• Member Since 19th Jan, 2015
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Meep the Changeling

Channeling insanity into entertaining tales since 2015-01-19.

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  • 33 weeks
    New Story out now!

    Hey everyone! Remember that thing I said I'd be doing a while back? Well... Here it is!

    TEvergreen Falls
    A group of mares in a remote Equestrian town uncover some of history's most ancient secrets.
    Meep the Changeling · 218k words  ·  31  2 · 504 views
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  • 41 weeks
    Hey guys! What's new?

    So, I haven't been here in a good long while. I got the writing itch a while back, specifically for ponies and my old Betaverse fics. I might have something in the pipeline. I've got a few questions I'd like to ask the general pony-reading audience if you don't mind. Just so I can see if my writing style should be tweaked a bit for the modern audience.

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    15 comments · 369 views
  • 112 weeks
    Stardrop's Lackluster Ending

    Hello everyone. I know I've been away for a while, but that's due to me deciding to finish stories before I post them to revise, edit, and alter them to give you all better stories to read. I don't feel free to do so when I post stories live. This results in me getting frustrated with how a story is shaping up and then dropping it. That wasn't a problem when I was younger, but it's become one as

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    17 comments · 789 views
  • 118 weeks
    Anyone know artists who do illistrations for stories?

    I'm low key working on a story which I intend to complete before posting. I'm enjoying being able to go back and improve, tweak, and change things to make the best possible version of the story, and it's nice to not feel like I am bound to a strict schedule of uploads.

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  • 140 weeks
    A metatextual analisis of "The Bureau: XCOM Declassified" to show how it fits in the series timelines

    A lot of people like the rebooted XCOM series, and a lot of people also insist its lore is bad/nonexistent. This isn't true in my opinion, but is the product of the game that sets up the world for the series having been released a year after the first game in the series as a prequel, and also it sucks ass to play. The Bureau: XCOM Declassified is not a good game. At all. The story is really good,

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    18 comments · 482 views

Important question. · 6:11am Oct 20th, 2016

I feel recently like I'm not quite telling a story that people are interested in hearing. Like I'm standing on a stage reading the Silmarillion allowed. I could just be under false impressions, but I still feel compelled to ask this question.

Are you guys enjoying this story? I really need to know if you like it and why, or if you dislike it and why.

If you would rather enjoy a different story of mine, what events interest you? What is it that my audience want's to hear? Who do you like?

Edit: Dang it, you proved my editor right. I'll never hear the end of this.

Report Meep the Changeling · 480 views · Story: Exile’s Journey ·
Comments ( 40 )

I'm like that one big guy everyone knows who will just eat what's in front of him, only with stories. And reading them.
I like the attention to detail and thought you put into them, though a bit more entropy may help.
It's oddly satisfying to see characters interact with something that blatantly, in-universe, gives no fucks about logic or physics.

Still, my interest has never really dropped, and I'm really in no position to complain.

Im enjoying it just look at your likes to dislikes on exiles its siting at 55 to 3 that ratio is very good near perfect. The issue of building a universe is that you will allways have fans who only care for certain parts. Example some people only watch star wars episode 4 through 6 and ignore the rest till a star wars movie comes out they want to see. Thats the risk of a multi story universe you will have up and down stories with factions of fans who like and ignore certain ones. Just keep on writing what you want and we will sure read it. Hell at this point after reading all your works I would even read none pony fiction you write if you go that route. To wrap this up just write what you want to write you can't please all your readers. Even the best Arthurs have down books (exiles is not a down book by the way)

Exiles is building well your doing a dam good job masking where your story is going all we know for sure is that the emperor is sick our fav linch is after a cure. Cadence is involved, A certain neroutic purple ponie princess will get involved, That creepy god pony that was messing with prance whats he up to, Griphs on a war path, ect. Also I cant wait to se if you pull an avengers and have all your characters go on an world saving adventure.

Note (I have read around 400+ stories on this site so when I say somethings good its good you got nothin to worry about)

The story feels a bit too much like the Queen is dead (in my opionion) we started a journey with two charakters who try to go Equestria(?).

And i am playing too much Paladins to really like Necromancers xD( that might be the greater cause for me ^^)


Hell at this point after reading all your works I would even read none pony fiction you write if you go that route.

