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Queen of Fools

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Attack of the Remakes · 8:30pm Nov 15th, 2016

Since everyone loves complaining about remakes, reboots and re imaginings, I wanted to take a little poll. So here's a list of movies and their remakes, reboots, and re imaginings. pick one. My answer will be in the comments.

Judge Dredd vs Dredd

Friday the 13th (1980) vs Friday the 13th (2009)

Nightmare/Elm Street (1984) vs Nightmare/Elm Street (2010)

Superman (1979) vs Man of Steel

Batman vs The Dark Knight

The Hobbit (animated) vs The Hobbit (trilogy)

King Kong (1933) vs King Kong (2005)

Godzilla (1954) vs Godzilla (2014)

Clash of the Titans (1981) vs Clash of the Titans (2010)

Karate Kid (1884) vs Karate Kid (2010)

Freaky Friday (1976) vs Freaky Friday (2003)

Sam Raimi's Spider-Man vs The Amazing Spider-Man

The Evil Dead (1981) vs Evil Dead (2013)

Universal's Dracula vs Bram Stoker's Dracula

The Hulk vs The Incredible Hulk

Peter Pan (1953) vs Peter Pan (2003)

Willy Wonka/Chocolate Factory vs Charlie/Chocolate Factory

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Comments ( 98 )

Dredd, but neither are really my kind of movies.

Friday the 13th (2009).

Nightmare/Elm Street (1984), although I don't really care for the franchise.

Superman (1979), but unlike most people, I actually do kind of like Man of Steel.

Batman, although I didn't really care for either. The best Batman movie was Mask of the Phantasm.

Hobbit. Honestly, I love the story so much, and both adaptations were SO different in what they were trying to accomplish, that it just doesn't feel right directly comparing them.

King Kong (2005).

Godzilla (1954).

Clash of the Titans (2010), although both films were pretty bland and forgettable.

Karate Kid (1884).

I didn't care for either Freaky Friday.

Sam Raimi's Spider-Man. The reboot movies were shit.

The Evil Dead (1981). Although I do like the sequels, Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness more. Side note: When are we getting a Jason vs Ash movie?

Bram Stoker's Dracula, although both are pretty good.

I don't like any version of the Hulk.

Peter Pan (1953). I have yet to see the latest remake, Pan, but I heard it was shit.

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Damn movie never fails in making me hungry.

Calling bullshit, Godzilla 2014 was probably the most powerful and well made godzilla yet

I never include superhero movies in my mind (if someone else does that's fine, I just don't) when I think about remakes vs. originals because the very nature of the superhero storytelling medium after decades is to keep rebooting the universes these characters are in and find new stories to tell about them. Character traits are more important than actual storylines when it comes to superheroes, so while I'll certainly compare superhero movies, I don't do so in a "reboot vs. original" sense because it'll only be a matter of time before there's another reboot of the current rebooted movie universe, same with the comics and television shows.

Anyways to answer your question with ones I can compare... crap the only one I can compare that's not a superhero film is the Willy Wonka one (sorry, haven't seen a bunch of the original or remake versions listed here). Obviously I like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory more. While we're on the subject of reboots, can we all agree that the current worst fad of reboots is Disney and its live action remakes (sorry Squirrel, I know we've talked about them a bunch already)? I finally realized what they are the other day (after seeing some episodes of South Park this season as well as the newest Beauty and the Beast trailer): they're the ultimate Member Berries! I mean it, seriously, but they're the absolute laziest kind. Disney is literally saying to audiences, "Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, 'Member Sleeping Beauty, 'member Cinderella, 'member Jungle Book, 'member Beauty and the Beast! Well here's almost the exact same thing, except live action and with some shallow changes to make it so-called more "modern"! Now you can TRULY share in an original viewing experience of this thing you love with your kids!!!"

Now the reason I still think these are worse than, say, some of the ones you listed is that with those reboots, Hollywood's a little more honest about them being cash cows with little to no reason to reboot them other than it's a property that's made them money in the past. Still has the potential to be dumb or bad in most cases, but at least there's a cynical honesty to it. Disney has the gall to act like these reboots they're making are totally necessary, if not improving the originals in some sense. They also ignore the fact that there are things that do not translate well from an animated medium with some of their films to live action; to name a few in the latest Beauty and the Beast trailer alone, (1) the CGI servants look kind of terrifying (and why wouldn't they? There probably was never a good way to transform cartoonish animated talking objects into something that looks like it's supposed to actually exist in the real world), (2) Gaston's hair looks more ridiculous here than it did in the animated film, somehow, and (3) the whole thing somehow feels more staged, in a forced sense, than the animated film did, probably because it's far easier to accept an animated, fairy tale setting in animated films than it is in a live action setting.


