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My Thoughts On Where The Apple Lies · 10:26pm Oct 8th, 2016

I am mainly making this blog to placate the people who keep thinking that season six is marking the 'doom' or 'ultimate downfall' of the My Little Pony franchise.

The thing is...it's really not. No matter how you feel about season six (everyone is entitled to their own opinion) you have to admit that it is A LOT better than generations 3 or 3.5. And if you think season six is worse than Newborn Cuties (generation 3.5) then I would encourage you to find the episodes on the internet (they are there, unfortunately), watch them all the way through, and then still tell me that season six is worse than that.

As you can see, it's not. If Newborn Cuties didn't kill the franchise, season six (which is pretty much friggin Forest Gump in comparison) isn't going to do it much harm either.

Now I am going to get into talking about the episode that everyone else seems to hate besides me. This isn't the first time this has happened. I also happened to be the only one who liked Brotherhooves Social. If you want to hear my thoughts on this episode, you can read this blog post here.

So here are my thoughts on Where The Apple Lies. I personally really enjoyed this episode. It was a bit cringey at times but it was a cute episode that took a look into Applejack’s past. I would like to see more episodes like this for each member of the mane six (and other characters too).

One thing this episode did a very good job of was showing that Applejack actually has more flaws than we think; especially in her younger years. In fact, the episode implies that Applejack used to stretch the truth or lie a lot until the incident with Filthy Rich happened that set her on the right path and made her strive to be more honest.

This has some interesting callbacks to the episode with Discord where he warped Applejack's personality, which caused her to go against her element and always lie. Maybe the warped personalities were what the mane six would have become if they didn't have defining moments in their lives, guided by their destinies as the element bearers, that changed them into the ponies they are today.

I thought that it had some interesting character cameos including Cheerilee, those two creepy twins from The Shining, and Derpy just to name a few.

I also like that this episode shows that Filthy Rich is actually a decent guy. And that Spoiled Rich has her good character attributes too. She is just very much stuck-up and thinks that she is higher up on the social chain/ better than the other ponies surrounding her. This is typical for a person/ pony in her social standing. It will be interesting to see if she will ever get any character development or she will continue to be the rich antagonist of the show in place of Filthy Rich who has already been established as a good character.

I am a bit disappointed that we didn't get any backstory on Applejack's parents, but maybe one of these days we will have an episode that at the very least shows the relationship Big Mac, Applejack, and Granny Smith used to have with them, even if it comes in the form of a very brief interaction between the characters.

People also seemed to have a problem with Big Mac talking in this episode. But I personally thought it was nice to hear him talk for a change and there to FINALLY be a canon reason why he doesn't talk as much now as he did in his past. Big Mac also learned through the same situation that it is better to sit back and hear the ideas of other ponies. This was a very good character defining moment for him and it shows you how mature he is in the current time of the show, always willing to listen to the troubles of the other characters around him, and do what is best to fix a problem with his skills of 'just getting things done'.

In short, I really liked this episode for showing flaws in all of the characters and showing how they each overcame these flaws in their own unique ways. I hope that there will be more reviewers who stand up for it. But given the track record with Brotherhooves Social reviews, I kind of doubt it.

I can hold out hope there will be someone out there who likes it besides me.

As for my thoughts on season six as a whole, I've actually thought that it has been a lot better than season five. The first half of season five was good but then it really went downhill. I feel that all of season six's episodes have been very entertaining and re-watchable.

Take this challenge. Go back and watch every episode of season six. You will find that they are still fun and engaging.

Now try the same thing with season five. You will notice that you can only watch up to the half way point. And maybe a few episodes here and there after like that (the season five finale or Hearthbreakers weren't so bad). But you will notice the increase in the quality of episode in season six by far.

But to each their own, I guess. I loved the season six finale. It's probably one of my favorites so far.

Then again, I am not a big fan of season one or two. I tried watching them again and there were only a few episodes that stood out to me (and they definitely weren't the season openings or closings).

I tend to like seasons 3, 4, 5, and 6 the best, with seasons four and six probably being my favorite because they both consistently have good episodes.

These are just some of my thoughts on the latest episode as well as this season in general. But what are some of your thoughts? Feel free to leave them in the comment section below. I look forward to reading them.

Comments ( 44 )

I liked season 1 2 and 3 more. Those were days where it was more on having flaws and not being such superior ponies with a reputation. Back when they were just ponies with different talents that some how get along. They weren't giving the feeling that they were better than others until near the end of season 4. Now these seasons it's all about being better than others and just a battle of superiority and inferiority

I think people were just mad that the synopsis of this episode was kinda misleading. But I didn't let that ruin the episode for me. It was lots of fun and gave nice back stories to the characters. And like you said, there were many background cameos.

