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Halloween Special Promo: Kaiju Profiles - Gabara · 12:24am Oct 31st, 2016


Title: Oni King of Aokigahara
Alias: The Original Gabara, Gabara the Ancient, Gabara 1
"I am nightmares incarnate. I will devour your mind!"

Species: Magic enhanced Homo sapien kaibutsu (Oni)
Height: 3-100 meters
Weight: 0.25-50,000 tons
Relatives: Many human descendents
Residence: physically in the Aokigahara forest, 2000 BC-2005 AD; mentally across Japan
Faction: None
Morality: Sadistic, psychopathic, and sinful are the best words to describe Gabara. The easiest way to describe it however is “Monster”. Gabara cares nothing for any sacredness, life, or rules other than his own. Minds vulnerable to him are but playthings to torment with fear before he devours them. The only thing Gabara gives anything resembling respect to is power greater than his own, and even that he just sees as a goal to cross when he reaches it. None of his many children conceived during life before imprisonment even mattered to him, just possible assets to be used if he even paid them mind or mere side effects of his own inhibitions he didn’t even give thought to.
Traits: Blank white eyes, recurved horn, teal colored warty skin with scutes on chest and belly, finger bones elongated and twisted into claw-like points, an ape-like build, blood red hair; and presence often causes thunderstorms and fog

Physical Prowess:
Gabara is extremely strong for his size. Even when he was only 3 meters tall in historic times, Gabara was capable of crushing rocks, bending metal and overpowering dozens of trained men with brute strength alone. As a kaiju he’s in the upper tiers of strength, being somewhere on the same level as Godzilla or Yonggary.

Despite his size and shape, Gabara is deceptively fast and agile. His 3 meter original form was capable of sprinting at 80kmph in a burst. His kaiju sized state can sprint at 320kmph due to a long, bounding stride.

Gabara’s 3 meter form had skin tough enough to bend copper blades and even bronze weapons propelled with a great force failed to punch in deeply. He’d be effectively bullet proof to all but extremely high caliber rounds. In his kaiju sized form, his durability is the norm for his size class; able to resist missile, artillery, and maser fire easily with the only things strong enough to cause visible damage are powerful energy attacks and sharp extremities other kaiju have.

Gabara is fueled by fear (see below). While his endurance would be the norm for his build, absorbing fear from others can easily keep him replenished.

Gabara is completely sentient and was knowledgeable for his era, having a working knowledge of strategy, psychology, archaic technology, and language. He has since learned other languages by causing nightmares in people for centuries.

Mental Invasion - Gabara can manifest his psyche into the minds of others in their subconscious and sometimes even conscious mind. Most often this is done to invade and torment them in their nightmares, but it can go far beyond that. Gabara’s attacks can be so visceral, that the affected body actually reacts to damage inflicted upon the host in the nightmare. Being drowned causes your lungs to tear apart and flood with blood, being stabbed in the chest can cause heart failure; etc.

Magical Electricity- Gabara appears to be able to conduct and create electric shocks, however this is actually different than the electrokinesis used by some other beings like Raiga. Gabara’s energies, while resembling and capable of drawing power from lightning, is actually a type of magic fueled by the soul. Gabara bent and twisted the mana generated by himself and his victims he’s devoured into a chaotic form of energy that caused both physical and mental harm; literally weaponizing the soul. Gabara is capable of going on an all out attack or holding back, shocking one just enough to wear their mind down and break them while dangling them back and forth between life and death.

Astral Projection - Gabara’s soul is capable of surviving without his body and can even reconstitute his body by regenerating his old one or potentially another of a compatible genetic structure. This is also how he can invade a victim's dreams.

Fear Absorption - Gabara grows stronger based off the fear he’s absorbed from his victims. The richness of the power he can absorb scales with the mental power of who he’s attacked and been able to terrify. The weak minded give him only a small amount of power, but attacking those with mental or psychic abilities and succeeding can give him an enormous boost. Gabara’s size also scales with how much fear he’s absorbed and how many he’s killed and drained.

Weakness: - If attacked in the real world by a sufficiently powerful force, Gabara can be injured and is subject to same physical weaknesses as any other living being. If he was ever completely killed due to mass bodily harm, his power would diminish significantly.