You have your right to be wrong. Even if you don't like the original, 2016 gave us Shin Godzilla, an objectively better movie in literally every way.


And even then, both the original Godzilla and Shin Godzilla are better movies than either of our american remakes.

And just to be clear, I am talking about the original 1954 Gojira movie, not the bastardized 1956 King of Monsters bullshit we got in America.

Sorry, my "rant-mode" was on. :twilightoops: Here, duck ponies to make up for it...


Karate Kid (1884)!
Yes, set with Japanese oppression of the Ryukyu islands.

Actually, you know what was surprisingly good? Karate Kid II. The one where Daniel goes to Okinawa. At least, I kinda liked it - the original was boring. It felt more dramatic.

The Charlton Heston Ten Commandments is a remake, it's way better.

True Grit remake was pretty amazing. War of the Worlds remake was - less boring, but it still sucked. Did you know John Carpenter's The Thing is a remake? Way better. Scarface with Al Pacino is also a remake, better. Little Shop of Horrors with Rick Moranis, better. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid with Robert Redford. 3:10 to Yuma with Russell Crowe. Casino Royale with Daniel Craig.

That's only the ones that I've seen :D

4303701 ok...? You have the right to be wrong too, they actually went a step further and made a real monster rather than just a guy in an outfit. That 2014 godzilla was the best, plain and simple.


You have the right to be wrong too

Except I'm not.

they actually went a step further and made a real monster rather than just a guy in an outfit.

Yes, lets DEFINITELY focus on the pretty CGI.

And not ANYTHING else that makes a movie good or bad.

"But Squirrel!' you may be saying, "I have the right to have my opinions!"

Yes you do. But that does not automatically make your opinions correct. And I have never been the type of woman to care about other people's opinions UNLESS those opinions have actual merit to them.

4303744 that doesn't mean your right. Unless you're a girl who thinks because you have a vagina, every one will agree with you even when you sound stupid or dead wrong. In that case my words of wisdom are wasted with you.

And hating American things? Typical spoiled brat liberal.

4303685 plus have you seen cgi in just Japan movies. It's horrid. At least America knows how to do it right

4303762 Yeah, that's incorrect. Opinions cannot be proven right or wrong.

2016 Ghostbusters
>drops mic<

4303766 thank you for the input, that is too true

4303768 People can disagree on all sorts of things. Doesn't mean the other opinion is wrong, just that the brain processes things differently.

4303773 Of course, I am not taking a side in this Comment War. I am only stating the definition of an opinion.

4303779 yeah I know. Then there's people with the im better than you attitude that think they're special and always right. I would know, I live with one of those people


Unless you're a girl who thinks because you have a vagina, every one will agree with you even when you sound stupid or dead wrong.

1) I don't have a vagina.

2) My gender has nothing to do with you being wrong.

3) Also, ye be mighty salty there.

And hating American things? Typical spoiled brat liberal.

How does me being pro choice and pro LGBT mean that it would be typical for me to hate American things? And when has being Liberal been considered an insult? And why am I required to love everything American?

And I'll have you know that I am not a spoiled brat.


What is it with you and thinking your opinions are objective?

Because I take the facts into consideration when formulating my opinion. I am able to take an objective look at any given thing and judge it's quality. I put effort into my opinions. And when I see proof that my opinion is wrong, I change it accordingly.

Like how according to you I'm "objectively wrong" that Season 1 is the best.

You are objectively wrong in that regard. Literally every season after Season 1 is better in every way.

Opinions cannot be proven right or wrong.

K den.

It is my opinion that the moon is red and the sun is green.
It is my opinion that grass is more deadly than a nuke.
It is my opinion that gay people are evil.
It is my opinion that Trump will be a great President.
It is my opinion that the universe is a marshmallow.

Wanna rethink your stance on opinions? Because unlike what the idiots of the world seem to think, all opinions are NOT equal. And just like how some people are just better than others, some opinions are just better than others.


Then there's people with the im better than you attitude

Considering that you've shown yourself to be unintelligent so far, I do indeed think I'm better than you.

