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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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Happy Halloween! · 9:33pm Oct 26th, 2016

Hey everybody, happy All Hallow's Eve is coming soon and I wish you all the best. Got several things so let's get rolling.

Firstly, before I get any more messages about it (so far I'm at 3 PMs, 4 Tumblr messages, and 2 DA notes), yes I have seen this!

AHAHAHAHA Aaaaaaaaaah I love it! Matt Frank is probably one of the most well respected and renown artist in the G-fandom so it's always a treat to see what he draws up. Fact he also is a fan of MLP makes the deal all the better. I have seen some artwork he's done before, both on his DeviantArt and artwork he's done for others are conventions. I'd presume this is a self nod to his previous work at IDW doing art for a lot of the Godzilla comics, namely the better ones. Frank's art is awesome and so is this.

As for this year's Halloween Special. Yes there is going to be one, but not in Bridge proper. I won't divulge the full details but it is unorthodox. That said I am working on some things. I have completed a special which is a gift and tribute to a well liked member of this little community. Just waiting on one last little bit for it and then I'll hit the publish button. I'm also toying around the idea of doing a horror film review of a bad movie near and dear to my not-heart.

And remember this season. In a purely secular sense, I think Halloween is the best expression of human goodness of all holidays. Thanksgiving is getting eaten by Black Friday, a trend I hope reverses this year. And the secular Christmas keeps getting commercialized. I don't dislike those holidays, but I can find flaw. I cannot do that with Halloween. Yes, Halloween is full of scary stuff. And sometimes in a blue moon someone decides to make monsters real and do some screwed up stuff on Halloween. But bad things happen every day of the year. Halloween is the day we're free to dress up and we send children to the houses of neighbors and strangers alike, to ask for candy. If that doesn't speak for human trust on the side of the Trick-Or-Treaters and a sign of human generosity in the homeowners freely giving away gifts, I don't know what to call it.

Comments ( 12 )

Looking forward to whatever is coming!!

Can't wait to see what you have planned for Halloween, Tarb:pinkiehappy:

Ah, All-Hallows-Eve, where the dead becoming living, and the living become dead, or vice versa.
I can't wait to see what you have planned Tarb, and I look forward to all the horrors, jumpscares, and frights this halloween!

Well said, buddy. Well said, indeed.:)

Matt Frank's art is boss

You know what be more mind blowing? If Matt Frank read this Fanfic?:pinkiegasp:

4272852 You know what would be even more mind blowing? If Matt Frank read this story AND did some fanart of it.

Now that I think about it, Matt Frank being the artist for this cover might also explain the lizard in the lower left corner having Godzilla spikes on its back.

Matt Frank is probably the most well respected and renown artist in the G-fandom

[sucks air through teeth]

I don't know Tarb, I think Bob Eggleton takes that honor.




New Halloween chapter? Sweet!!!

And I like Halloween most of all as well. Though, for traditional and folkish reasons.

I said fandom. Eggleton's awesome, but most of his art has been officially licensed works. Frank meanwhile mostly did original or fan works for years before he got an official commission under IDW.

4274330 Oh I see what you meant. I thought you meant to say by the fandom, you mean to say from the fandom.

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