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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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Repost: Heatseeker vs. Tarbtano - Questionnaire SOS · 2:25pm Oct 1st, 2016

This is a repost of this blog here. Figured it be something nice to do while I'm at work. Shimmer'verse crossover's third chapter is complete and being proofed, with me working on a gift for a friend and outlining the next Bridge chapter meanwhile. Thanks for the patience everyone!

This is a project I've had on my mind for a couple years, but always put it back on the shelf. But I mentioned it last week, and Tarb was all for it.

For those who may not know, Tarbtano is the author of the widely acclaimed Godzilla/MLP crossover story called, "The Bridge"

wherein Godzilla and a few others get sucked into Equestria, and transformed into ponies. And a multitude of villainous Kaiju including Monster X, King Ghidorah, Gyaos, the Pacific Rim Kaiju, and many others are also featured. From the Description: "A massive war of titanic forces is taking place in the Kaiju's world. However, when two faction's leaders, the current Godzilla and his 'brother' Xenilla duke it out; humanity unleashes its most devastating weapon. Something beyond comprehension occurred and the boundary that divides worlds, if only for the briefest of moments, was torn to shreds. New forms are taken, new bodies assumed. But old hatreds die hard. But how well can hatreds continue in the world of love and tolerance? Especially with its own demons follow it there? "

First up, are my 20 questions for Tarbtano:

1. What do you think are the strongest and weakest parts of The Bridge so far? [plot/dialog/pacing/writing/etc.]

Tarbtano: My strongest field I feel is character development. I do try to keep a pace with these things, though it seemed to have worked out well enough. Given how many readers seem very fond of how the characters have progressed along their routes, like Cadance and Xenilla learning to respect each other, Junior learning forgiveness, Aria and X reconnecting to their comrades and leases on life; I'd say it's been in the right direction despite seeming VERY out of left field for some of those characters usual portrayals in the G-Fandom.

My weakest field I'd say is my dialogue is a bit stilted or melodramatic and one or two times I was subject to angry writing. Basically a few times I decided to specifically do a "Take That" to a concept or character and while some I feel were very justified, others like Bold Rush were a bit mean spirited and on the nose. If I redid the older chapters especially, I'd probably have done something different with Bold Rush.

2. When composing a chapter, what are your least/most favorite parts of the writing process?

Least favorite is outlining the damn thing because many times I have a semi-disjointed summary of the story arc I know I need to stick to, but often exactly what is needed in this particular chapter is often vague when I start. My favorite times are when the outline is all done and I can finally get to writing, it all flows pretty well.

3. Who has been your most and least favorite characters to write for so far?

Most favorite is probably Monster X, Aria Blaze, and the Alicorns sisters given how little material from Toho and Hasbro I was given, which really let me run wild.

Least favorite is hard to pick when it comes to core cast, as they all have up times and down times. I'd say it's probably Godzilla himself given in the early days I was paranoid as all get-out I was committing a fandom heresy and not having him as a human-hating force.

4. What was the hardest scene you’ve had to write?

Godzilla Junior's meeting with Moonbeam Glimmer at her parents' graves. I don't know why but it took me forever to get the dialogue right and I must have gone through four or five major edits and retries.

5. What part of the story did you intend to have the biggest reaction so far?

The reveal of Xenilla's intentions and Azusa's surprise visit. I had been doing little bits of build up and hinting to them previously, like doing the Mother's day special or showing odd behavior on Xenilla's part; but this was the big bombshell. The former was big because it makes you look at Xenilla's actions previously now that the mystery is revealed, and the latter because it fits but is so unexpected.

6. What reader reaction has surprised you the most so far?

Not in a million years did I ever anticipate the shipping.

7. What story element that wound-up getting the axe do you wish you could have included? [line of dialog/interaction/alternate plot sequence/etc…]

A lot of ideas on which kaiju would get imported into the core 10 were tossed around. One of them that just barely lost out was Orga. Always thought it be very interesting since we had a clearly incredibly intelligent being fighting like a brute. So the plot line for him/it was Orga's mutation was going out of control overtime and it was slowly losing its mind due to conflicting instincts and thoughts while trying to find a cure to stabilize its changes before its brilliant mind tore itself apart.

