• Member Since 28th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 3rd, 2018

Cloudy Skies

Cloudy writes stories. Cloudy likes it when ponies like each other maybe a little too much and sometimes end up in love. Cloudy writes stories about these things, often.

  • TTaken for Granite
    Ask Applejack, and she'll tell you Pinkie Pie can be a few apples short of a bushel. They've always been good friends, but what could they possibly have in common? Turns out there is an answer to that question.
    Cloudy Skies · 61k words  ·  843  15 · 10k views

More Blog Posts57

  • 327 weeks
    Longpost: What's Next? Also, To Perytonia Resources, Art, Thoughts

    To Perytonia ate a year and change of my life. Dramatic? Yes, dears, I am dramatic, and thank you for finally realising. I’d even add “and I wouldn’t have it any other way” because that's certainly true. However, instead of revelling in its completion and trying to drive hype, I've partially disappeared, so clearly it's complicated.

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    13 comments · 2,862 views
  • 330 weeks
    To Perytonia Completed

    The longest story I've written to date, To Perytonia, is complete.

    If you've been waiting for it to finish, and if you're in the mood for a grand, dramatic adventure to foreign shores, I invite you to give it a read. Bring plenty of food and drink, pack a blanket, and ask a friend or two to come with you. It's a doozy.

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    17 comments · 866 views
  • 337 weeks
    Today and the Future

    This post features no spoilers of any kind.

    Everyone’s talking about S8 and movies and who knows what else. Goodness, I’ve not even watched S7 yet!

    And you know what, dear reader? I don’t think I ever will.

    This is not a protest against anything, I’m just observing a fact. At this moment I do not know that I will ever engage with the newer content.

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    28 comments · 1,347 views
  • 342 weeks
    Pony Fan Fiction and Positivity

    Alternate titles: “The post wherein Cloudy justifies their tastes”, “let’s talk about positivity”, or “I’m not just gonna bash on sadfic, I promise!”

    (There are some words about To Perytonia at the end, hence the tag.)

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    26 comments · 1,066 views
  • 346 weeks
    RariJack? RariJack.

    Shortfic is an art. An art I've never mastered.

    I understand that my latest story, To Perytonia, may be daunting to some/many/most because of its sheer length. Some are waiting for it to finish, some are simply put off by the prospect of a fic that, if printed, could be used as a coffee table.

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Sounds for your Ear-Holes, Words on Words · 5:31pm Nov 15th, 2016

In my absence, things have happened that I would love to highlight. I also have some news on writing, in the interest of not being declared dead again.

First, Thyrai created a song inspired by a line from one of my stories! This is amazing for multiple reasons. He was my favourite musician even before this. I was actually really sad and a little jealous that he'd made songs based on other stories. When I got "back", I saw he'd made a song based on Taken for Granite long ago. I was super excited and really miffed I hadn't noticed. Why didn't you tell me, Thyrai? This is amazing! (Okay, maybe the fault is mine. I followed Thyrai and still do, but I did not keep up with anything during that time).

This is pretty much my favourite thing in the universe. The song has this almost melancholy undertone that plays wonderfully with the upbeat part, and the combination is uplifting as a whole. It's almost like, I don't know, there's a fic that fits that description. Jeez, Thyrai. A lot of care must've gone into this one. Iloveyou.

Second, there is hope for those of you who found Lost and Found too big to fit in your mouth all at once. You can now employ your ears instead! Thornquill of Thornquill Audiofics did a reading of it, and I respect the heck out of the work and dedication it takes to pull off something like that. You can listen to it here!.

He does voices and everything, and they're not over the top. I haven't listened to a lot of fanfic readings, but I have listened to a few audiobooks, and this one is solid. I am floored by the quality, and would recommend it in a heartbeat.

Third, the very same Thornquill and Oh Babble Scribbler did a podcast episode discussing that very same fic a while ago. They talked about Lost and Found for half an hour! The podcast is really "about" Thornquill's process of creating the longfic reading of Lost and Found, but also discusses the fic. I don't remember all they said, but if you're into audiofics, and if you want some different perspectives on LaF, go for it!

