• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2013
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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

More Blog Posts478

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    An important message for a dark subject, give a read

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The Bridge Voice Actress Audition! Help Needed! · 4:23am Nov 7th, 2016

"In the heart of the Pacific Ocean, an all out invasion-turned gang-war occurred without warning between the two largest factions of the planet's kaiju population. As all hell is breaking loose on Solgell Island, the Global Defense Force see an opportunity to test a new superweapon, trying to rid the world of some of mankind's biggest threats while they are all clustered together. As the faction leaders unleashed their most devastating attacks, Dimension Tide fired and the combined energy seemed to erase some of the factions' power players off the map.

But, as the world cheered or bowed their heads in loss, none of them took a moment to realize Dimension Tide's blast, long believed to be an artificial black hole; behaved nothing like what theoretical physicists believed it should.
Six of the most powerful beings on the planet weren't crushed, imprisoned, or vaporized; they were moved.
Moved, changed, shrunk; but still very much alive. Equestria just got six new denizens just as a horror from the kaiju home realm sets its sights on Harmony's world.”

HERE is the link to the auditions for the cast, contact directions are on the document. All major male roles have been cast. This is an awesome project so if you don't want to or can't voice a role yourself, please contact people you think can!

Current Cast -
Godzilla Jr. - John Graham Riddel
Anguirus - AndySoshal
Rodan - POLE7645
Xenilla - Matthew James Tshimperle
Monster X/Kaiser Ghidorah - Red Thunder
Kaiser Ghidorah (Deep Voice) - AndySoshal
Kaiser Ghidorah (Rhaspy Voice) - Cole Stevens
Gigan - Just Defender
Megalon - Red Bird
Spike - Red Bird
Shining Armor - Le Beagleution

As a prelude to what's to come, here is a dramatic reading of the first chapter by Red Bird!

Comments ( 11 )

If there's any exposition disembodied voice chat, get someone that sounds like Morgan Freeman for it.


Congrats to all who got the auditions. :twilightsmile:

And we need more people to help us with this project!!!

All of the male roles? What about Bagan, Flash Sentry, Bold Rush, Key Ring, etc?

Very awesome. I'm glad you guys managed to get a cast together for the first half. But if you don't mind: just let everyone know when the auditions for the other characters is ready. I really don't want to miss the chance to audition for this story. Especially if it means helping out YOU fella's.:)

4288478 Free to try

4288498 Red Bird's words, not mine. I'd assume they have been cast, he just didn't list them as its a recycled cast.

4288532 Okay that makes sense. By the way, did you check out that video I posted on your page?

Oooooooooh, so looking forward to this!

I'm finally on an audio cast!
This is gonna be great!

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