8. What would you say have been the three biggest influences on The Bridge?

The Hasbro'verse (tone and idea of a crossover), some comicbook crossovers given they're usually the bible on how to do a crossover; and a Jurassic Park RPG called "Live the Legend" which taught me pacing and character changes over a long time in a world with a ton of characters.

Also a bit of spite considering I was seeing a lot of the G-fandom at the time step on the lighter and goofier aspects of the Godzilla series. To each their own opinion, though doesn't mean I need agree with them. So I saw how their stories were usually super-dark and if they were an MLP crossover, ended very badly for the ponies. Made me think what I could do different to reconstruct those happier elements.

9. Is there a non-Bridge related story you’d like to write?

I actually already penned up outlines for both a unique story inspired by a Kamen Rider series and a Spectrobes crossover. They'd be fun to do.

10. What do you think is the biggest issue readers have had with your stories?

Probably keeping track of who's where and done what. I have tried to mitigate it by giving a lot of cast their own focused story arc to set up some something later, sorta like how most Avengers got a movie to themselves before the big crossover; but I can definitely see it getting confusing.

11. How much does your academic work influence your Bridge head canon?

Knowledge is a wealth of inspiration. One reason I think I come up with so many head canons is because I've studied so much history, zoology, paleontology; and culture. And not just from academia, but private study as simple as watching youtube videos and checking the sources. There's just something fulfilling about adding in bits of canon that are researched and thus work. Even the small stuff like when we saw ancient people from thousands of years back. Had I not known the science and study, I could have just made them look like any ethnic group of people. But because I knew the science, I was able to make it accurate by making them look like how people back then actually looked.

12. What character from either franchise would you have liked to include in this cast, but didn’t make the cut?

Aside from above mentioned Orga, there was debates on having other kaiju ranging from Yonggary or Gamera show up. As for MLP, there was an idea to incorporate G1Tirac a.k.a G1 Lord Tirek, as the Equestrian main villain. That got changed when the season 4 finale arrived and thoroughly sunk when we got FIENDship is Magic's early days for Tirek, because I like to keep as close to canon as possible. There was also a distant idea to use Starlight Glimmer instead of our created sibling for her, but Season 5 was still going on and I wanted to know more about her canon portrayal before bringing her in.

13. How much longer do you envision The Bridge going for?

Probably another year and a half to two years.

14. If you could expand the media for your stories, what would you like to do?

Videos be awesome to do, be it animations or voice acted readings.

15. When writing your chapters, do you find yourself doing much research for details, etc…?

Very frequently. Even if it's something small. I still make mistakes or blunders, but I try to keep as close to canon as I can on these sort of things so research is a must unless I know for sure.

16. To what extent do you allow your social/political views to influence your story?

I try to keep them out. They do leak in every now and then, but I largely like to think I keep things neutral and open to interpretation.

17. Is there a part of the story that you’re really eager to get to?

Oohohohoho ooooooooooh yes. There is a mini-arc I've so fittingly given the placeholder title of "S*** hits the Fan".

18. Are there any more spin-off stories we can look forward to?

I have outlined a crossover that's a tribute to the multiple MLP fanon worlds like the Lunaverse and Cadanceverse.

19. Some time ago you mentioned having songs be a part of the story. Have you decided against that, or is it still on the horizon?

It's an MLP story, it'sa comin'

20. Are there any big surprises you have in store for us Bridge readers?

*counts fingers*.... *runs out of fingers*... yes.

And now he turned the tables on me, with 10 questions of his own:

1. What first gave you the idea to do a Marvel and Godzilla crossover?

HEATSEEKER X-51: When I became a Godzilla fan as a kid, I kinda started to insert him into anything. I'd watch a show, and imagine what would happen if Godzilla were involved. This included Power Rangers, Primal Rage, and believe it or not, the older Gen My Little Pony. I got into Marvel Comics sometime in 2008/2009, via a friend of mine who was a Marvel buff. Eventually I wondered what would it look like if these super-powered heroes and villains went up against the giant monsters of the Godzilla universe?

The kernel of the story, was basically a huge Titanomachy-style battle with a bunch of the monsters fighting the heroes all at once. It started with just ideas of them doing cool things, and over time it morphed into having an actual story. And it never seems to have stopped.

