates and see what I have for my first stuff post.

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  • 159 weeks
    Blog Post #75-10062021: Rated A for Awesome Looking

    Oh, and some some guy named Mark is Skeletor. Hopefully, everyone will like this series.

    3 comments · 202 views
  • 162 weeks
    Blog Post #74-18052021: The Big Man Chapter 10 is on the way + Something Extra

    Just letting you guys now that the tenth chapter of The Big Man is finished. It just needs to be ironed out and checked for errors, so stay tuned for the next update.

    Also, I decided to make a one-shot Spin Off of When I Say Goodbye called Letting Love Go, with Applebloom being the central character. Stay tuned for that, too.

    Peace out!!

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  • 172 weeks
    Blog Post #73-11032021: The Nostalgia is Strong With This One

    Can't wait to play this one. Day one get...whenever that date comes.

    Turtle Power!

    3 comments · 200 views
  • 178 weeks
    Blog Post #72-28012021: Final Chapter of When I Say Goodbye Incoming

    Just finished the epilogue of When I Say Goodbye and it will be up after my editors get a look at it. I'm just glad that I was able to see this story through and hopefully, you'll like what I turned out.

    After this, I'm going to see what I can do with The Big Man.

    Peace out and goodnight everybody.

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Blog Post #031-29092016: Chapter Four of The Big Man Coming Soon · 1:26am Sep 30th, 2016

Ever since I finished Luna's New Boyfriend, I got down to writing chapter 4 of The Big Man. It's coming soon, so don't worry.

As kept on writing, however, I realized that I was taking Spike to a dark place. If any of you read my preview for chapter 4 on deviantart (it's been taken down), then you probably had the feeling that Spike was going to do something crazy against The Dragon Clan. The more I wrote, the more I didn't like it it and I started to question why I went down this path.

What does this mean? It means some aspects of the chapter will have to change. Don't worry, it won't take long since the adjustments are minor. Rest assured there will be a fight scene.

For those who missed the preview, I'll post it here. Just so you know, the last few lines have been changed in order fit the tone of the story better.

I once asked Spike to help out with some deliveries one weekend. He didn’t mind the heavy lifting and I didn’t mind his company. What can I say? I was just happy that I was friends with Spike again. So there we were, delivering some crates to one of the markets in Ponyville when we were jumped by some thugs. No doubt they were just looking for a fight and I was going to give it to them. I then got clubbed from behind while the rest beat up on poor Spike. Recovering quickly, I was about to jump in and save Spike when one of the larger thugs grabbed me. I was forced to watch Spike getting kicked and punched by those varmints. Spike wasn’t a fighter and I almost cried, thinking that these bullies were going to kill him. Then the ringleader picked him up and started taunting Spike, calling him names and slapping him.

The thugs ran when the police chased them off. While I only escaped with a bump on my head, Spike got the worst of it as I saw him clutching his stomach and his head. He tried real hard not to cry in front of me, but I knew Spike was hurting and angry. He kept on cursing to himself, even as I hugged that everything was going to be okay.

I knew right then and there what I had to do.

Report Duke Moon II · 123 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Don't you just hate it when people get the jump on you and beat you up for little reason other than "just 'cause"? Let's see, what does DeviantArt have to say about this?
Probably won't go that far, but I can see her plotting her vengeance.

Excellent news. I look forward to seeing how this goes. Though I wonder if you'll include Ember in this?

Kinda like the other preview better the this one

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