I don't think S6 is the "doom". And people who say the writers don't care anymore are SOOOOO wrong! Do you know what would happen if the writers didn't care? Two words: Newborn Cuties! Be a little thankful that G4 is light years away from that...thing. To each their own, but I love Season 6, and for me it's as good as (if not a little better than) Season 5, which was my favorite Season.

And I'm so excited for Season 7 and what will the writers do with the new stuff that happened in the finale.


Now these seasons it's all about being better than others and just a battle of superiority and inferiority

Sorry, but I never felt that way. Sure the Mane 6 aren't normal, they saved the world countless times lol. But they're always humble about it (except for Rainbow Dash, of course).

4246876 I actually think the characters are more flawed in seasons 3, 4, 5, and 6 than the first two seasons. The reason for this is because they have had all sorts of challenges thrown at them over the seasons which have built their individual characters. In the first two seasons, there really weren't any high stakes, so it came off as more of a slice of life show. But after Twilight became a Princess, more challenges were introduced and the characters actually had more opportunities to overcome obstacles than before.

Twilight and her friends are arguably less perfect than everyone else in Ponyville who, for the most part, have defined roles in the community. The roles of the mane six are always changing, depending on how they are needed in a certain scenario. They always need to face and overcome new challenges as the element bearers and the heroes of Equestria.

So actually, I find them the most flawed characters of the show. And I like that because it just helps to build their characters and refine them into even more reliable ponies that other members of the community can turn to in a time of crisis.

4246892 every one is entitle to their opinion. It seemed that way for me thank you

4246888 I am glad that you also enjoyed this episode and I wasn't the only one. :P

I am also looking forward to season seven and what the writers have in store, especially given everything that happened in the season six finale. :pinkiehappy:

4246901 Yeah, the finale was epic and unpredictable! Here are my thoughts if you want: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/679758/s6-finale-to-where-and-back-again-parts-1-2-spoilers

4246895 I literally saw none of that, they were just friends with control over friendship elements. It was so much more risky back then because they weren't the powerful popular ponies they are now since the end of season 4

4246905 I will definitely give your review on the season six finale a read. Thank you for sharing it. :)

4246906 Sorry again, but being popular doesn't make your challenges any easier or less risky. In fact, it makes them harder. And having great power doesn't mean you aren't in risk anymore: "With great power, comes great responsibility" -Ben Parker.

4246876 I have to agree with you there. The series has really changed its "priorities."

4246916 that was from spider man, wrong franchise, try again :moustache:

4246916 and I beg to differ, because popularity gives you so many others on ones side. You have more belief which in turn gives more confidence.:ajsmug:

Something I've grown a disgust for

4246920 Um....I think I said that quote was from Ben Parker, who is Spiderman's uncle? Why is it wrong franchise? :rainbowhuh:


To be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of the first two seasons of Friendship Is Magic for more than one reason.

First of all, I don't like that the characters had very low stakes. For example, the season finale for season one was literally just the mane six dressing up and going to a ball. Pretty much the stereotype of every princess movie ever made. Which even played out like a stereotype.

In season one they faced such 'harrowing challenges' as getting into arguments at sleepovers and going to the spa. The writers were very creative in their delivery of these stereotypes, don't get me wrong. But looking back you can really see the 'girly' undertones. And I'm just not a fan of girly things. I've always been a tomboy. So you can see how those episodes just didn't appeal to me.

But then season three introduced the ideas of Princesses, adventure, and higher stakes. The show took the right direction, in my opinion. I can definitely do with less episodes about 'dressing up' and 'sleeping over at a friends house'. I am glad that we have moved a lot further away from that than before.

Even Rarity's episodes are more about running a business than making a costume for a celebrity or other more 'girly' things. I am probably the minority in this opinion (I don't think there is anything wrong with girly things either, I just personally don't like them), and that's okay. Everyone has their own reasons for liking the show.

It is good that the show can appeal to so many different demographics/ interests at the same time. That is part of what makes it so interesting to talk about and watch.

4246922 No, it gives you high expectations to live up to. You don't want to disappoint people, which means you're under more pressure. Also, do I get from you that Superman's tasks are easy just because he has so many friends and fans? No, the more fans you make, the more enemies you make, too. That's called balance.

4246925 because spider man was from marvel franchise, not mlp franchise.:moustache:

4246932 aaaand what does that have to do with anything? The quote is right.

4246930 at least it was nice, laid back and ACTUALLY about friendship

4246931 we aren't in dc franchise either that's strike two. I'm sorry but there is a lot of flaw in your opinion

4246933 but not right in this sort of world:moustache:


It sounds like you two just have different opinions about super heroes and the direction of the show. Which is fine. But please keep things friendly if you don't mind. :)

4246948 I'm just pointing out all wrong things about bringing other random things in a place it wouldn't make any sense.

4246951 Okay, fair enough. I just want to make sure that the discussion stays on track and doesn't derail into something else. Thank you for the understanding. :)

4246938 Ever heard of examples?

4247967 yeah but from the same concept and universe. not something totally different. And it took you ten hours to come up with that. Nice

4247975 .....are you serious? It took me ten hours because where I am, it was late at night and I went to sleep. I have a life outside of the Internet, how shocking!

