• Member Since 28th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 4th, 2023

Big Brother is Watching

Big Brother is Watching You

More Blog Posts190

  • 68 weeks
    Get it while it’s Hot!

    I’m slowly but surely taking down the videos on my YouTube channel. Watch them while they last!

    Here is the channel!

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  • 91 weeks
    The Raven is Up

    My first dramatic reading. I’m a bit nervous to share this, but excited too!


    I have more audio play & dramatic reading projects on the way. Hopefully this one works.

    12 comments · 96 views
  • 93 weeks
    New YouTube Channel

    I technically already had a YouTube channel, but I made a new one to put my personal creations into it. The videos on the old channel will start disappearing in favor of putting them on the personal channel instead. I used a new pen name for it, "Bernard Butler", which is a Megamind reference combined with obscure DC comics from the 1940s.

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    1 comments · 101 views
  • 94 weeks

    The day that changed everything. I’m not forgetting it any time soon. Nearly 3000 people tragically died that day, & because it happened at home & caused such destruction, it made so many Americans feel far less safe. Many feared being in urban environments & around major landmarks out of fear of copycat terrorism, & there was an anthrax scare too - Americans were afraid Al Qaeda was planting

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    4 comments · 165 views
  • 104 weeks
    Need for Voice Actresses

    I'm going to eventually move on from MLP fanfiction for a while, if not forever. My plan was to become to Discord what MemJ or whatever she's called became to Princess Celestia. But I'm choosing a new life, so I'm going to, instead of making this the grand opening to a new fanfiction career, make this the temporary or permanent swan song to MLP fanfiction.

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Godzilla Fanfic Ideas · 4:35am Nov 15th, 2016

Gamera vs. Godzilla

Around the year 1967, an evil organization finds a mysterious stone with curious grooves in it. They discover that this stone is full of minerals that react with radiation wavelengths, and the grooves were left by the people of Mu to use that stone to direct large radioactive creatures to specific locations, as the writing on the back of the tablet indicates. So they promptly feed the stone energy in certain grooves to use it as a means of controlling Godzilla to be their living weapon of mass destruction until they can get the world to comply with their demands. Godzilla begins attacking the USA's coasts, when suddenly Gamera shows up. At first it seems like Gamera won't loose to Godzilla because he kept absorbing Godzilla's Radioactivity Blaze, but then Gamera tried to close in for the kill, and got defeated by Godzilla's astounding strength and stamina.

After this, Terionologists (from one Anglicization of a Greek word for "monster") then discuss how to defeat Godzilla by means of taking advantage of his biology, and the means the terrorists are controlling him. They conclude that Godzilla primarily runs on fusion, but in order to keep his fusion working, he has a nuclear fission generator. To knock out his fission generator, they can fire boron darts at him to absorb the neutrons he needs for fission, which in turn he needs the energy to continue fusion, and with his fission working poorly, he will have to save energy and enter a sedate state, while specialized troops will infiltrate the terrorist base and destroy the tablet that controls Godzilla.

They then prepare boron artillery shells against Godzilla, and Gamera comes back for a second round. Between the artillary shells and Gamera, Godzilla begins to weaken, while the troopers infiltrate the terrorist base. In a tired frenzy, Godzilla almost drunkenly smashes his way through said base, killing the antagonists inside and burying the tablet for good. Godzilla then peacefully goes back to the ocean, and Gamera triumphantly flies into the heavens.

The entire point of this is to combine the best tones and plot points of both the Gamera and Godzilla tones from the Showa era; my personal favorite Showa Gamera movies are Gamera vs. Barugon and Gamera vs. Jiger, and as for the Showa Godzilla, I like most of the Showa series in general (with some exceptions). Like Godzilla, the main protagonists would be everymen. Like Gamera, there would be a lot of emphasis on using the monster's biology as a means of defeating the monster.

Ultraman: The Vengeance of Mechagodzilla

This is basically a remake of Terror of Mechagodzilla, so I had to approach it carefully, because Terror of Mechagodzilla is one of those Godzilla movies that is actually kinda good.

Common complaints about ToMG are that the protagonists besides Ichinose and Katsura might as well have been more interesting Ultraman protagonists, and that Mechagodzilla, for all of its upgrades, didn't do as much as it should, especially given that it took two kaiju and a lot of human fighting to stop the last one and that Godzilla was kind of NERF'd even by 1970s standards. So basically, other than Ichinose and Katsura, a lot of the protagonists have been replaced with Ultraman protagonists, especially considering that most sources state that Ultraman took place around 1975 (except for Jamila's funeral plaque that implied he died around 1993, but that was probably a fluke).

The Interpol agent, Jiro Murokoshi is now Shin Hayata.

Interpol Chief Tagawa is now the Science Patrol Captain Toshio Muramatsu.

The Ocean Exploitation Institute engineer, Yuuichi Wakayama, is now the Science Patrol engineer Mitsuhiro Ide.

For the finale, what happens is that shortly after Godzilla pounces on Titanosaurus, Ultraman arrives to fight Mechagodzilla, explaining why Mechagodzilla wasn't fighting Godzilla for most of the first phase of the conflict (and also like a good switch, because at this point, Godzilla was often fighting enemies technically more powerful than himself whom he defeated through help and sheer willpower, while Ultraman often fought enemies like Titanosaurus, often reptilian monsters with simple powers and tragic origins whom were usually less powerful than himself, but he only had three minutes to fight and finish the job quickly). Ultraman's three minutes go up before he can even finish off Mechagodzilla, but Ultraman proves to be a far more formidable opponent than anything Mechagodzilla ever fought before, and thus Mechagodzilla is left in a weakened state. Thus Shin Hayata is able to quickly arrive at the Black Hole Alien base and rescue Ichinose. Godzilla recovers from being buried alive and is able to tackle Mechagodzilla just like he did in the movie.

Comments ( 7 )

Gamera vs. Godzilla


Ultraman: The Vengeance of Mechagodzilla


This is most fascinating! I'll be keeping an eye on these!

4304484 He actually has the first novel already on Fan fiction .net

Never thought that you were a Goji fan. Awesome. :twilightsmile:

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