• Member Since 28th May, 2013
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Duke Moon II

More Blog Posts76

  • 158 weeks
    Blog Post #76-16062021: Toys and Stuff Blog

    Since I don't post much on this blog and I usually only use it to show off some videos I found on Youtube or just announce my latest story updates, I decided put to a better use and show off my toys, books and other stuff I lying around. I'll show off some of the pony stuff I collected over the years.

    Stay tuned for more updates and see what I have for my first stuff post.

    Read More

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  • 159 weeks
    Blog Post #75-10062021: Rated A for Awesome Looking

    Oh, and some some guy named Mark is Skeletor. Hopefully, everyone will like this series.

    3 comments · 202 views
  • 162 weeks
    Blog Post #74-18052021: The Big Man Chapter 10 is on the way + Something Extra

    Just letting you guys now that the tenth chapter of The Big Man is finished. It just needs to be ironed out and checked for errors, so stay tuned for the next update.

    Also, I decided to make a one-shot Spin Off of When I Say Goodbye called Letting Love Go, with Applebloom being the central character. Stay tuned for that, too.

    Peace out!!

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  • 172 weeks
    Blog Post #73-11032021: The Nostalgia is Strong With This One

    Can't wait to play this one. Day one get...whenever that date comes.

    Turtle Power!

    3 comments · 200 views
  • 178 weeks
    Blog Post #72-28012021: Final Chapter of When I Say Goodbye Incoming

    Just finished the epilogue of When I Say Goodbye and it will be up after my editors get a look at it. I'm just glad that I was able to see this story through and hopefully, you'll like what I turned out.

    After this, I'm going to see what I can do with The Big Man.

    Peace out and goodnight everybody.

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Blog Post #033-07102016: The Big Man Chapter 5 Preview · 6:50pm Oct 7th, 2016

Here's something for you readers to chew while I write the rest of this chapter.

Being a nurse wasn’t the only thing I did in my years at Canterlot High School. After I took on my first tutoring job, I took to being an unofficial guidance counselor to the little lambs (the students) that came through my office door. Of course, when word got out about my positive bedside manner, I became a nurse that treated emotional wounds rather than treating physical ones. Most students would be surprised that when I started out on my first year at CHS that I was a very lonely, terse and above all else, blunt person. Now the students see me as this big sister figure who will listen to them in their time of need (at least, the ones who weren’t sexualizing me in their love letters, which I really didn’t mind for the most part). I love think that I made a difference in lives of my little lambs and hopefully keep them from making the same mistakes I’ve made when I was their age.

Luna de la Huerta
My Life After Nightmare Moon

Report Duke Moon II · 67 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Love the description with how Luna got her job

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