And people bring examples from other concepts all the time. I'm bringing examples and you're just rejecting them simply because they aren't from MLP. You want an example from MLP? Alright, please tell me how was The Best Night Ever more risky than Twilight's Kingdom? All of Equestria was in danger. Twilight couldn't defeat Tirek on her own even though she had the magic of all the Alicorns in Equestria. And all the ponies in Equestria that are supposed to make things easier for the heroes as you say? Their magic was sucked by TIREK, making things harder for Twilight, not easier. And looking back at the fight between Twilight and Tirek, Twilight had the upper hand (she buried Tirek alive twice), but Tirek used her friends against her, which again proves that having lots of friends doesn't always make things easier for you. What was at risk in The Best Night Ever? Yeah, the party... Don't get me wrong, I like The Best Night Ever, but to say that things back then were more risky than now? Yeah, no.

4247985 ok pal. You wanna talk about having a life like a disrespectful prick. Game on then. I DO have a life, a life I doubt you'll ever come to understand. Because you have people on your side while I fight battles on both ends. You don't know what it means to have a life outside your smug bubble of reality!

Second off, the mane six were under powered and half the time at the mercy of their enemies. If that isn't a big risk, then holy cow do we have some daredevils. It was not until twilight became an alicorn that they were starting to become powerful and even over passing celestia at times. Now try again child!

4248023 I'm sorry, why are you insulting me? I said I had a life because you said "You took ten hours to come up with that" like it was an insult. I never said that you didn't have a life. You just want to insult me for no reason. I don't know how did I trigger you, but I'm not continuing this, for the sake of LyraAlluse. And you totally ignored what I said about Twilight's Kingdom.

4248034 you know what no, you are a liar and you don't want to admit I'm right. It's common for ignorant people, and you basically did say I have no life, so you're lying. Hope that shame carries with you

4248144 Sorry you feel that way. Hope the rest of your day is better :twilightsmile:

4248146 What? Did my latest reply offend you in any way? If it did, than I'm sorry again.

4248149 go ahead and keep doing the fake nice guy routine. Oldest trick in the book to get people on your side:twilightangry2:

4248144 I don't think he was trying to say anything bad or attack you personally.

It seems to me like he was just trying to make an argument for why the later seasons are better than the previous ones.

I thought that he brought up some pretty valid points.

And I don't think he was trying to insult you in any way. I think he was just saying that he himself (not you) spends a lot of time watching the show and researching nerdy things. So he looks into a lot of angles of both this and other franchises in his spare time.

I think you just took it the wrong way.

It seems like a misunderstanding that you both have.

On one hand, you are arguing that you like the previous seasons. He is arguing that he likes the later seasons. You are arguing to only use show examples to illustrate points. He is arguing that it is common for many reviewers to use multiple shows, movies, and other forms of media to make a point.

It seems like you both are just coming at things from different perspectives. And that's fine.

But then things kind of went into misinterpreting the meaning of each other's words and viewing them as insults.

I honestly don't see anywhere that Henry said anything insulting. He was talking about himself.

At the end if the day, I think you both have valid points, and neither one of you is right or wrong. It's just the perspective that you both have. And that's okay.

4248156 I think he is genuinely trying to apologize and move forward from whatever he said to upset you in his previous comments. I've been acquainted with Henry for a long time now and I know that he doesn't say fake things. He means what he says when he says it.

I think in this case you should both just move forward. And if you have anything to discuss, perhaps you could take it to a pm and get it worked out there. It's never fun when arguments happen and I believe it is always good to try to straighten things up if you can. :)

4248164 I've seen that behavior through school at graduation and at my work place. It's fake, just so people like you fall for it and go on his side and get him out of trouble

4248167 He's not the same as the people you've encountered out in the real world. I've encountered some really crappy people out there too. But I don't compare what they've done to the actions of other people.

I personally don't think you did anything wrong or are a bad person at all. It just sounds like you misunderstood some things Henry was saying and he also misunderstood where you were coming from.

These things happen a lot, especially with online communication where it is hard to tell the tone of what someone is typing things in. It's hard to see emotions or intentions from the other side of a screen.

I think you both are genuinely good people who just misunderstood each other. And the best thing to do in these situations is to just drop the argument, exchange apologies, and move on.

4248179 I don't apologize to ignorance. Sorry but that's that

4248180 Fair enough. I can respect your point of view.

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