I um, I actualy adapt my stuff to fit into one of my old D&D settings post putting it up here so I can publish it later.

That creepy god pony that was messing with prance whats he up to

Did you read "The Queen is Dead"? Pretty sure his goal if not his motivation is stated there. If not, then I totally forgot to have him actually answer his sister's question...

Also I cant wait to se if you pull an avengers and have all your characters go on an world saving adventure.

Humm... Yes. I think it's tiem to weave this plot tapestry togeather like that after this one... Thanks for the push twards that. I've been nervious about doing it.

4263009 Thanks. I needed to hear that.

4263021 /me coughs, "Fair point. I did try and recapture the feel since people seemed to realy like that. Don't worry. It's end is diffrent. ANd I'll weave those plots from everything into a single thread after this one. I need to simply set up one last thing."

I'm quite enjoying this story arc. I don't know why you're not getting as many views does usually do, Maybe you're not making enough pandering for some people, I'm joking of course.

Can't fix what ain't broke.

4263023 Your right it is in queen is dead still not 100 percent on the end game, sorry at some point in two years or so when ever you get down and finish your first team up im going to power read this universe in 2 months or less and get all the plot together i read so much its hard to keep all the plots straight all the time.

Oh meep one request I really like the smith from horseshoes if she could show up at some point that would be fun.

I'm reading the story, and while i like it I'll be honest with you it's not your best work. The characters just aren't really that engaging, interesting? Sure, I mean your main protagonists are a nerdy lich, a betrayed patriotic hippogriff and a changeling guard with a hard on for wood. Unfortunately Felling Axe is kind of uninteresting(maybe the whole 'tragic betrayal backstory' is just getting old for me(I read A LOT mind you)) and Gentle Repose's characteristic quirks are basically all he has for a personality. The hippogriff is pretty cool though(I'm really bad with names sorry).

Basically all I'm saying is this, you can right about some truly bizarre and interesting tales you can possibly think of, but if the characters aren't worth paying attention to even the most fantastical of places you can describe falls flat. If I wasn't following you on fimficton and already knew you were a good author I would never have given this story a second glance.

Also I was kind of disappointing when I saw you were making a story with wholly new characters, it's more difficult to get invested in a fan fic with the entire main cast being oc's, People don't tend really to pick up totally new stories without any show characters in it. Okay maybe Cadence is an important character but she's not even tagged on your story. It's kind of ironic I complained about the oc main characters considering my favorite story of yours is 'Across the sea of time'. But then again the main 6 get involved mid-way through and i have a thing for tf/tg. Do you ever plan on finishing the sequel? Also the whole 'Colgate is a Windego' thing is definitely worth some attention.

i dont know, i enjoy them because they are in the same univers and are interesting stories, i would not be surprised if someday someone ask you to do world building for a game. You put time and effort into it clearly, and it is enjoyable to watch it unfold. Though the last few have been a bit more loose in the connections, i think that is what is putting people off. Atleast my geuss

I'm going to be honest, I think I'd read and like just about anything you would write. I have a single request tho, I'm sure it's going to happen at some point but could you explain Colegate and how she's part wendigo?

I like your work

4263051 Yes, I can explain that :) My next story won't go into that, but if you're interested I do know and if you drop me a PM I'll happily give you the relevant part of her backstory.
4263047 True... The current one is less loose than you'd think though. Chapter after next ties heavily into Dusk's death...

Unfortunately Felling Axe is kind of uninteresting(maybe the whole 'tragic betrayal backstory' is just getting old for me(I read A LOT mind you)) and Gentle Repose's characteristic quirks are basically all he has for a personality.

Hummm... I intended Repose to lack a bit of personality. It suited the nature of his character. How could Fell be improved?

The hippogriff is pretty cool though(I'm really bad with names sorry).

Glad to know she's a shot in the arm :)

Okay maybe Cadence is an important character but she's not even tagged on your story.

I tend to avoid tagging characters untill they show up in the story so as to avoid spoilers. I should tag her now though because She's gotten more page time than people yet realise.

It's kind of ironic I complained about the oc main characters considering my favorite story of yours is 'Across the sea of time'. But then again the main 6 get involved mid-way through and i have a thing for tf/tg.