Fourth? Fic time!

In the interest of conserving time, let's pretend I wrote a paragraph here on how I try not to say much on my writing progress for my own sanity. While we're being efficient, let's also pretend I followed it up with another paragraph on how I try not to make promises because those end poorly for everyone, my stress levels in particular.


I think we need to add one more paragraph here. I'd explain how all these words on avoiding promises and such creates in me a fear that I sound pretentious. It'd be a long paragraph including that, yes, I enjoy writing, and no, I'm not fishing for reassurances (seriously, don't). Mostly I'd suggest that trying to create expectations of results is, to me, strange, accepting that it's probably just me.

That's what I'd write. It would be a very long blog post that left the reader bored and myself back where I started. Sure am glad I resisted the urge to write any of that!

All I really wanted to say is that I'm writing fic again, for certain. Get your travelling boots and stretch your wings, because we're heading far afield. This may not look like a big announcement, but to me, it is huge. I'm writing quickly, and the story is in that comfortable spot where it's neither too solid to change nor too vague to escape.

I will likely try to finish the story before I start posting it. Even if I don't, you know me. Or if you don't: I don't do unfinished stories. If chapter 1 makes it to FiMF, you get the whole story, and this... this is going to be long.

I don't know where to go from here with blogposts. Maybe I'll post vague comments about progress. Maybe I'll just talk about other stuff. I have a couple of fic-related topics I'd love to broach. Before, I'd ideally do neither, but things are different now. In a good way, probably.

Finally: If I missed any art related to my fic in this three year absence, please let me know. I makes me really happy to be able to share those things!

Comments ( 29 )

All I really wanted to say is that I'm writing fic again, for certain.

That's terrific news! :raritystarry:

Get your travelling boots and stretch your wings, because we're heading far afield.

An adventure story perhaps? :pinkiegasp:

I look forward to reading anything new you wish to post. It has been far too long since I have had a good read. Wait, I have to walk? Couldn't I just rest in the cart till we get there?

A new story! Yes! Man the torpedoes, we're going ship-hunting!

(Trying hard to keep reassurances and motivational speeches bottled up. But Cloudy Skies is gonna write, and best horse words will be had! Also blog posts! Possibly some hints on the incoming story? Or at least the pairing?)

A new story? I will look forward to it. Perhaps it will involve a lot of Pinkie...

Author Interviewer

Hey, you totally saw the blog where I read L&F and came away extremely angry, right? V:

Heh, always funny the things we do not notice. But, it is easy to miss when you aren't really paying attention, and you've been away so long that it's no wonder you missed people's mentions of your work. I look forward to seeing what you come up with and let me know if you need someone to look over it or bounce ideas off of.

Cloudy is writing again? I can only approve!

I hope you enjoy the process, Cloudy!

4303825 4303535 I still can't decide if I want to give any hints at all. Teasing is fun, creating expectations is not!

4304205 I did, and I won't lie and say it didn't make me sad. That's my problem, not yours, twice as much because I don't disagree with everything you said. It's hardly a unique concept, though. It's understandable for me to be sad when something I spent a lot of time on doesn't go over well with someone whose opinion I care about.

I, um. I don't know what more to add. I'm sorry.

4304323 Shall keep that in mind, and thank you for the offer!

4304391 So do I, truly. I expect a bumpy road.

4304635 Yes, teases and hints would be a very good idea. You know, for... uh, promotional purposes. Maybe a hint on whether the main pairing will be among the mane six. Or any side pairings/side characters you plan to introduce. Also, will the relationship form at the end, or will there be already-formed-couple fluff? Will someone kick flank and take names?! So many questions!

4304205 This seems kind of a rude moment to bring this up. Not that I could really imagine reminding someone after ages you didn't like something they did really having an appropriate time, but when someone is still just getting back?

4304635 Fair enough. Your name and reputation probably create enough expectations as it is.


If I had money, I would demand that you shut up and take it. It's been way, way too long since I've read a good, old-school pony adventure fic.

