• Member Since 28th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 4th, 2023

Big Brother is Watching

Big Brother is Watching You

More Blog Posts190

  • 68 weeks
    Get it while it’s Hot!

    I’m slowly but surely taking down the videos on my YouTube channel. Watch them while they last!

    Here is the channel!

    4 comments · 85 views
  • 91 weeks
    The Raven is Up

    My first dramatic reading. I’m a bit nervous to share this, but excited too!


    I have more audio play & dramatic reading projects on the way. Hopefully this one works.

    12 comments · 96 views
  • 93 weeks
    New YouTube Channel

    I technically already had a YouTube channel, but I made a new one to put my personal creations into it. The videos on the old channel will start disappearing in favor of putting them on the personal channel instead. I used a new pen name for it, "Bernard Butler", which is a Megamind reference combined with obscure DC comics from the 1940s.

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    1 comments · 101 views
  • 94 weeks

    The day that changed everything. I’m not forgetting it any time soon. Nearly 3000 people tragically died that day, & because it happened at home & caused such destruction, it made so many Americans feel far less safe. Many feared being in urban environments & around major landmarks out of fear of copycat terrorism, & there was an anthrax scare too - Americans were afraid Al Qaeda was planting

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    4 comments · 165 views
  • 104 weeks
    Need for Voice Actresses

    I'm going to eventually move on from MLP fanfiction for a while, if not forever. My plan was to become to Discord what MemJ or whatever she's called became to Princess Celestia. But I'm choosing a new life, so I'm going to, instead of making this the grand opening to a new fanfiction career, make this the temporary or permanent swan song to MLP fanfiction.

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    0 comments · 93 views

I Need a Drink · 2:05am Oct 9th, 2016

Comments ( 19 )

I know what's wrong. You have a bit of a drinking problem.

Will Coke And Rum do? If so, tell your friendly neighborhood bartender Cynical what ales you.

You have no idea how much I love that movie.

You aren't the only one, pal. Hope your stuff goes well

Online issues or IRL issues? If it's online issues, I'd bet an image of Monopoly money that I could take something of a decent guess. :derpytongue2:

My hopefully something of a decent guess is that your issues come from something that stemmed from a certain SSPB thread earlier today. (I'm sure you know to what I am referring. (I haven't bothered to look any closer than that one thread.))

Surprisingly, that's not even the brunt of it.

In that case, I do not want to know, and here's the image of Monopoly money I owe you. :derpytongue2:


I might tell you anyway over PMs if you want, it's probably not as bad as you thought.

Nah, I think I'm good.

What's wrong grant?

Is this because of the "Reformed Christian Bronies" group? :P

I hear that

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