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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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Battle Teaser · 11:43pm Oct 16th, 2016

60,000,000 kg = 60,000 metric tons
100,000 meters = 100 kilometers
142 seconds of fall

Fires rise, fires fall

Comments ( 16 )

Hmm... I sense this is either a mech or a monster of sorts...

Oh boy, we got another brain teaser here. :rainbowlaugh: :applejackconfused:

Well, the first thing that pops into my head, based on the physics of your equation seems to be a meteorite impact or something hitting the earth from the upper atmosphere.

And the Aurora Borealis is just above the the height distance you described, but something hitting the earth from that speed associated with that phenomenon could only mean........


Wait, what does he have to do with the Kaiju? :twilightoops:

I'm just kidding, it couldn't be from outer space, that distance of 100 km is only just barely at the Mesosphere of our atmosphere, barely anywhere near space.

Thus, it mus mean something from the earth, put into the upper atmosphere, and dropped.....but, what Kaiju and/or Equestrian is associated with the Aurora Borealis?

4258892 Am I using it for association or am I just using it as a height measure? :trollestia:

I note the mass is the same as for Junior, and likely is at least close to that of Xenilla. I also note that Xenilla can easily reach and act at the listed altitude.

Then, there's this line:

Fires rise, fires fall

The Kaiju linked with fire is Anguris. If he were to find himself at such an altitude, then the others would only have, as mentioned, 142 seconds to rescue him.

I hesitate to make a guess, but a falling Kaiju seems probable at this point. I await further information before refining my thoughts on this matter.

.........You sir.....are a master troll.
I forgot Godzilla's current metric weight. I was stuck on his 90,000 metric ton Legendary counterpart. :applejackconfused:

But, if that's the case, how would he even GET that high? Xenilla is easy, but Godzilla?
The only way I can think of is through THIS method:

Does that count?

Very interesting. Can't wait to see what the answer to this brain teaser will be.

Sorry Tarb, you lost me at 'math'.

I don't understand anything what I'm seeing right now




That gives all new meaning to "jumping off the top rope."

4258923 Is Iris going to show up and fight Xenilla?:applejackunsure:

Ow. Ow, my brain. Ow.
CURSE YOU MATH!!:twilightangry2:

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