4304386 lol. Took you long enough to think all that through. I can call bull shit on your gender, even if you're not a girl, then that means your name is misleading and makes you untrustworthy. After acting like you're right? You had already lost this because you're never truly right about something based on opinion

4304386 and no you are not better, if anything you're worst if you think your opinions are right and you think you're better than others. That's basically you being a self righteous piece of shit. Also if I'm intelligent, why did it take you all day to come up with those insults for three guys who basically roasted you.

Judge Dredd vs Dredd


Took you long enough to think all that through.

My connection to the internet has been sporadic lately.

I can call bull shit on your gender, even if you're not a girl, then that means your name is misleading and makes you untrustworthy.

Actually, I am a woman.

After acting like you're right? You had already lost this because you're never truly right about something based on opinion

It's not my opinion that Godzilla 1954 is a better movie than Godzilla 2014. It's a fact.

and no you are not better

Yes I am.

So far, the only thing I can be accused of so far is extreme overconfidence.

You on the other hand, have insulted me based on my supposed gender (twice), my political beliefs, and what you perceived to be my income level. Plus, you insulted my intelligence before I ever insulted yours.

if anything you're worst if you think your

Worse, not Worst. Unless you meant to say that, "If anything, you're the worst," in which case, you still left out the The.

Also if I'm intelligent,

I think you meant, "Also, if I'm unintelligent." The way you typed it implies that I had originally accused you of being intelligent.

why did it take you all day to come up with those insults for three guys who basically roasted you.

My aforementioned sporatic connection to the Internet.

That's an odd thing for you to harp over.


Judge Dredd vs Dredd

I already did that one. I prefer Dredd, because the smaller scale story worked better for me. Plus, I liked that Dredd better than Stallone's Dredd. Although neither are really my types of movies. And it's actually been a while since I watched either, so my views might be compromised.


Says the guy who calls MLP a meme because he's bitchy about the pony porn.


BTW, I forgot to tag you in my earlier response.

4304765 ok you're already in a hole, because you just said you don't have a vagina but are saying you're a woman. So you officially make no sense, everything you say is garbage. And no, you're not right. And you're not going to be very successful in life if you keep thinking you're always right and you're better than others. You're just going to be a sad little whatever you are that no one truly likes

4304765 and in case you didn't realize it, castaways right, no one is really taking you seriously. You don't reason with garbage. You take it out


ok you're already in a hole, because you just said you don't have a vagina but are saying you're a woman. So you officially make no sense, everything you say is garbage.

I'm transgender. I understand your confusion, but it would have been better nfor you to ask for clarification instead of assuming that "everything I say is garbage."

And no, you're not right.

Yes I am. Godzilla 1954 is a better movie than Godzilla 2014.

And you're not going to be very successful in life if you keep thinking you're always right and you're better than others. You're just going to be a sad little whatever you are that no one truly likes

Well, I'm married to the woman I love, I have a nice home, I enjoy my work, I have several close friends, and I have two wonderful dogs. I'd say that I'm doing alright.

You don't reason with garbage. You take it out

Salty much?


It's more the attitude behind your opinion.


Not really. From what little I just now read about what Tone Fallacy actually is, it's when an argument is dismissed or accepted based on it's presentation. I just disagree that Season 1 was the best, and I disagree that FiM is a meme. And it's your reasoning behind your second opinion that prevents me from taking you seriously. Namely, "MLP is a meme because I hate that there's so much pony porn."

If I've misunderstood you, then please explain.


If you say so. Season 1 is still the worst season.

And I'm not your sweetheart, so please don't refer to me by that term again.

What is your deal with pony porn anyway? At first, I thought you were just a prude, but then I saw you in Clopfics, so then I thought you were just a troll.

4304791 lol yeah right. Ignorance really is bliss for you

4304797 just cause you say something doesn't mean you're right you're two times the ignorant girl/boy whatever! You can't use transgender to get yourself out of this hole.


I don't understand this response.

4304815 of course you don't, because you're not as smart as you make yourself out to be. I'm saying you're probably lying about all that crap, and using the transgender thing to look cool and unique ain't helping your case. And ignorance is bliss? Yeah you kind of displayed it just now


You can't use transgender to get yourself out of this hole.

I'm not trying to do so. You're the one who's brought up gender three times already. And I don't understand why.

just cause you say something doesn't mean you're right you're two times the ignorant girl/boy whatever!

I'm actually not ignorant. Especially when it comes to movies I like.

And just to clear up any confusion, I am a woman.