Not realy... I mean, a lot of people liked that, and I think I gave everyone their own persona the best there. As for the sequil... Mabey one day. But that's unlikely. I attracted several people who were continuously asking me to write in very distasteful things and it made me kinda hate the story enough to reboot my AU by switching to a different part of the multiverse >>

Also the whole 'Colgate is a Windego' thing is definitely worth some attention.

It will get a story at some point. Possibly soon. If you're dying to know, PM me and I can give you her background as a short story.
4263033 You know... I like her. Yes. Yes she can. As for the team up, nah, not two years. Sooner than that.
4263028 From a few other's comments it seems that the characters just arn't as good. But that's alright. I'll finish this up if only because one of muy older fans like it... and I need to conclude this story to tye things togeather.

The story is as awsome as ever! The suspense and details in engagements. The situation and location are constantly changing, keeping you in your hooves with something new and interesting. Everything is detailed just enough, from the scenery to the political landscape. You teach the history of a place and I'm interested, swinging my legs behind me like a little kid!
Character depth, history, emotion, nearly everything is itertwined. I remember when Repose thought some thing like, "I never understood why they thought multi-corpse war machines where a good idea," that indirectly thaught me about Repose, history, and law in a statement.
And the explanations! Oh, the explanations! They are what I live for! I am personally interested in science and the way things work. Everything in your stories has a purpose or reason for being there. You take syfi or fantasy things and slap an explanation on it in such a way that it FEELS like it could be real. It's so F:heart::heart::heart:EN COOL! It was like being a kid and learning about dinosaurs all over again.
Example? The way the "gods" where described as extra dimetional beings with a hole system to the universe.
Lyra 7%? I thought that was the SH:heart::heart:! Combining magic and technology, sometimes almost treating them as the same.
With the Exile's Journey there is magic, history and lore! Everything is so cool, unique, and interesting. Much more interesting than my world history class. And we just learned about ancient Chinese warfare and the friken artillery crossbows they used to demolish towns from miles away!
Whatch out there Meep, you know how that admiration goes straight to the flanks.:trollestia:

4263063 Thank you very much :) In addition to my other mental issues, I have clinical depression. This comment was the tipping point to push me from 'teetering on the edge of okay' to 'happy'. I owe you a debt. Ask me any lore you want to know about in a PM and I'll give it to you in as much detail as I have.

I remember when Repose thought some thing like, "I never understood why they thought multi-corpse war machines where a good idea," that indirectly thaught me about Repose, history, and law in a statement.

Orgionaly, they were a 'good idea' because they are intended to be directly driven by a Necromancer from a remote location, rather than given a mind. But they were eventualy made illegal as well... the older they get, the more of the minds conected to the bodies used to make them get angry...

And the explanations! Oh, the explanations! They are what I live for! I am personally interested in science and the way things work. Everything in your stories has a purpose or reason for being there. You take syfi or fantasy things and slap an explanation on it in such a way that it FEELS like it could be real.

I try so hard to get that. Thank you :)

Whatch out there Meep, you know how that admiration goes straight to the flanks.:trollestia:

That would be nice actualy, Trixie likes chubby mares and it's very hard for this ling to overeat.

For Felling Axe you could make it so he's trying to solve problems like a carpenter and trying to ignore his soldier self... So instead of ambushingguards he could make trees fall on them

Iay be crazy on drugs and it's late ignore me if I sound like sick drugges up tired person.

4263077 That's actually an interesting thought! Thanks ^^

I should tag her now though because

Oh right this universes Cadance had scars too

She'll never hear the end of this. :trollestia:

4263082 Mhm! Somone's remembering things from her other brief appearance.

I throughly enjoy all your stories my friend, I do my best to comment and let you know that. With your expansive world building and unique OC's you have what it takes to be a true published author if you ever wanted to be.

Not realy... I mean, a lot of people liked that, and I think I gave everyone their own persona the best there. As for the sequil... Mabey one day. But that's unlikely. I attracted several people who were continuously asking me to write in very distasteful things and it made me kinda hate the story enough to reboot my AU by switching to a different part of the multiverse >>

This is why having known characters is both a boon and a bane. With only OCs, you have a harder time getting noticed by the average readers, but you also don't attract creepers like those bastards.
It really sucks that they made you hate your own stories, too, Meeps. But at least we have a bit of psuedo-closure with the closed loop dual-verse.

