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Duke Moon II

More Blog Posts76

  • 158 weeks
    Blog Post #76-16062021: Toys and Stuff Blog

    Since I don't post much on this blog and I usually only use it to show off some videos I found on Youtube or just announce my latest story updates, I decided put to a better use and show off my toys, books and other stuff I lying around. I'll show off some of the pony stuff I collected over the years.

    Stay tuned for more updates and see what I have for my first stuff post.

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  • 159 weeks
    Blog Post #75-10062021: Rated A for Awesome Looking

    Oh, and some some guy named Mark is Skeletor. Hopefully, everyone will like this series.

    3 comments · 202 views
  • 162 weeks
    Blog Post #74-18052021: The Big Man Chapter 10 is on the way + Something Extra

    Just letting you guys now that the tenth chapter of The Big Man is finished. It just needs to be ironed out and checked for errors, so stay tuned for the next update.

    Also, I decided to make a one-shot Spin Off of When I Say Goodbye called Letting Love Go, with Applebloom being the central character. Stay tuned for that, too.

    Peace out!!

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  • 172 weeks
    Blog Post #73-11032021: The Nostalgia is Strong With This One

    Can't wait to play this one. Day one get...whenever that date comes.

    Turtle Power!

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  • 178 weeks
    Blog Post #72-28012021: Final Chapter of When I Say Goodbye Incoming

    Just finished the epilogue of When I Say Goodbye and it will be up after my editors get a look at it. I'm just glad that I was able to see this story through and hopefully, you'll like what I turned out.

    After this, I'm going to see what I can do with The Big Man.

    Peace out and goodnight everybody.

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Blog Post #36-27102016: The Big Man Chapter 6 Preview #2 · 9:32pm Oct 27th, 2016

Decided to keep you readers up to date on this fic. I'll have the rest of it up soon...hopefully.

Arriving home had not been fun for Spike. As soon as he stepped into the house, Spike was nearly assaulted by his mom, Annabel, who was barraging him with questions while also scolding him for getting into a fight on his first day of school. Spike’s father, Michael, was no better as he asked him if he won the fight, which sparked an argument between the parents. Not wanting to be in the middle of a parental dispute, Spike immediately went to his room and started on his homework. Afterwards, after triple checking his work (a trait he got from Twilight), he lay on his bed and rested, wondering how his friends were doing, especially since he and Twilight were supposed to be star gazing later tonight.

It had been a couple of hours since Spike had arrived home. He and his parents were having dinner and conversing about the day, though his parents were doing most of the talking. Spike, for his part, was picking at his salad as he waited anxiously for Twilight to call. He knew that he and Twilight were scheduled for star gazing that evening, but considering today’s events, especially Twilight getting detention along with her friends, was feeling a bit doubtful about things going forward as scheduled. Yes, Spike had assured Twilight that things would be fine, but that didn’t mean the schedule would keep.

“Spike, you’re barely eating,” Annabel Drake said with concern in her voice.

“Huh? Oh sorry, mom,” Spike looked up and apologized as she shook his head. “Just have a lot on my mind lately.”

Annabel Drake was fairly attractive long green haired woman who had kept in shape even after having given birth to Spike all those years ago. She was a tall and slim and was actually an inch taller than her husband, Michael. She was conservatively dressed in a purple blouse and black slacks.

“I’ll bet,” said Michael Drake as he ate his salad. “Just be glad you weren’t part of Rivals Night at the pub last night. Just one bruise meant you got lucky to escape with your life.”

Michael Drake was a bearded man with dark short hair, dressed in black, collared shirt and dark blue pants. Though he was shorter than his wife Annabel, Michael looked pretty strong but not overly muscular. Like his wife, he kept in shape, though it was more about looking and staying tough than anything else.

“You really shouldn’t be making light of happened to Spike, Mike,” chided Annabel.

“I’m not, Annie,” assured Michael. “But considering our boy was getting chased around school and getting punched by a gang banger, I thought he would be a little worse for wear.”

“He still shouldn’t be looking for a fight,” Anna said, shaking her head.

“Mom, for the last time, I wasn’t looking for a fight,” Spike argued.

“I just don’t want you getting into trouble,” Annabel said worriedly.

“Annie, he’s had a rough day,” Michael said. Then he took a teasing tone and said, “Besides, he’s not alone out there. Spike’s got his girlfriends looking out for him.”

“Dad, quit it,” frowned Spike as he blushed.

“Aw, let your old man have his fun, boy,” laughed Michael. “I was never this popular with the ladies when I was your age. Your mother, on the other hand-

“Choose your words carefully, dear,” warned Annabel as she cut her husband off.

Report Duke Moon II · 159 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

I love the conversation between Spike and his parents. They're portrayed so well.

Spike's mom has got it goin' on...
Also,Mike rhymes with Spike. Cool.

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