4304812 and bull shit season 1 is the worse, if anything it was probably one of the best seasons. It's the season that started it all, and it truly marked love and tolerance as an important part of the show. But I forget you don't know how to love and tolerate

4304824 then why did you just say you don't have a vagina?:ajsmug:

And yes you are ignorant, you think you're opinion is right and other peoples opinion is wrong. That is pure ignorance


I'm saying you're probably lying about all that crap, and using the transgender thing to look cool and unique ain't helping your case.

I assure you, I'm not lying. And since when has being transgender been considered cool?

And ignorance is bliss? Yeah you kind of displayed it just now

Not really. It's just that your Ignorance Is Bliss comment was so vaugue that it could have meant anything.

4304830 if you really don't get that, then you may need an adult with you to explain it because you're lack of intelligence certainly just settles this little debate of ours:rainbowlaugh:


and bull shit season 1 is the worse, if anything it was probably one of the best seasons.

OK, why is it the "best season"?

It's the season that started it all

Just because it's the first doesn't mean that it's the best.

and it truly marked love and tolerance as an important part of the show.

EVERY season has done that.

But I forget you don't know how to love and tolerate

I'm tolerating YOU, aren't I?

then why did you just say you don't have a vagina?:ajsmug:

Do you not know what transgender means? I identify as a woman, but I was born with a penis.

And yes you are ignorant, you think you're opinion is right and other peoples opinion is wrong. That is pure ignorance

That's not actually what Ignorance means.


There you go again passing off your opinions as fact. Who's the prude here?

That's not what being prude means.


if you really don't get that, then you may need an adult with you to explain it because you're lack of intelligence certainly just settles this little debate of ours:rainbowlaugh:

1) We haven't actually debated at all during this discussion.

2) I think the reply have gotten mixed up due to you sending multiple replys before I have a chance to respond to them all. You said Ignorance is bliss, and I expressed my confusion at that statement. And then you seemed to take this as proof of my level of intelligence.

3) I am an adult. And I've acted more like one than you have.

I'm going to lunch. I won't be take until later.

4304857 I will be take later? You mean "back" you illiterate dumbass?

And I didn't say it was the best, I said it was one of the best, strike two.

And we were debating that's what your blog basically is, a big debate based on opinions and you think you're just right, but you're not. It's your opinion, plain and simple.

4304857 I honestly don't understand why you're still talking, you've been roasted, not taken seriously, and proven to be an ignorant and self righteous person. You got no room to talk

But haven't you been acting ignorant and self righteous? Maybe narrow-minded is the better term, actually.

4304892 no I'm just telling her off for being ignorant and self righteous. I don't even care about popularity, the fandom or what it gives me. I'm about giving back to people and giving back to the show itself. I live with a person like squirrel here and it drives me crazy every day.

Maybe I'm missing it, but none of her responses seem all that ignorant. Strong-willed maybe, but that's not a bad thing.

I live with a person like squirrel here and it drives me crazy every day.

So this is less about her and more about your personal life? You don't think that that's a bit of misguided frustration?

4304953 no, I'm just sick of people like this. And it IS bad if you think you're right and every one else is wrong, you clearly haven't been paying attention

4304953 and stop copying peoples words down like you're trying to break it down for them it makes you sound like an uptight know it all. And trying to make people stupid and that's just rude!

I apologize if I upset you, that was not my intention. I was simply trying to point out that you may have things outside the conversation influencing you.

I never said that Squirrel was right or wrong in her beliefs, nor have I said the same of you. But i will point out that you both steadfastly believe the other is wrong. On certain topics such as gender, I'm more inclined to agree with Squirrel. I don't think it's as black and white as it used to be, something that others would argue against me for. I respect your right to argue that I'm wrong, but if I am honest i will consider you narrow-minded for it.

Regarding the original topic, I'd have to agree with Squirrel. I think that there are better Godzilla movies than the 2014 version. While it may have been better than some of the previous incarnations, and had better visuals, I felt the story was a bit weak overall.

When it comes to the MLP, I'll say that season one had some strong messages and I like that they were blunt about it. That being said if say season five is the best one because it wasn't afraid to take subjects like group mentality and death, albeit in a kid friendly manner.

4305033 ugh, my words are wasted here. No one wants to listen and they just wanna take sides with complete douche bags rather than go with what's right.

4305033 just save it, your apology means nothing if it's just you getting away with agreeing with a piece of shit like squirrel and conforming to douche baggerie.!

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