I'm not sure how to really express how I feel about a story, ever. It's why I don't comment very often, and they are not long when I do. But I will tell you, (and this is true for everything you have written I have read, not just on this account), I love your writing. From concept to execution, from personality to backstory, everything you have written has been amazing in my eyes, even if it isn't in others.

I am enjoying it, no worries here.

4263152 Good to know. You've been eerily quiet of late, given your history.

Guess I'd like to see more of All Hail the Queen, is what initially brought me to your stories.

4263165 That storyline will be continued shortly.

Are you guys enjoying this story?

Yes, definitely. But there's something that makes Exile’s Journey less... easy to read. The plot is good, the world-building is crazy good (as always). May be there're too many "new"s in this story. New country, new history, new OCs... The fanfiction is expected to be less original. :derpytongue2:

Since I first got into your work with "The Queen is Dead" (and subsequently binged everything else), I can honestly say I haven't disliked any of your stories. You have a very involved world (if I may make that understatement), and it's been fun being along for the ride. I mean, seriously, where else could I go on about world mechanics, saying shit like "A cuddle is a unit of hug/sec" with a straight face?

As far as "Exile's Journey" is concerned, I like the look into a necromantic society, and the introduction of Light's race. Fuck Dawn and Little Shit, but you're supposed to hate them, so that's fine almost fine, I can't stand the notion of people who are just evil for shits and giggles, but unfortunately that's life, so bleh -.-

If I had to provide feedback about stuff I think could be better (aside from minor grammar gripes and the like), I'd say that the drawback of having such a massive world is that it leads to there being a lot of stuff we don't get to see, and don't quite fit into the stories in progress. Perhaps you could do a few more mini-stories, or have a standalone/random chapter collection, which explore stuff like some of the worlds from Lyra-7%, the kinds of shenanigans the Emeralds are getting into, or exploring some aspect of one of the places we haven't seen yet. I mean, you just put out that map; maybe one day you'll feel like writing a short bit about the Bloodstone Hive, or a slice-of-life comedy about life in Neighpon. It doesn't need to be a full story, just little snippets of insight.

This isn't to say you should pursue these instead of the current story. I quite enjoy what you've got going. You've got nothing to worry about with your current story.
Also, you have a knack for posting things right as I go to bed, so my responses end up being 9+ hours late >-<. It's a good thing you've got a community that loves your work. I figure every post here has at least 2-3x the normal amount hugs found in normal comments, so eat up.

Edit: Dang it, you proved my editor right. I'll never hear the end of this.

Given the context, I think that's a good thing :derpytongue2:

4263154 I burnt out and have been having a hard time finding my second wind to get going again.

To be perfectly honest as far as fan fiction goes. I prefer the ones with show characters in them preferable one of the one mane 6. I really liked Lyra 7% which still had a sense of Lyra and a bit of Fluttershy. The stories with just OC's in this setting are more akin to a D&D based story by someone who isn't R.A. Salvatore. But the stories around Drizzt by him seem to be way more popular due to him being established for so long. They are ok, but I think that the audience here wants more fiction with characters they already have some emotional connection to as opposed to just happening in the same universe and nothing else.
Now this is not to imply that the other works are bad, just that they do not fit what the target audience of this site is likely looking to have.


almost fine, I can't stand the notion of people who are just evil for shits and giggles, but unfortunately that's life, so bleh -.-

/me giggles. "The joke here is that yes, it IS Life. Hehehehe!"
4263463 I see. I'll get a pegasi to deliver some fresh wind ASAP.
4263725 Mmm, likly true. But that's the problem with telling larger stories, isn't it? Established show characters can't realistically fill every roll ;/

4263751 they don't have to fill every role, but if you could work at least one of them in. I think you be more successful.

:facehoof: For someone who dislikes puns, I am terribly good at accidentally making them

I come one again bearing gifts. While I could show you the hilarity of her confessing her displeasure over me being right, again; I instead bring you a snippet of the daily life of being friends with Meep. Enjoy!


For my part, I'm enjoying the story! I just haven't been terribly comment-y lately; my social capacitor is a bit low I think. :rainbowlaugh:

4264661 Hopefully, the new books I got on writing will help me punch up the less actiony parts :)

I'm very much enjoying everything you write, I'm just finding less and less time to read :c

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