2. Are you planning on doing any other crossovers or bringing in any other crossover properties to your stories?

I do have a few ideas for other crossover stories; like an MLP Pinky and The Brain story, which I've brainstormed on, and even taken a swing at starting the 1st chapter. And I have mulled the thought of doing a Godzilla/DC story.

As far as importing anything new into my Godzilla headcanon, It would have to not conflict with anything I've already established. Be it large or small, it would have to be complimentary in some way. When I do decide to bring something in, it's usually a spur of the moment kind of thing. The thought occurs, then I play with it to see if it fits.

Since we've only scratched the surface of the Godzilla/Marvel saga, I can say that yes, there are a few incorporated elements yet to make themselves known, and I'll probably find places for more as I go along. Just the other day in fact, I found a way to work in Shin Gojira

3. What are some of the works, fan or official, that lead to Path of the Unforgiven being made?

Since The Unforgiven Saga is basically a hero's epic, I had a fairly good base going by being familiar with stories like Beowulf, The Odyssey, Tolkien's Middle-earth, Norse mythology, Classical mythology. What was crucial however, was the musical influence. With music as varied as Metallica, Irish folk, Disney tunes, Bluegrass, Lamb of God, showtunes; it was really songs that birthed this story.

4. Have you ever used your writing to take a jab at something, be it a real life occurrence, group, or view; or a fan work you disagreed with?

Well I'll assume this does not include posting on (((Facebook))) or Youtube. I'm sure I have somewhere, for example I once sent Hedorah to a certain Caribbean island that can't seem to get it's act together. And there's probably some other small thing I threw in over the course of so many years. But I generally do not bring my personal politics or gripes into my stories, as they often have nothing to do with the premise, or are just unnecessary. The story has to come first.

5. Are your main OCs in the Unforgiven series based off any persons real or fictional?

Wanderlust and Æclypse are original, though I suppose they take as much inspiration from any of their type in fiction. One is a world-traveler on a mission, the other is an exile in search of redemption, insert character trope here.

Servo and Crow are directly based off of Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot from MST3K, and so is another character in their backstory.

King Rubicon is loosely based on Tywin Lannister, but you know, a good guy.

Captain Skorn is walking pirate trope, with some Blackbeard thrown in.

And there are a number of others who haven't debuted yet.

6. As a fan of Marvel, a company infamous for crossovers, what is your favorite crossover Marvel has made with an outside company? (Parent companies or other groups owned by said parent companies can count)

The crossover with DC has to be the paragon of crossovers. They basically have every element of a crossover, to opposites fighting, to equals fighting, to star-crossed lovers, to character mergers. Anyone looking to construct their own crossover story needs to familiarize themselves with this event, it'll teach them so many lessons.

7. Has your personal experiences ever influenced your plot writing and character viewpoints?

Sure my military experience helps me to construct some scenes and dialog, but my life experiences I find, are largely inapplicable to the stories I write.

Though I will say that I am in the camp that every author puts a little bit of them self in every character. So I suppose you could find parts of me in my various OC's. But for the most part I consider my characters to be separate people, not vehicles to retell my own life.

8. What is the main Godzilla series or continuity, be it in film or extended media (video games, comics, books, etc.) that the Seeker'verse was inspired by or built off of?

Basically, everything. Imagine a number of different LEGO buildings, some big, some small, each of them unique. Now imagine me taking parts from each of them to build a new construct. I didn't take the Heisei series, or Save The Earth and add stuff. This is a whole new Frankenstein.

Since the Marvel side already has so much baggage coming into things, I figured I had to try and even things out a bit. So I scoured the various Godzilla canon in movies, comics, and TV for people, places, monsters. Then I expanded into Harryhausen and other monster movies. And I found some incredibly effective connective tissue by re-working Primal Rage.

One early influence of singular importance, was Matt Frank's "Godzilla NEO" series. Not so much story-wise, but character-wise. I probably wouldn't have my own Seeker-verse if not for having Frank's example of how one can reconstruct their own headcanon.

9. What are your thoughts on the MCU and All New, All Different Marvel?

I'm a huge fan of the MCU, It's a gravy train that I hope never looses steam.

