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Dubs Rewatcher

Fandom veteran, journalist, sixteen-time EqD published author. I hope you have a lovely day! Come visit my official website at www.williamantonelli.com

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Aria Blaze: Throat Puncher - A Post Mortem (SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE FIC!) · 1:52am Oct 15th, 2016

Well, that only took eighteen months.

But aaaannnnnnyway, thank you to everyone who followed Aria Blaze's violent journey towards self-love and (hopefully) pacifism! This was by far my most ambitious writing project to date (although not my longest fic; The Mare Formerly Known as Lyra still somehow beats it by like 20,000 words) and I'm glad that those who gave it a chance really liked it.

As I've mentioned before, I was rather disappointed by how small a viewership it managed to catch. But, then again, this was always a very strange fic—probably the most niche story I've ever done. I've always loved writing and reading crackfics, but I one thing that I always do in mine is play my cracky concept completely straight. As far as I'm concerned, that's the funniest way to do it. That being said, that approach doesn't always sit with readers very well. I don't doubt that a lot of readers came into Throat Puncher expecting some zany comedy, rather than the somewhat-comedic-but-mostly-dark-and-depressing fic that I wrote.

In the first outlines for the fic, I had two major ideas that didn't get incorporated. The first was a broad idea for how the fic as a whole would work. Originally, I wanted a series of vignettes about Aria Blaze's life, all of which would end in her punching someone in the throat. These scenes wouldn't be connected or related in any way, other than the throat punching. I quickly decided that this would be boring, and moved onto my next idea: retelling each scene in Rainbow Rocks, but with throat punching. The only major difference between the film and the fic would be that in mine, Aria would lead the sirens to victory, and enslave the world—only for the fic to become a Shakespearean tragedy in its last chapter, with Aria punching herself in the throat so hard she died. And then Twilight would walk in and close Aria's eyes, saying, "Goodnight, Sweet Princess." Because I'm original.

I wrote about four chapters before deciding that that would be a weird tonal shift, even for this story. So the ending was pretty much changed to what it is now.

What you all read was probably the fourth or fifth draft of the story. The entire fic was finished and edited before I published even the first chapter... or at least, I thought. After releasing the story, I started to get ideas for additional scenes I wanted to include. Most of the people I talked to told me to just publish the piece as it was, but I couldn't resist the call to write more about Aria Blaze. As the fic was being released, I added loads of new stuff, usually just a few hours before each chapter went live. These new scenes included:

A near-complete revamp of the Dazzlings in Celestia's office
The entire scene with the Blazings stalking and confronting Trixie and her band
Aria having nightmares after punching off Mr. Softpaws' throat
Aria manipulating the Battle of the Bands results
Adagio staging a coup d'etat and Aria beating her
Twilight and the rest of Crystal Prep witnessing the Elements of Harmony and Twilight getting possessed

So, as you can see, quite a bit. I do honestly believe that all these changes were for the better. The subplot with Trixie in particular was one that really needed to be fleshed out more. In the previous drafts, she barely got a passing mention, despite having a major part in the Blazing's plan.

Nevertheless, thank you so, so, so much to everyone who helped out along the way, whether you inspired the fic (Majin Syeekoh, Cerulean Voice), helped edit (Pascoite, Cerulean Voice, AugieDog, FDA_Approved, Craine, Imaginary Valued, Light Striker, Syntavant), did the art (Zorbitas), or just offered moral support along the way (too many people to name—you know who you are). I wouldn't be anything without all of you guiding me along.

So, what's next?

Love you all. Talk to you later.

Comments ( 5 )
Majin Syeekoh

I would sexually enlighten that Aria Blaze.

Also this is why you don't listen to me.

Thanks for reminding me that I still need to finish reading it ;_;

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