Author Interviewer

Apology accepted. :B

There is no way that I could consider occasional blog posts indicating your continued presence to be a bad thing! :raritywink:

Glad to hear it :)

Honestly, it seems less stories are being posted these days. The time where every day brought updates for tracked stories is long since gone for me. Stories finish, and there are less and less stories I feel like tracking to replace them. So every one is very much welcome indeed.

Have i mentioned how much I would like to read some season 1 twilight and pinkie interaction?

(also have I mentioned that i'd like to do cover art for your stories? :D)


This alone is reason to check this site on a regular basis.

This has been my experience as well. :raritydespair:

Cloudy Skies is writing fic again :pinkiegasp: Awesome! I'm really glad to hear it. Your stories have always been some of my favourites :twilightsmile: Good to have you back.

That's so cool that someone made a Taken for Granite song! Will check that out now. And I've been debating an audio book for a while, so this is well-timed - I'll be listening to Lost and Found in the evenings for the next few months :pinkiehappy:

My eyes are ready to read your words.

Cloudy Skies!!

It is truly a pleasure to see that you've come back and are working on stuff again! I'm one of those people who remember you and your works fondly and have hoped you'd feel the desire to come back.

Finding out that you are writing again is one of the best things I've heard in a while- your stories have always made me smile, so it's very nice to hear you're feeling like working on something again.

Welcome back! :D

P.S. Honest, I'm just sitting here smiling- not because I have any sort of huge expectations, but because it's just good to know you felt like coming back. :yay:

4304640 Promotions and such are exactly what I'm trying to avoid though! I genuinely can't decide what I'd want to say or not, but at the same time, saying that there is stuff that I'm not saying is also bad, because now it sounds like there are all these secrets that I refuse to divulge that are worth knowing—

This is terrible.

As to the other stuff, please don't worry. I appreciate the sentiment, and your words come from a good place, but I know PP. People shouldn't (and don't!) have to defend me in arenas where I can do it myself. In this case, of course, it's a complete non-issue and writing even a tiny paragraph on it is technically blowing it out of proportion, but I did want to say thanks at least!

4304720 You say that like it's a good thing. Or, actually, I don't know that you even are, but to be clear, I've considered making a new account. I've made far too many friendships, acquaintanceships and "hey, I recognise that name"-ships here to manage leaving it behind.

4304745 Well, if nothing else, you'll get your wish. Whether it holds up to today's standards is a different question. Bridge, come to, cross.

Except, you know, the bridge crossing is comparatively easy, and the road to the bridge is hella long, but I love the road, and dislike the bridge. Or... something.

4303561 Here, have the sole spoiler I'm comfortable giving about the fic: There is a cart in the story. You are clearly prescient!

4304059 If this story doesn't, my next one will! In my defence? I've written so much Pinkie Pie.

4304180 No! Bad! Dial back. Let's go back to curiosity. We can do attention later. No expectations allowed!

4304817 You say that, but when my "CLOUDY REACTS: 10 THINGS YOU DIDNT THINK COULD BE LISTED ABOUT THIS TRICK TO MAKING A PERFECT PANCAKE" post goes live, you'll fondly reminisce of days when posts were few and far between.

4305014 I've spent too much time trying to digest similar thoughts lately, discussing what's changed or changing. People themselves changing vs the "fandom" changing, tastes changing vs tendencies, story quality and authors coming and going, it's enough to make a pony mad.

My contribution to this debate will be to ignore everything. I'm going to finish this story. Then write another one, hopefully. When that's done, I'm going to hope you enjoy it, and that's that.

4305470 Well, as I've said in a comment above—and without trying to be too cryptic here—you'll likely get your wish in a story, though it may not be this one. Less thinking, less anticipating, damnit!

I actually kind of regret saying anything. Not saying this in response to you in particular, but I wonder if it'd be easier if I just published a story when it is done instead.

As far as art goes: I am really flattered by the offer! I expect it'll take me another week or two before I decide on what I want for cover art (symbolism? characters?), and at that point, I also need to start thinking about whether I want to do the art myself, or ask someone of generous spirit such as yourself. I won't forget that you've offered, regardless!