The latest comic run however, is a mixed bag for me. It's their new retcon of the events following the new Secret Wars, where they basically created a new mainstream continuity from their multiple convoluted lines. So it's left me with some stuff I'm interested in, and some other stuff... not so much.

The new X-Men lines seem interesting, Punisher usually delivers, and I actually like a lot that X-23 is taking over as Wolverine.

But there's so much new stuff they're trying to do to stay hip and tap into demographics that just makes me shake my head. The controversy over Female Thor is well known, and to a lesser degree the Muslim Ms. Marvel, and now there's the super-genius girl taking over for Iron Man. So while I may not be the weekly customer they're trying to cater to, they're not doing very much to get me there by replacing known characters with younger, more (((diverse))) ones. And now they just seem to be right back into the hundred-different series for a few dozen characters problem that keeps forcing them to retcon.

10. What other series are you a fan of that you'd like to maybe write fiction for eventually?

I've actually got a number of ideas for a new series of stories featuring my versions of the Universal Monsters, like Wolfman, The Mummy, Creature from the Black Lagoon.

I've also got a completely different Godzilla universe as a base for a series called "The American Defense Construct".

I'm also tempted to come-up with a story around Darkwing Duck.

But something that is my first qualifier for writing a fan-fiction, is whether or not I can do it properly. If I don't think I can do a good job at it, do justice to the characters and tone, I won't do it.

Then there's my original stories I'd like to work on, but, I've got enough on my plate as is.


If any of you guys have any questions or comments you'd like to throw in, go ahead and leave em below!

And don't forget to check out "The Bridge" if you've got a few days to spare catching up!
*EDIT* And check out the "Unforgiven" Saga! Alongside Lost Hero, it's some of my favorite stuff on this site.

And make sure you go over and check out my stuff here on FiMFiction,

on FanFiction

and on DeviantArt

Comments ( 27 )

i have a couple of questions with one dealing with shipping and another one dealing with the backstory.
1- Was any shipping planned beforehand? You mentioned being surprised by the amount of shipping the readers made between the characters, so were there any MLP/Kaiju ships in the original draft. I mean, Blade Dancer was meant to be a one-scene wonder, yet due to her popularity became the leading MLP OC protagonist. Then, her interaction with Xen happened, the shipping began, and you confirmed that BD fell in love with Xenilla at one point in one of Heatseeker's reviews. In other words, did you had plans for BDXXenilla/JuniorXLuna beforehand or did you write those ships in response to reader's support.
2- The other question I have is based on something I deeply admire you for: the rich backstory. Rodan, Anguirus, Gamera, and other Guardian Kaiju aren't as popular as Godzilla or Mothra, yet you managed to make them far more relevant than their canon counterparts by coming up with their roles as Guardian Beasts and their connection to the ancient world and Bagan. How did you come up with the inspiration to connect those Kaiju with Bagan? Hell, how did you thought of connecting Fae, daemons, and other mythological creatures as predecessors of humanity? Because that was absolutely brilliant.

Are any of the characters going to bring up the Kaiju converts' Cutie Marks? I'm pretty sure none of them know what the Oxygen Destroyer device is.

1. Not in a million years did I ever plan so much shipping or romance. When I started out I actually had half the opinion to not do any at all, both because I worried it would alienate the audience given there was a good chance the pairing be a kaiju and Equestrian, and because I had little faith I could write romance well. When I did start getting the idea to maybe give it a go, the intention was actually not aimed at the most popular fan pairings but to couples like Anguirus and Seong and Aria and X, because it would serve the plot. By now I am comfortable writing what sort of pairing the readers have cooked up, and I completely admit that BD hooking up with Xenilla was a byproduct of me trying to torpedo the BD-Junior ship.