Gabara was an oni, an ogre-like fae born around 2,000 BC in central Japan during the Jōmon period. A rare anomaly due to his ancestry containing Pre-Toba Extinction oni, Gabara’s early history in legend is poorly known. What is known is that Gabara became a lord and monster by every definition of the term. He fed off of fear and made good on cultivating it. His time was spent less as a ruler and more of a opposition-less bully patrolling an area with often lethal results. Gabara discovered more about mana from texts ancient by even his accord, finding out how magic was created from life itself when expressed at its peak. And one such peak was striking sheer terror into the hearts and minds of others. What fear Gabara inflicted in his physical form paled in comparison to the terror he wrought by invading the dreams and minds of others. Precious little is known about how the oni was stopped, but legend stated he was entombed under what is now the Aokigahara forest near Mount Fuji, not dead; but sealed away and deprived of power.

But Gabara was far from done. Though his influence was far weaker than it had been, he still fed off the fear and dread of others who came near his tomb. The atrocities of the Pacific War, paranoia of the Cold War, and dread belonging to those who took their own lives in Aokigahara slowly fed him over time. Gabara began to regain some of his old power. The rise of the telepathic population in the late 20th and early 21st century was only more promising as their minds help much more potential to feed the oni than others. While he lacked the power to actively harm them, Gabara still could siphon off the energy he craved by plaguing those with psychic abilities and were vulnerable at the time with horrific night terrors. One such individual was a mildly telepathic young dinosaur living at Kyoto institute as well as the school of telepathic children nearby….

Gabara fatered many children with various women during his original time of activity thousands of years ago, ones who were also born either as oni, albeit normal ones, or human. Some of the children who lived to adulthood also had children and so on. Hundreds of years after, Gabara was largely forgotten from even his own family lines in all but legend; as even the children born as oni had human children themselves due to low mana levels in the post-Toba world. Over time Gabara himself faded into myth, but his unknowing descendents today can found across Japan and other areas Japanese people have immigrated too.

Comments ( 19 )

Wow... You turned one of the goofiest monsters in Godzilla lore into a scary badass like that of Nightmare Moon.:trixieshiftright:

Gotta say, Gabara sounds like quite the powerful Kaiju with that backstory you created for him. I like how he managed to implement teachings about magic to overcome and survive the Toba extinction event. Excellent job, Tarb.

Makes me glad that Zilla Jr. put a MONSTER like this freak in his place in 'Humanity's Stand'. Must've been a hell of a blow to his pride for an ancient Oni terror lord to be blindsided by a giant radioactive iguana. Karma, thy name is Zilla Jr. :rainbowlaugh:


Look at the alias


:ajbemused: *facepalm*

Still, I doubt he'd approve that his other namesake would let such a Kaiju walk over him. XD

Goddammit Tarb....

You unbelievable son of a [buy some apples]

What makes me say this?

Find out with my Halloween story "Nightmare on Monster Island"

So, the original and greatest Gabara is basically the Kaiju version of Freddy Kruger, and little Gabara from Humanities Stand is likely his descendent. I have to wonder, how much of the fear that the lesser Kaiju generates feeds the greater threat?

Perhaps we'll find out in time...

4278073 i'd think he'd be upset that he has a name sake to begin with!


We're gonna need more than Zilla Jr. then to beat this abomination. :rainbowdetermined2:

When I saw the title of this blog, I was expecting that it would provide a bit of a laugh, given the movie version's standing. Reading the whole thing, I'm intrigued as to what will occur within the special.

From a Cowardly Bully to a Kaiju Freddy Krueger, I like your version Tarb

Nice! This is something that reminds me of what Ebony made in his series. And anything that makes Gabara a REAL threat is worthy of my respect.:)

Tarb, your version of Gabara is soooooo much better than the one we all know as children.


I can't believe it...you made Gabara cool! :O

Hey, you got gabara out of the scrap heap. AWESOME! Hes now like the freddy crugar of the Bridge series

Hmm...you know, I have a question:

Since Gabara is a fae and thus needs mana to sustain himself, which he gets from instilling fear in others, does that mean he wouldn't have that issue in the mana saturated Equestria? This is referring to EITHER Gabara.

How did the second Gabara come about, though?

4285126 Read the blog post or Humanity's Stand chapter

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