4305879 We all have our reasons! Personally, I check FiMF waiting for Donny's Boy to come back and write short, non-sad fic again.
(I appreciate the enthusiasm though!)

4306580 Aw, hi again, and thank you! You really should check the song out. Thyrai's tunes are right down my alley, and it was a complete and utter treat for me. If you do listen to the LaF audiobook in full, let me know if you like it and recommend it! I've only given it a small poke to sample the quality, though I think I listened to a chapter way back when.

4310942 And my hooves are on fire writing them! Just, uh. It ain't going to be very soon, since we're looking at something quite long, but I appreciate it nevertheless! Now chant after me:
I will build no expectations of this fic.
I will build no expectations of this fic.
I will build no expectations of this fic.

4311197 Featherprop lives! Yay! Hi! I'm thrilled to hear from you again! If you end up reading whatever I churn out next, I'll be even happier, of course, but mostly, I'm really happy you're still around in some capacity. How have you been?

4312165 Well, I actually just tried stating it like it is. There's a good and a bad side to it. From what I believe to know about you, I can certainly see you forgoing the good to rid yourself of the bad, but I'm glad you won't. It would be a form of deception: the people who subscribed to you did not check a box that said "only notify me of things that live up to my expectations", and to circumvent their interest in your writing to rid yourself of the pressure this interest makes you put on yourself would be somewhat disrespectful, as it'd punish them for what is not their fault.

Eh, seems a bit of a grim reply to a comment in which you said you weren't doing this. I'll include a Pinkie to make it more cheerful! :pinkiesmile:


I check FiMF waiting for Donny's Boy to come back and write short, non-sad fic again.

Oh yeah, about that! When I gave him your regards he said that he had actually already heard from someone else that you were back.

He said that "its super sweet that he remembers me :)", and said to give you his well-wishes! He then proceeded to reblog this:
picture of pinkie and celestia

if that gives you any insight into his state of mind!


It is true you have written a lot of Pinkie but to my defense you do it so well!

4312189 I have been... busy. :) I had a period where I helped with some editing and prereading, got motivated enough to write a bit, but once I got a beginning story out, I sort of fizzled on writing a sequel. I've worked at a few conventions and had a great time, and... well, like yourself, been ambivalent about some stuff in the show. But I've been trying to find and hold onto what I can enjoy about it. Work has kept me busier (and probably more in need of fun writings!) this past year or so, and I've had a harder time focusing.

But what about you? Has life been treating you okay?

4312283 Eh, grim schmim. Right now, all I want from any "reputation" I may or may not have left, is that people don't chew my head off for writing something that features unicorn Twilight. People in these blog posts are understanding and even positive wrt. that, but I don't expect the general public will be quite so kind.

4312307 Aw! I'm really glad to hear of this. I suppose I will have to settle for this, accepting that I cannot in fact command people to return and start writing the stories I want them to write. Ugh, being reasonable is no fun. If that picture was in fact a hint that he still remembers Twice as Bright, then that tickles me pink, and I'm happy to be so presumptuous and vain for now.

Please stay excellent, Donny, and I doubt you know how to stop being just that.

4312540 Hey, I'll take it, and thanks! I'm not at all done with Pinkie, not by a long shot, but I think I'll need a lot of rest before I write another Ponyville ship fic with Pinkie + one other pony, at least.

4312684 Aw, well, I'm glad, then sorry, then glad again to hear of this. If you've been playing about in the convention scene, then I am thrilled! I'd be envious and cite my inability to attend conventions from my little corner at the ceiling of the world, but I don't know that I could handle so many people myself, but I understand that those who attend are having a good time.

But hey, even if your writing is on a bit of a pause, you're still reading and having fun? I hope so, and hope again that you'll feel like giving my next story a shot if you so desire!

As far as me and my stuff goes, well, hm. I've leaked piece of the truth in these past three blog posts, and the summary is that I've not been well at all, and that I don't know that I'm doing better, but I'm acting like I am. I trust that makes some sense. Life itself has done me no harm, and the world at large is being wonderful and excellent, though, and there's no shortage of brilliant people in my life. That helps!

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