2. Backstory is something right off the bat I knew I'd need. If things were kept too vague it be hard to forge connections. Add to that the fact no Godzilla movies since Godzilla vs. Destoroyah have really had any extended continuity beyond one movie (if even that), and it was something I felt was needed to show just how vast this universe was. It was a irritant of mine that the 200Xs series very, very easily could have had continuity with each other, but practically none of them ever did. I blame Toho being quick to retaliate over 1998's film and being left with-
"Okay Godzilla's back!.... Now what do we do?"
- as well as lacking a single producer or director to be a driving force for continuity like the then late Tanaka was. Things just have a bigger scope if they are connected and most major mythologies and grander fictions know this. If you read Tolkien, there is very few times some force or being is "just there". As with history, there is always ripples and connections that tie seemingly distinct forces together.
For the Guardian Beasts in particular I borrowed a bit from the Heisei Gamera series for the idea of ancients making kaiju for a reason, meshed it with the backstory of Rebirth of Mothra to establish extinct and lost civilizations that may have not been human but were tied to humans; and rerouted it through the original GMK script which had Anguirus and Baragon (as well as solving the problem of there already being a Mothra and King Ghidorah at that point in time). And since all these ancients were making kaiju, that means something was dangerous enough to necessitate such an action. Which threat? Well that's where I brought in Bagan's old backstory from several scrapped movies, thus justifying why it's the main villain and setting up how dangerous it is.
It's all about making connections, often by retrofitting used and unused stuff Toho created.

As for the Fae being the predecessors to humanity, that came from both clues from the canon when the very rare magical entities did show up (like the Shobijin whom are established to be/have been a race and not just the two sisters in several continuities), the idea that legends have a grain of truth in there somewhere, my study of mythology; and from stories like "Guyver" and "The Magic Goes Away". In those you had these ancient groups of what we today would classify as fae or monsters eventually going "extinct", but they have human descendants that once in a blue moon will show their ancestral traits.

"19. Some time ago you mentioned having songs be a part of the story. Have you decided against that, or is it still on the horizon?
It's an MLP story, it'sa comin'"

If you need any help with lyrics, I'd be glad to help if you need it.

Seriously, I ENJOY writing song lyrics, even though I have no ability to PLAY music.


Firstly, let me put up the addendum I added to question 3, about what works that led to the creation of The Unforgiven:
"For instance, the title and theme of the story itself is inspired by Metallica's Unforgiven Trilogy, and Wanderlust quotes lines from "Wherever I May Roam", and "Master of Puppets" in the second chapter. But also, whole scenes, dynamics, plot points, and even characters are inspired by songs.

By the time I get into part 3 of the Unforgiven saga, you could very well label my story a musical.

That said, I have a few thoughts/follow-ups on some of Tarb's answers.

question 6: Like I said in a recent review, I'm glad you actually decided to humor us with the shipping. I think it worked out better for the story. Do you think it worked out better for the story? Or was there another direction Bridge was supposed to take?

question 14: I'd be happy to help out with some voiceover work, let me know if there's any in particular you had in mind.

question 18: What do you think of doing a spin-off story called "A Bridge Too Far"? :derpytongue2:

question 19: What kind of song do you have in mind? A tweeked version of a known one, or something original?

As for your questions, I'm pretty sure you may have asked me one or two of them before on sidebar. Nonetheless, they did take me several hours to finish answering.

So I enjoyed doing this, we simply must do it again sometime. And as a sidenote, what the hell is your avatar anyway? One of those "Pokey-mans"?

1. What was the toughest thing about Bagan's personality to come up with?
2. What was that caused you to decide to make Grogar become one the story's villains?
3. What made you decide to make Bridge! Bagan a combination of the movie and video game versions?

6. What reader reaction has surprised you the most so far?
Not in a million years did I ever anticipate the shipping.

Tarb, you must understand.

This is the brony fandom, everybody ships everything with everyone.

And I mean everyone

I know I should have the answer[considering all factors, obviously], but:

1: will there be any further expansions on Fae and demons?

2: What about angels[are they the equal-opposite of Demons or something else entirely?]

What kind of craziness can we expect from the future?

Will certain characters like Bold Rush be making a comeback?

Is the Demon's realm a purely metaphysical locale or is it more like the Hell dimension from DOOM?

What's your opinion on the most controversal aspect of The Bridge's little babby?[Humanity's stand]

Am I asking too many questions?

What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? [Question for both of you]

Last question,a gain for both, but if more Nephilim[human-kaiju-angel hybrids like Tytanna] appear in the future, what ones would you like to see?

Question, is that Kamen Rider story going to be on Fimfiction or is it going to be an original non-crossover story unrelated to MLP? Also, what KR series did you use as an influence (I have my bets on Gaim, Kabuto, and Drive due to having the best storylines)?

