• Member Since 25th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Valiant Charge

Why do we fight? To protect home and family, to preserve balance and bring harmony. The true question is not why we fight but rather "What is worth fighting for?"

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  • 3 weeks
    I need to grieve...

    As of June 7th today, my grandfather passed in his sleep. Until I feel like I can continue, there will be no updates on any of my projects.

    5 comments · 71 views
  • 8 weeks
    OH MY PONY!!

    3 comments · 69 views
  • 9 weeks

    Aside from the renovations, my grandpa had to be hospitalized yesterday so I can't really focus on my writing. Apologies to all my readers but I need to get things in order first before I start writing again.

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  • 12 weeks
    Slight Delay

    Due to some much needed house rennovations, updates will be rather slow. Thank you for your patience.

    8 comments · 85 views
  • 16 weeks
    Easter Special

    Villain or not, Twitch looks FABULOUS!!

    3 comments · 68 views

Headless Man · 8:53pm Oct 30th, 2016

When the spooks have a midnight jamboree
They break it up with fiendish glee!

Ghosts are bad but the one that's cursed
Is the Headless Horseman he's the worst!
(That's right he's a fright on Halloween Night)

When he goes a joggin across the land
Holding his noggin in his hand
Demons take one look and groan
Then hit the road for parts unknown!
(Beware, take care he rides alone!)

And there's no spook like a spook that's spurned
(They don't like him and he's really burned!)

He swears to the longest day he's dead
He'll show them that he can get a head!

They say he's tired of his flamming top
He's got a yen to make a swap
So he rides one night each year
To find a head in the hollow hear!

Now he likes em little, he likes em big
Part in the middle or a wig
Black or white or even red

The Headless Horseman needs a head

With a hip hip and a clippity clop
He's out lookin for a top to chop
So don't stop to figure out a plan
You can't reason with a headless man

Now if you doubt this tale is so
I met that spook just a year ago!

Now I didn't stop for a second look
But made for the brodge that spans the brook
Once you cross that bridge my friends
The ghost is through, his power ends!

So when you're riding home tonight
Make for the bridge with all your might!

He'll be down in the hollow there
He needs your head


With a hip hip and a clippity clop
He's out lookin for a head to swap
So don't stop to figure out a plan
You can't reason with a headless maaan~!!


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