• Member Since 20th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen Jun 17th, 2017


Mild fan of the show, I'll watch it when an episode is released but I don't go to conventions or buy MLP merchandise. I always have had an interest in story writing though so I'm here to try

More Blog Posts5

  • 375 weeks
    It's been a while

    It's been a month since the previous story in my series, and my college course has kept me quite busy, but with exams next week I can focus more on writing afterwards.

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  • 381 weeks
    Story Path

    Lately I've been conflicted deciding where my series should go. I have a lot of ideas for "casual" stories involving conflicts between main characters or some new character, but also want to go onto dealing with the main antagonist in a short encounter, whom is meant to appear in the next story, taking advantage of Fluffin's "unexplainable" hatred of one type of pony.

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  • 394 weeks

    Dear Followers,

    Sorry for the long wait between my stories, Ive been busy with exams. The story I am currently writing is a "pony-fied version" of a satirical piece I wrote for my social studies course.

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  • 399 weeks
    Chronology in my Stories

    I Intended my stories to have a chronological order, and in the MLP FiM timeline take place after Season 6. They are meant to re-use existing canon from the show, while adding some of my own (New characters and challenges to overcome). Think of it as an alternate timeline called "Season 6.5", which includes a premiere and finale that are longer than other stories. After the finale I may make

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  • 400 weeks
    OC Information

    Ive added several original characters in my stories, so here are descriptions for them in case you don't want to read my stories in order or need a quick recap before reading the next story. I will add more characters to this later on via edits. The characters are in chronological order of when they're introduced.

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Chronology in my Stories · 9:21pm Nov 2nd, 2016

I Intended my stories to have a chronological order, and in the MLP FiM timeline take place after Season 6. They are meant to re-use existing canon from the show, while adding some of my own (New characters and challenges to overcome). Think of it as an alternate timeline called "Season 6.5", which includes a premiere and finale that are longer than other stories. After the finale I may make another set of stories if 6.5 gains popularity.

This list is an order of the stories in chronological order that I will update as I publish more stories. The name of the story I am currently writing will be shown

Season 6.5 Premiere: Crusader's Quest in Cloudsdale

Colt Like Behavior

Equestrian Expedition

Biting Buddies

Wrath of Rarity and Hexirit's Curse take place at the same time.

The Isolated Incident

Birthday Bro

Currently Writing: You Wouldn't Mare (Satirical)

Report BoredWriter · 301 views · #chronology #fanon #canon
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