Have you ever thought of trying to make a crossover between the Bridge and Past Sins by Pen Stroke


1. What was the toughest thing about Bagan's personality to come up with?
2. What was that caused you to decide to make Grogar become one the story's villains?
3. What made you decide to make Bridge! Bagan a combination of the movie and video game versions?

1. Coming up with the reason it turned omnicidal.
2. He hadn't been used yet in G4, was a genuinely creepy threat (80s narm aside) in G1 who arguably was the most successful G1 villain; and his history as this ancient lost terror translated well to G4 with virtually no changes.
3. Because by merit of Bagan being an unmade kaiju, it had virtually no solid or clear backstory. And because each incarnation had a few interesting ideas that didn't necessarily clash with each other, it was like piecing bits together to make a whole. Plus it established how ancient (movie) and how powerful (game) it was.


1: will there be any further expansions on Fae and demons?
2: What about angels[are they the equal-opposite of Demons or something else entirely?]
3: What kind of craziness can we expect from the future?
4: Will certain characters like Bold Rush be making a comeback?
5: Is the Demon's realm a purely metaphysical locale or is it more like the Hell dimension from DOOM?
6: What's your opinion on the most controversal aspect of The Bridge's little babby?[Humanity's stand]

7: What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? [Question for both of you]
Last question, again for both, but if more Nephilim[human-kaiju-angel hybrids like Tytanna] appear in the future, what ones would you like to see?

1. Possibly. But it's not a focus for now so I'm not harping on it. I will say you're never going to see me solely use modern fantasy or take modern "Demonology" remotely seriously. Gotta research this stuff.
2. Angel is a job description, not a species or race or classification. It just means "Servant" or "Messenger". There are many things that would fit the description of "Angel". Heck if we want to split hairs, Mothra is an angel.
3. Gala and chaos magic.
4. Bold Rush is someone I may end up redoing as I felt the Take That aspect was reaaaally heavy handed and clumsy.
5. There is no one demon realm, but multiple "Hells". Technically Zenith was one such realm until Bagan killed all the demons and took over.
6. I am proud of the HS crew's work. Personally I still would have done things differently, but I have been involved in the revisions of the more controversial aspects.
7. Vanilla
8. Less female ones because I do not want any poor soul thinking we or you guys' hard work has got ties to that website.

Yes I've considered it, but I'd prefer not too. Past Sins is a good story and I respect the author; but the earlier versions put a really bad taste in my mouth for how out of character and demonized Celestia was. It's largely been fixed, but still reminds me of the early years in the fandom where Luna and Nightmare Moon were beyond reproach and Celestia was a "tyrant". I don't dislike Past Sins or it's talented creator, it's just not my thing.

If it ends up being EG tied, maybe. It also might end up less a Kamen Rider AU and more a story inspired by Rider seasons. The seasons in question largely being inspired by a bit of Kabuto, a lot of the American incarnation of Dragon Knight, with a bit of other Sentais Western and Eastern thrown in.

4236869 That's awesome. I really liked the storyline of Kabuto with Tendou Souji being pretty much a quirky Japanese Chuck Norris and I heard about Dragon Knight being a lighter version of Kamen Rider Ryuki. If you're into Kamen Rider series, I recommend Gaim and Drive as both of them have some of the best storylines about the series and serve as a deconstruction/reconstruction of some of the aspects of the series, including sympathetic villains for Drive and a coming of age type of story about idealism vs cynicism for Gaim.

4236869 Demonized, what do you mean by that

4235812 My favorite flavor ice cream? that's tough, but as far as one I could eat anytime, I'd say Mint chocolate chip, with the green cream and the fudge flake veins.

I only know a little bit about Tytanna from what Tarb's told me, but I'd say that if you did a second one, it should be one that offers something different, something for Tyanna to be dynamic with. A character foil if an ally, an A or B grade nemesis if an enemy. Also, since a number of Kaiju are already anthropomorphized in Bridge proper, I would advise this new one offer something different from them as well.

definition - "A subject or subjects having been portrayed as wicked, evil, and threatening; regardless of reality."

