• Member Since 30th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen 17 hours ago


The wheel kept turning: ages came, time passed us by. We lived in perfect harmony!

More Blog Posts63

  • 138 weeks
    i am in fact alive

    Writing hundreds of pages of nonfiction is hard, you guys. Weirdly enough, there is in fact remaining material for both of my stories-in-progress.

    2 comments · 185 views
  • 353 weeks
    Excuses, excuses

    Sure, you say, the Autumn Equinox was yesterday/today. Sure, you say, most of the 24-hour cycle is Luna's problem now. Suuuuuure.

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    2 comments · 441 views
  • 361 weeks
    Gib Discord names pls. Also, I crave death slightly less now! Also fic outlined.

    So at the new job I've had these past couple of months, I don't work in an open office space. I can have a personal window or two open on my computer (still indoor work with no heavy lifting), so I've been keeping Discord open all day. CVBrony and Deaincaelo invited me to servers, but it seriously took until today to realize...

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    4 comments · 462 views
  • 370 weeks
    My Little Meme Stash: Dankness is Magic

    3 comments · 492 views
  • 370 weeks
    Is there an MLP Dank Meme Stash, but not on Facebook?

    I'm catching up on the show, and I seriously need a place to cut out screenshots and capture them with funny things.

    Like when Starlight is getting mad at Trixie's description of Our Town? Needs a caption that says, "Magicks in evil".

    0 comments · 412 views

Happy Nightmare Night! · 2:11am Nov 1st, 2016

Report book_burner · 436 views · #halloween #nids
Comments ( 3 )

Moral of the story: Inquisitors are like daemons. Speak the right words at the right time, and things will die.

Also, be sure to drink your Ovaltine Fenrisian ale.

4279618 Also, genestealers be cray-cray.

Happy Nightmare Night to you too!

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