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Meta Four

I didn't write any of that.

  • EAlarm Clock
    Ditzy Doo sees things nopony else can see: higher-dimensional spatial anomalies, fae creatures, and eldritch abominations. She solves problems that other ponies don’t even know exist. But now, she may have bitten off more than she can chew.
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"To Where and Back Again" · 3:34am Oct 26th, 2016

First: Can I say I friggin' called it?

Because I totally did: obviously, Twilight Sparkle only got captured so easily because she was betrayed by her changeling furniture. While Cadance and Shining Armor were easily captured because Flurry Heart was replaced by a changeling before this season even started.

And for Celestia... they stuck a cake in a trap.

"I could try to resist capture, I guess. But on the other hoof, somepony will rescue me eventually. And I could really use the break."

Second: So, the changelings have always been sorta loosely modeled after Fairies. (With a bit of G-rated succubus mixed in.) Even the name "changeling" comes from the folklore that Fairies would steal infants from the crib and leave behind a fae doppelgänger.

In my Alarm Clock series, I used deer as a stand-in for Fairies.

So imagine my surprise when this happened:


Deer Fairies are canon now. Deer Fairies are canon now.

That's almost enough to make up for the rest of my changeling headcanon that I'll have to scrap.

Comments ( 16 )

Not just deer fairies.
Deer fairies that kinda look like they're made of candy.


But deer appear. They live in the Everfree Forest, as of the Hart of the Forest arc of the comics.
And he's a stag beetle.

Personaly I wouldn't take the season 6 finale too seriously, the more you think about it the less sense it makes.

It was truly substandard in my opinion.


You really shouldnt twist/scrap or otherwise torture you/re story to fit with show canon.
Show canon at times is really contrived and not worth the effort. So many fan works are so much better, why detract from something that works just because it doesnt jive with the show. Its fan fiction after all.

I was kinda weirded out by the wing-tail, which ported from the changeling tails too...

Deer fairies! :pinkiehappy: :derpytongue2:

Would this mean that the changelings are immature fae whose growth got stunted by a destructive feeding philosophy?

Huh....That screencap actually makes Thorax look... not completely horrible and with colors violently clashing against the background. :derpyderp1:

I guess the UK low-resolution release didn't do him justice, then! :rainbowderp:

Yeah, I'm almost certainly going to have to scrap the whole "Changelings are actually just solidified, emotionally charged ooze wrapped around a crystallized brain/heart/squeedly-spooch" thing. Alas.

Also, it says something when "Twilight was betrayed by her furniture" makes more sense than canon. :applejackunsure:

Don't get me wrong, the finale was fun, but the foundation is rife with contrivance.

Can deer what? :derpytongue2:

Hmmmm.. still think he looks more like a Moose then a deer.

4271760 This gives me ideas that are too big for a comment section.

This pleases me. :pinkiehappy:

she was betrayed by her changeling furniture


Also, it says something when "Twilight was betrayed by her furniture" makes more sense than canon.

Given that the attack that rendered DynDNS inaccessible and broke a large swath of the internet on the weekend of 2016-10-21 was launched from regular, bog-standard consumer appliances, this may not be quite so far fetched...

As that quote goes "The difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to make sense."


Yeah, I'm almost certainly going to have to scrap the whole "Changelings are actually just solidified, emotionally charged ooze wrapped around a crystallized brain/heart/squeedly-spooch" thing. Alas.

Nah, that head canon is fine, you can just say the metamorphosis made the ooze harden into shapes that resembled the bodies of ponies they had previously immitated, complete with internal organs all that jazz. Like... some kind of magical shape-memory alloy.

Or actually, why would you need to scrap that head canon? The new changelings look different. Not like they couldn't change their appearance before already.

Plus, I'm still pretty sure the metamorphosis only was possible because of that throne. All that alicorn- and chaos-magic being sucked out, and transmitted from the holding chrysalsises overhead to the throne...

Plus plus, Thorax was still super-charged with love from his stay in the Crystal Empire... (crystal heart, hint hint).

His hunger being fullfilled happened, before the metamorphosis, so... I'd guess even the new changelings would still have to feed to some extent, but it wouldn't drive them to desperate messures so much as it used to.


So many fan works are so much better, why detract from something that works just because it doesnt jive with the show.

Yeah, I really hope the season finale doesn't discourage people from continuing their works, or publishing that "half way done fanfiction idea". Hay, somepony even considered scraping their quite intriguing "time traveling Applejack goes back in time to save her parents" story, just because there was a discrepancy between how they portrayed young Big Mac and how the show did. :facehoof:

...That's exactly why watching the show will never be as carefree and chill as it used to be. :unsuresweetie:

On the other horse shoe, it's all about reader expectations and immersion. If your story can explain the divergence from canon in its very premise - e.g. "Daring Do is a purely fictional character. Rainbow Dash gets sucked into a Daring Do book. A Fourth Wall meta-adventure ensues" - then it doesn't throw readers off mid-story and shatter their immersion.

Old headcanons can stick around if they're thoroughly well-established. Like, e.g., if the show decided to make Spike X Ember an official couple, that wouldn't stop the RariSpike cruiseliner from sailing on. Or pre-Canterlot Weddings' fanon of "Celestia is an actual goddess" still pops up here and there.

...Though yeah, when was the last time you read a serious "Twilight suddenly wakes up as an alicorn" story that wasn't posted before season 3?

I'm waiting to see what the fandom makes of this development. :unsuresweetie:

Point made. Oozy changelings it is! :pinkiehappy:

I was writing a reply, but it spiraled out of control and now it's going to be another blog post. Expect it later tonight.

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