In the first season of FiM, Celestia had failed at doing any amoral actions at all and regularly showed herself to be a humble and caring ruler. The fandom meanwhile latched onto Luna's rebellion as Nightmare Moon and used the logic of "Rebel automatically makes you the hero because only good and cool people rebel", and near unfailingly placed Luna in a positive light while bashing Celestia as a cruel, racist, trolling tyrant; regardless of having no backing in canon. There is a bunch of reasons why this happened, but I said it was nonsensical then and I still say it is stupid now.

Past Sins' earlier drafts are far from the worst offender, but the earlier versions of Celestia did make her out to be much more paranoid, and arrogant as opposed to her canon self, to the point of practical villainy. So much so apparently Pen recognized the issue and gave later revisions that greatly toned it down and justified it.


I thank thee both for your answers. Regarding the Nephilim, well I was mainly asking 'what kaiju', but we DO ahve plans coming down the pipeline that should sate the need for greater charcter dynamics and foils.

4237166 it was an alternate timeline some character traits are not always 100% accurate and Celestia isn't perfect even she recognizes her faults and regret them, that's what happens with a Slice of Life story that it shows every one Mortal or God that we are not so different and that we can make mistakes, Pen Stroke just made Celestia more real by making her do a bad choice that had good intentions but still have great consequences and would help her learn from them to become better which also makes her more Human(Figuritvly not Literally in a Pony sense), and the whole demonizing thing that was just the Evil Conscous of Nightmare Moon downgrading Celestia and filling all that shit in her brainwashed victims heads to get them to see Nightmare Moon as a whole (since the rest of the main body and evil conscious were separated and kinda makes Nightmare Moon and Nyx two different pony's that are connected by origin as Luna was the original and Nyx is a copy) a False Benevolent and Kind Goddess, so please Tarb don't let your dislike opinion keep you from making a crossover of your Awesome Story with an Amazing Story, I mean after all you did make a crossover with the Shimmerverse and that world is almost down to Hell with that war going on and the Past Sins might be considered PG 13 while the Shimmerversre is about a Semi Rated R and you can at least make it take place after the current sequels when Celestia is how you see her as

All in favor of begging Tarbtano to make a The Bridge and Past Sins crossover say yes

Or why don't we make a Voting Poll to see what everyone would like to see or in this case read because a crossover opportunity like this is just to good

Favorite starter pokemon (both of you)?

4237517 I'm not all that up-to-date with the Pokey-mans, but......... put a maser tanks to my head.......I'm gonna say Squirtle. He and his evolutions seem like they keep a cool head in battle.

Hard one to pick there, given I've played pretty much every generation. G1 and G2 especially always have a big case of nostalgia, with Bulbasaur's and Totodile's still being my favorite grass and water starters, with the Chimchar line as my favored fire starter.

If I had to pick just one, I'll dance to the oldies and say the Bulbasaur line. However there really isn't a starter line I dislike, especially the Kanto and Johto lines so I'm almost just as likely to grab a squirtle or charmander.

4238567 You migh'a missed it Tarb, but I had some follow-ups above

What was it in your mind that prevented Bridge! Sombra from having a cutie mark? The source material has never flat up stated that a pony wouldn't get a mark just from delving into fel magic.


So I enjoyed doing this, we simply must do it again sometime. And as a sidenote, what the hell is your avatar anyway? One of those "Pokey-mans"?

Tis Deoxys a Legendary Pokemon from the 3rd Generation. Basic jist of it is
-Is a DNA based extraterrestrial pokemon
-Can form change. You have a base form (middle left), attack form (far left), defense form (middle right), and speed form (far right)
-Psychic but in an unnatural way. Has telepathy but 'voice' sounds unintelligible to terrestrials

My icon is from a logo for the Deoxys movie.

4239024 I believe he never gets one in the comics because he's some kind of Umbrum pony, a species of smoke-like malign spirits who live beneath the Crystal Empire.

4239024 I can't actively recall ever saying he didn't have one and we just didn't see it due to his cape. But assuming he doesn't have one I'd say it's either due to him being so heavily mutated by dark magic modifications he lost it or due to him modifying himself to the point he was basically an umbra.

Heatseeker: Was the series premiere for MLP when you got started watching the show or was it during one of the later seasons?

Tarb: Before Fiendship issue 5 revealed the origins of Chrysalis, were you toying around with a few ideas as to an origin for the bridge version of the character?

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